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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. As competitive as Ovi vs Crosby is (at least the hype) its really something to see how hard Crosby works and how little Ovi is inspired to rise to his level.
  2. The ownership group in Atlanta should lobby for this. They'd get a team a lot quicker (by emergency, desperate relocation) than waiting for the NHL to give them one. haha
  3. @Atomic thats fair. I mean, I know people with degrees making less than me and some without making more. Some with definitely found it gave them a leg up and make more. What I do now was not my dream job. What I wanted to do required a degree. And actually my fall back plan was Police work and I nearly went to RCMP. Im not sure where I got de-railed...lol Time passed by and then a couple of incidents working in a nightclub would have made it more difficult. But Im happy where I am (my dad worked here too, for 30 years). Good vacation, good benefits, good pension. Not my dream though. And even though I think Im old, I considered going to school a couple of years ago to go into law (my dream job).
  4. I should also say, in my own experience, I was not great in school. I did a year of University and it wasnt for me. But I have a pretty good way of speaking, interacting (believe it or not lol) and leadership skills. So when I interviewed for a ground floor position, they asked about education. But my interview won me the job based on my ability to interview. Someone else might not be a great interview but has a degree. So I guess its skillset. My skillset is different than someone with a degree. Im lucky to work for a company that values the work you do as much as a degree up to a certain point. That point is pretty good. There are managers here with no degree making probably $80,000-ish. But after that, you need a degree. If its a specialized job they want education too...unless you manage to get loaned out and show a propensity. There is value in a degree for sure.
  5. Ill disagree as well only in this sense. In my company, there are some really solid wages. And there are two ways to get them: work your way up or have a degree. Once inside and working up, most internal postings require a degree or equivalent experience. So yes, the value in working here ro 5 years might seem equal to going to U of M, getting a degree and applying. But there is a ceiling to where I can go without a degree. There are some job I simply would never be advanced to without a degree.
  6. I think its about six months of training. Starting: $53,000 After 1 Year: $58,000 After 2 years: $63,000 After 3 years: $67,000 After 4 Years: $77,000 After 5 years: $97,000 As a publicly funded enterprise, a $20,000 raise from year 4 to 5 is outrageous. I dont know about you guys, but I never started at $53,000 in my career. And I dont make $97,000 either. Not to belittle police because no one is shooting at me either. And I believes WPS has one of the highest salary structures among police forces. But factor in the massive amount of OT and inefficient use of patrol officers and where is the value in that salary? Its a huge, huge expense to the City. EDIT: Also, the benefits are good. Not terribly outrageous compared to some places (including my own). But OT is 1.5X for 4 hours and then double time thereafter. So you see the way OT can spiral out of control.
  7. The point being that you dont have to have extended education to join the police force and make a significant amount of money. Its a valid point. I make good money without a degree because I worked my way up in my company. But Im worth this much to this company...maybe not to another. To make what a police officer does after 5 years, Im not sure a 20 year old could get that job without a degree or other extensive trades training.
  8. Im all for paying police well but lets not kid ourselves, like any occupation there are great cops, average cops and horrible cops. But they are very strong union. They are paid very well. I dont begrudge them but its very good pay for a job that does not require a degree. I agree whole heartedly that policing could be revamped with a lot of duties taken by civilians or cadets. And I agree the union will never let it happen.
  9. That seems like excellent opportunity for cadets. Winnipeg pays their police a lot of money. Doing curfew checks is absolutely ridiculous. The pushback is, if you are more efficient, you cut down on OT, you cut down on staffing requirements etc.
  10. Expand the cadet program. You're paying them a lot less. Let them take witness statements, transport witnesses etc. And they would be in a better position to testify to their interactions, validity of documentations etc. The goal should be to have the patrol officers back on patrol responding to calls ASAP.
  11. Oh those Russians... http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/11/politics/oval-office-photos-donald-trump-russians/index.html Washington (CNN)The White House did not anticipate that the Russian government would allow its state news agency to post photographs of an Oval Office meeting between President Donald Trump, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russia's ambassador to the US, a White House official said. Photos of Wednesday's meeting, taken by a Russian state news media photographer one day after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey amid questions about possible Trump campaign collusion with Moscow, were ultimately posted by Russia's news agency, TASS.
