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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I know two people that did Herbal Magic and said it absolutely worked (one guy I knew when he was doing it and he was VERY heavy, like 400lbs and the wight just dropped off him). Both gained some or all of it back after leaving the program.
  2. I think Trump would have allowed the bill to pass even if it meant providing health care to aliens from Mars as long as he could say he "won" and that he "beat Obamacare". It was all about the "win"
  3. Okay so how good is this kid and whats the expectations for Year One and beyond?
  4. Dont they HAVE to pick one player from each team? But they also need more than 30 players (and surely there will be some deals for picks). And yes, I goofed on the simple math lol
  5. Although to be fair there is a persistent sense that Malkin's game elevates when Crosby is hurt. And if thats true, there is probably something to be said for a player who watches Crosby's work ethic every single day.
  6. Its Friday. Be cheerful. But because its you, Ill be more specific, City shouldnt allow people to smoke on their property either. Ever had to get around a large group of smokers standing around on the side walk? Not pleasant.
  7. Also, Ovi is the Captain of the Caps. Its HIS team. Laine looks to be a big part of our team but not THE team. Who knows what happens in the future. But Ovi, if traded, likely goes somewhere where he has little pressure other than to score and I bet that would be highly successful for him.
  8. By the way, for an update. three days on the LCHF program and Im experiencing "Keto Flu" today. Woke up with a horrendous headache, very sleepy/foggy and feeling bleh. Feeling better as the day has progressed. I used to be a scale junkie (ie. weighing myself every day and celebrating the minor downs and depressing about the minor ups) so Im trying not to. Weight in is Monday.
  9. Yes for sure. So at worst, its just as good. But quoting studies is a tough one because we can play dueling studies all day. I cant find the link right now (dont remember the site I find it) but last night one site linked a series of studies supporting LCHF diets which found a significant increase in weight loss with the low carb vs the low fat/calorie reduction. I think there is a tinge of anti-low carb in your posts which results in a couple of us saying "yeah....but". I agree with everything you have stated but also think there are more efficient ways to be healthy. You can eat garbage everyday and work off those calories and thats not the same as eating really healthy food every day.
  10. I somewhat disagree. But I will jump to your side based on my own experiences in time. But the science behind low carb intake trumps a traditional low fat, calorie reduced diet. Both work but in many studies, the low carb people lost more. I think we're all agreeing with you mostly but the idea that everything is the same isnt true. There are more efficient ways to treat your body. You do lose water weight on low carb which is why people often lose a lot of weight in the first few weeks. But studies have shown consistent weight loss over an extended period of time. If you basically eat whatever you want but burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. But that's like step one of health science. People can go beyond that to find what works for them. If you look up the science behind ketosis its related to insulin. So the idea. Its not just lose water. There is science there. Does it work for everyone? I assume not. But I dont know if it doesnt work because people dont follow it. Just as if you did a calorie reduced diet but cheated all the time, its not that it didnt work, its that you didnt work it. So Im very hesitant to even say I somewhat disagree because I completely agree with the notion that what works for one doesnt work for another. But people who lift a lot of weight will tell you there is pushing weight and then there is pushing weight and taking supplements in an efficient way for better results. But ask me again in a month ;-)
  11. Yes but I have a thing about Lawless, not you. uh huh. Also, thats his title. You should take it up with the Vegas franchise if it bugs you so much.
  12. Riiiiiight. I dont put him on a pedestal. Did he cut you off in traffic or something? lol Its a beautiful day, go get some sun and be happy for a change.
  13. I dont at all. But anytime anyone mentions something per Lawless you go nuts trying to pour water all over it. Its weird.
  14. The way Hustler was talking it sounds like they have some plans that wont just be replacing Lawless. And lets be honest, when H&L started, they were terrible, especially Gary who sounded like English was his 4th language at times. He drastically improved through experience and effort. No one would confuse him with Bob Irving even at the end, but as the "expert" he grew into the role and he and Hustler had solid chemistry. So whomever they might tap now might not seem like an idea choice from a radio/TV standpoint, but they could grow into it. I remember when Scott Taylor was the King of Winnipeg sports media. Then it was Gary. Who's next? And will TSN corporate want to slide someone into that role as the Winnipeg correspondent? It will be interesting to see what Lawless does with the Vegas role. Being an "insider" (his official title) on the team payroll wont be the same as an insider not on the payroll.
  15. Dying on a hill for a sports reporter is silly. So too is pretending to know as much as him and acting like he had zero contacts, zero insight etc. Winnipeg will definitely miss Lawless. To be fair, I doubt Gary will miss you much either.
  16. If Caps lose to Pens again, what do the Caps do? Do they trade Ovi?
  17. So is this to design a failure narrative where its Ovi's fault...and ship him out this summer?
  18. Smokers shoukldnt be allowed to smoke on any private property. I dont know what they do know, but if they let them group up right outside the doors, they should not. And before anyone asks "well where am I supposed to smoke?" The answer is your home, your car, dont.
  19. It does make you wonder what kind of incentives or requirements they're under. Its easy to think they SHOULD defer to making the customer happy and in many cases they do. But are they required or incentivized to over-sell and thus generate more revenue?
  20. Im not sure this specific player signals they intend to compete. Paying him $4.5 per year might signal they are willing to over-pay.
  21. I was waiting for someone to say this. Of course, calories in, calories out. The most basic of science. But as you said, there are more efficient ways to accomplish this. I clicked through a few studies about low carb because thats what Im most interested in right now. And, for example, one study had the purpose of examining low carb as a fad diet that could cause harm and had no benefit. That was the expected outcome. They had two groups, one on low carb with no calorie counting. And the other on the "accepted" nutritional plan (food pyramid) counting calories (so a traditional reduced caloric diet). Their results shows significant weight gain for the low carb group over the low calorie group and their vital stats were all basically the same. I know nothing but what I read and I've read a lot over the years (including Dr Oz books). So this low carb is new. It was always counter intuitive to me. We shall see what happens.
  22. Yeah there's the usual push back from people that complain about everything. Where do you need to go? Do people leave a movie in the middle? No one is holding you hostage - if you need to leave, leave. If you dont want to go, dont go. If there is a reasonable reason to leave, they will allow you to re-enter.
  23. Vadim is a 30 year old center. 445 GP (KHL): 137 goals & 412 points. $3m per year?
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