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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Always been tempted to check out Shameless...no idea what its about. Although Im pretty sure I see a lot of sex and nudity referenced on social media...
  2. I tend to agree. This will drag out til the next election where Trump will not run after declaring America is now so great he cannot possibly make it any greater. But...if voters wake up in time for the mid-terms and Dems take both houses, look out...
  3. Tend to agree. Schenider is better right now with a proven track record. His contract is still a bit high. I'd throw something in if Jersey would retain a bit. But if you have a bonafide #1 you're paying him over $5m anyway. We cant keep cheaping out on goaltending. And I think the Jets think they are closer they they appear. Look at Edmonton. Flick a switch and compete for a cup. If Comrie is 1-2 years away but TODAY can fill in when needed, having a bonafide #1 is not a bad idea. 5 years? Meh, you want to be in the playoffs everyone of those years?
  4. terrible news. Hope he makes a full recovery. If its something that isnt a career-ender maybe they'd keep it in-house with Hall "advising"...?
  5. @Goal I agree. Lawless pushing it is that he's creating discussion. And Schneider makes sense for a lot of reasons. But the question Hustler should ask (if he didnt) is "what about that contract". That's the question that leads to the answer of "Schneider isnt coming here".
  6. FYI, tickets on sale today for Jericho's one man show at Club Regent in August. Special guests Lance Storm and Cyrus. Pre sale code is Jericho. Cyrus was considering showing up at our PCW show this past friday to do something with Kenny Omega, although he told Kenny he just wanted to watch, Kenny told him he'd have to do something lol Don didnt make it out though.
  7. I think they definitely still intend to get there. I think their plan with Strowman, which has been one of their few successful booking projects lately although he should never have lost to Show on RAW before WM, is to use him as the monster that kills Roman repeatedly but Roman never quits to gain sympathy for Roman...and ofcourse the power vs power match with Brock. I'd suspect Brock beats him clean. Then they'd go back Roman/Strowman with Roman beating him as part of the set up for Roman/Brock for WM. It just might have to be Summerslam for Strowman/Brock now. But last I read, they were waiting until the surgery before making major decisions as they will then have a better idea of recovery time.
  8. Comey. Yates. Bharara. Its a slower version of the Saturday Night Massacre. Its outrageous. All three involved in the investigation of Russia ties to Trump. All fired. Trump should have been removed from office this morning. Pence is defending this and putting his own head on the copping block. He can 25th Trump right out of office but it will end up an impeachment and Trump will take Pence down with him. How do they avoid calls for a special prosecutor now? And if they do appoint one, how long before Trump fires him/her too? This isnt just stonewalling an investigation, its a clear form of libel chill. He's telling anyone he appoints in these positions that if they dare come close to him with any investigation, they will be fired and dragged through the mud by his lying, smiling empty suits.
  9. He's definitely really hurt. They are scrambling to re-plan. But it is possible they worked an injury and THEN he actually got hurt a few days later,
  10. Oh no, not the people reading the thread! lol I dont get upset here. My point in my response which upset you was that given the lack of truly knowing, its still wiser to make the effort to get better meat (and other things). The stuff you get at the store, much of it anyway, you DO know is full of crap. So sort of a "Hey lets eat healthy!" "Nah, its all BS". "Okay, give me the steroid steak!" being facetious.
  11. It was weird because they announced a torn rotator cuff which would be a multi-month injury and then during RAW it came out that he had an elbow injury of which they dont know the end result. So the speculation was the torn rotater was kayfabe but then he DID get hurt. No idea where but he was put through tables at the house shows all week so he could have hurt his elbow then or it could be a wear & tear injury. I'd tend to think its something that happened recently because if it was something that could be put off, they'd put it off.