  12. That is a great idea. I would guess there is some issue of evidence etc. Like the officer on scene has to take the statement so he can go to court and swear to its authenticity. Has to be away to get around that and have civilian "clerks", even if they have to be sworn, taking statements and doing paper work. I was once injured in a brawl and the police wanted to document it because the weapon used was a bat with nails sticking out so they thought it might end up an attempted murder or aggravated assault charge. So even though I wasnt badly hurt, it was a serious incident. So they had to take me to the PSB for photos. Had to wait in line. The officers with me had to stay with me. Then they had to take me for stitches and medical documentation and stay with me. All told it was hours of their time not working the street. When I mentioned it, the officer said he was off at 2AM anyway and this was all OT. In another, we had maybe 5-6 cars on scene. Minor incident and all dealt with. A call came in asking for officers to respond. No one at our location did because they were "busy". The dispatch then specifically called an officer pair at our location and asked them to respond as the other incident required back up and he radioed that they were already on scene somewhere else and busy. They werent busy. Not blaming the cops. Just saying, they spend a lot of time doing things that th public would not expect very well paid law enforcement officers to do.
  13. Thats not really helping the problem. And part of the issue in Winnipeg is people coming from far away to escape *that* place and end up in Winnipeg with nowhere to go. I respect the Mayor and Chipman et al's efforts to find solutions.
  14. I would suspect its enforced to the degree the police and cadets can keep up with it. The whole way police work is conducted needs to be over-hauled. The fact they'd take a harmless drunk guy and spend hours with him waiting to check into the project is ridiculous. I've had a lot of experience with the police and the amount of time spent *not* on the street is mind blowing. From writing reports to staying with witnesses/victims etc, one relatively minor call can take hours. It got to the point that when we'd need the police at our business and they required a statement I'd ask for the statement paper and write it out myself to save time rather then dictate it to the officer and have him write it.
  15. Its also possible Trump has gone too far now too. IF, Dems get into power, even if Trump resigns or does not run, they may still come after him. This investigation into Russia/Trump isnt going away no matter how many people Trump fires to try and stop it. The only thing that will really stonewall it is if the American people dont hand the Dems power next year. And man, are those mid-terms going to be nasty?? Trump will be unglued, I bet.
  16. Thats an interesting idea. Chipman certainly has a vested interest since he owns half of downtown. Maybe this can dovetail into allowing some "public" drinking too...say, during the Playoffs or other events in some sort of "Square" located near MTSC?
  17. Interesting. Looks like they are going full reboot, unlike the Dallas "remake" which was just a continuation of the series. I never watched Dynasty. But the Dallas revival was actually pretty good. Hearing that theme and seeing the updated opening brought back lots of childhood memories. But once Larry Hagman died, it was tough to continue. But I did enjoy it. It actually made me buy some of the Dallas DVD's. I think I got up to season 4 or 5. Classic series.
  18. Wait wait wait...you're telling me that a team with a talented goalie who struggles decided to change goalie coaches and that goalie coach helped elevate the goalie's play to star level? What is this voodoo you speak of?? Never heard of that here.
  19. What some boards would do is have a info only thread separate from the discussion thread. For example, I've seen this on Star Wars forums where there is a lot of activity. So they'd have a thread where you can only post the info (tweets or whatever) and NO discussion. Then a separate discussion thread. That does make it easier for casual visitors to see the info. Personally, I prefer this site as is, maybe because im here often. But the discussion and insight is as good, if not better, then the mere facts posted. If someone comes along and thinks a thread to catch up is too long, they will then know they should visit more often!
  20. Yes, two years ago they were rock bottom. A year ago, missed the playoffs. This year competing for the cup. Quick turnaround is what I meant. Had lots of talent but still wasnt making it. Made key changes to compete. But you dont build a winner by buying talented in the summer. You add pieces to get you over the top. My point being, I think the Jets see themselves as a lot closer then it looks. That they can be the "did not qualify" Oilers one year and competing for the cup the next. Solid goaltending, better D. I didnt mean flick a switch in went from bad to worse in an inexplicable way. I meant they did it quickly because they had the basis for a winner and knew what to do to complete the picture.
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