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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Andrew Cuomo should be president.
  2. I think what happened is, you had some who hoarded toilet paper and once it hit the news, everyone else did just because they thought they'd miss out. Supply chain is fine. Is it a cultural thing? I recall a boxing day sale where they had toilet paper on sale and I was there for opening and it was 95% a specific ethnicity that literally rioted towards the toilet paper and went nuts. I suppose if that culture generally houses multiple generations in a home, their TP needs are higher than most!
  3. Perhaps the one benefit might be thanks c level gigs goinf into smaller venues, maybe for multiple nights, that would otherwise not get the business. smaller concerts could go to Burt for three nights instead of the arena for example. or maybe some touring acts combine for a stadium show. But the logistics are such that it likely wipes out a ton of events til next year.
  4. The problem is going to be, even if governments reduce restrictions to allow people a sense of normalcy, a sports league is really screwed if they go back and suddenly have a handful of cases. I suspect they will test every player and every person involved...perhaps start with empty arenas too. At some point a decision will have to be made to allow large crowds knowing there will be some community spread but feeling it wont get out of hand. Otherwise, its locked down til there is a widespread vaccine and we're talking 2021 for any events with an audience.
  5. Roman Reigns is off WrestleMania. Asked to be pulled over coronavirus concerns. He has a weakened immune system due to leukemia. They're supposed to be filming WM this week but the word is many matches have changed and several wrestlers are either sick (and taking precautions) or self isolating due to exposure concerns. The rumour is Braun will face Goldberg now. Which is...meh. Firstly, just postpone Wrestlemania. Secondly, if you have to do it, just keep the belt on Goldberg. With the house shows cancelled, there's nothing wrong with Goldberg as champion since he cant appear regularly anyway. And if you want a "Wrestlemania moment", have Riddle as a surprise opponent...or have Riddle win the spot on Night One to hype Night Two and then beat Goldberg for the belt. Instant star. It would pop a number for RAW & SD too...and NXT actually...for a week at least.
  6. His mom was a fan of Castro too, no? wink wink
  7. According to the story, you'll still get the quality you pay for. ie. Ill still get 4k just at reduced bandwidth. Perhaps a techie can explain it...lol Its interesting because it shows you that as an advanced nation, in the time of crises we still have to take steps to preserve communications. I work for a telecom that quickly instructed staff not to use 800 numbers and restricted the amount of people that could take part in a conference call because of the demands on the 800 system. Fascinating.
  8. Saw the finale. It was really good. Plenty of spoiler material so whats the timeframe before we can discuss lol
  9. The crazies who think it’s all some brand conspiracy to build 5G towers or whatever it is this week, will never see reality. They’re confirmation bias to death. And if it’s not as bad as it could be they will say see told ya. anyway
  10. I think they’re just trying to reinvent the wheel. For a bunch of experienced tv and film people they don’t understand their own premise. Look at DS9. And look at Sopranos. Heck even TWD has individual episodes. Both Picard and Disco have had pacing issues. Disco even had to have extra episodes tacked on because they couldn’t finish their story in the allotted time.
  11. Trump has made America number 1!
  12. Wab is about as qualified for public office as I am. And I never tried to kill anyone or beat up a cabbie.
  13. Good for them for drawing even that. Edit. Good for both.
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