  12. FYI here is the details of the Canadian Organic Products Legislation (Manitoba adopted this as well, for food produced and sold within the Province): http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2009-176/ It looks like a dry read so I did not read it ;-)
  13. My understanding with his (and correct me if Im wrong) but corn fed beef became a big thing because corn is cheap. But corn is not a natural diet for cows and it causes them issues leading to the use of anti-biotics etc. So that farm also claims its meat is drug free. I also saw "natural vegetation" and wondered...because thats a pretty general thing. If they mean grass, say grass. Those they do describe it as grass fed. Ultimately, Im not on the farm or in the butcher so I can never know. But we can make decisions and hope its the truth. Its a local farm. They promote their food as being free of drugs and hormones. They claim their animals are treated humanely. They could be lying. I think the fact they are also their own butcher might be why they keep their prices down. But again, Im only a consumer so I can only know what we're told. The government should vastly increase regulation and inspection. People will and do pay more for this stuff. We should be protected. For what its worth, and Im not beef expert so I dont know the different cuts, the prices today are (all grass fed): Eye of Round Steak 12 oz: $10:55 New York Steak 12 oz: $12.55 Ribeye 1.2lbs: $16.25 Sirloin Steak 15oz $12.55 (this is what I got for $9.99 last week) I dont know if those are good prices, too good to be true prices or reasonable prices. Meat expert?? (and which cut is best?)
  14. I said it was my understanding. I am not a regulatory agent. I was told this by some people who eat strictly organic. I guess the option is to assume we're being lied to and rather then eat food grown locally on farms that claim to be drug free, we can order the food we know is pumped full of drugs and other nasty stuff.
  15. Worse for RAW is Stroman is injured and they dont know how long. They had him penciled in vs Brock in July and thats likely not happening. So you have to heat someone else up for Brock. Among the likely candidates of Finn, Seth, Joe, Ambrose, Bray, none of them scream "hot". Joe would be the best in my opinion but then you have to really strap a rocket to his ass. I wonder if they'd consider moving Styles or Nak over. The rumor was they already had Styles vs Nak penciled in for the WM main event next year (wanting a "Tokyo Dome" style big hype match). Think Omega is getting a massive offer in February?
  16. The only thing that perplexes me about the push for Corey is that contract. I like him. I like his stats. But 5 years at $6m per? Thats basically saying you're not going with Helle. Thats trading for a new #1 and then hope Comrie takes over. If thats what the Jets decide, so be it. Jersey would need a goalie so I imagine it would be Helle for Corey. But I woudnt do Ehlers for Corey straight up, let alone adding Comrie. Because if you NEED a new #1, there was Darling and Bishop available for a pick and the Jets didnt do it. So they arent trading a star player for an aging goalie on a contract they dont like when they have a goalie they DO like (rightly or wrongly). Their intent (The Jets) is to replace Hutch, not replace Helle.
  17. Give it a rest. The guy wrote a blog. It wasnt an "insider" report. Not everyone with an opinion you disagree with is maliciously trying to antagonize you. Having said that, I tend to agree with you. Jets would balk at 5 more years at that price.
  18. Might help them get more money. If Hernandez' estate collects several million dollars, they will be flush with cash for a civil suit, which they likely lose.
  19. Unless you have something more than that, I find it hard to believe a well-advertised farm would simply be lying. My understanding is that to actually use the term organic takes a lot of time and effort and is subject to inspection. I would imagine the hardcore organic community wouldn't let this stand. Ill say a small family farm that does its own butchering keeps costs down enough (and I got a deal).
  20. Time for Republican leadership to act. Trump interviewed the deputy director of the FBI before deciding to elevate him to the acting position. Gee I wonder what he wanted to know...
  21. And there it is Trump wants to re investigate ******* emails but Russia colluding with him and his lackeys to hijack the election? Yeah time to move on. Unreal.
  22. And apparently a grand jury was being put together on the Russia investigation. This is as transparent as it gets. And you know his appointee will be tasked with going after Clinton. Try to silence and imprison ones political enemies. Really...it's crazy. When will his cabinet and party wake up and remove him?
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