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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. What do you all do for health & fitness? Im of a certain age now (old fart) and its so hard. I was a skinny kid until about 10-ish and then fat until about 16/17 when I became more active. I remember a friend's mom I had seen in years marveling at my weight loss and asking how I did it and my truthful answer was "I eat when Im hungry". But I had bad self image an always thought I was fat even when I was my usual weight of 215lbs at 6'2" (and pretty broad-shouldered). Working in bars for years there was a battle between pressure to be in shape (to do the job and because of all the girls) and the fact that we always ate at 3am and drank a lot. When I was 25 it wasnt so hard. A couple of times I'd balloon to 250 and then work hard to get back down to 215-225. When I was around 29 I didnt realise how it had crept up on me and I hit 284. Worked really hard and ended up at 210. So its always been an up & down struggle with me. Then I broke my knee which has never been the same and suddenly the activity level drops. But as I've aged I found the "easy" way I could get in shape before doesnt work (or not as well). Im back working out and focusing hard on healthy eating. So the remarks in the Draft thread of players eating eggs and meat - thats straight out of the low carb plan. And I've read amazing stories of people that cut out carbs and ate moderate meat & fat. So...long story short, what are your stories? What do you do? Especially if you're over 35 (give or take 5 years lol).
  2. Very nice of him to share the story because realistically, he has the means to pay for whatever care his family needs. But his point was, what if he didnt. My little sister was born with a hole in her heart too (and other heart issues). many open heart surgeries were needed. So yeah we have health care but the expense of repeated trips to Toronto and London add up. Then you face the choice of having surgery here with less skilled doctors and equipment. if you cant afford to go to London to be seen by the best in the world, what do you do?
  3. Its interesting. Dont want to hijack...do we have many gym guys (or girls) on here? Im exploring a new "program". Might be a fun topic. Fack it, Ill start it in the other forum.
  4. Very few carbs in that breakfast
  5. They said the same thing about George W. The left always thinks the right is trying to stage a coup. lol
  6. Remember Cesaro was the example Vince used as someone who needed to reach up and grab the brass ring. I think he's a great worker too. I dont know if Vince is wrong that he cant be a main event guy. This tag team is good for him. With the Network model, what the fans want means very little. Only is house shows really bomb and ratings really tank will Vince wake up. House shows are very different from the TV audience so its hard to say what would cause them to bomb. Ratings have been slipping to historic lows, this week being a bad one because there arent the usual built in excuses. It will be interesting to see if there is a reaction to it.
  7. Sheamus is inherently unlikable so I agree lol
  8. Generally for the tv show doing interference isn't terrible because it's about advancing the story. But I agree raw is very formulaic. And they haven't got the guys over. Someone will get blamed. Probably Finn and Miz. Maybe Seth. Out of the three Miz has probably been given the best chance to get over but he was low card for so long you can't just elevate him and have it work. The more writers they have on staff the worse their writing is. Think about this. They have literally 50+ tv writers and that house of horrors lameness was the best they could come up with. Miz/Ambrose. Seth/Joe. Finn/bray are all solid programs. But none of those guys have been booked like stars and none are lfer like stars. Maybe Finn to a degree. I don't know. They need a complete overhaul of how they do things. But that won't happen.
  9. Haven't watched yet. Neither did a lot of people as RAW set a shocking 20 year low rating. Yikes.
  10. Quite a story here. I dare you to watch this without getting teary eyed...
  11. SOA was not event in the same league as sopranos. We can agree to disagree though. I just find it perplexing that someone would love SOA and dislike sopranos when they are essentially the same genre but one has better acting and writing. Sopranos was about twenty characters deep.
  12. One of the issues when writers strike is that it impacts other people too. And it can hurt production. You cant technically alter the script at all. So if the director wants to film something differently, he cant unless the actors "ad lib" on their own. Definitely for the best that it was worked out. Since Im following the production of the new Trek series, this was something that could have impacted their start date as its a limited series so they didnt want to begin airing if they didnt have all the episodes complete.
  13. If the Jets get goaltending I think they can be successful in the playoffs. They are fast and skilled which is the key. When up against a smothering team we've seen them manage to win those 2-1 games (when they have goaltending) and their speed can be hard for smothering teams to play their style. If the west is dominated by teams like the Oilers and Jets and the east by Pens and Leafs, who can complain?
  14. And anyone who says Sons of Anarchy is better than the Sopranos is like saying the Moose are better than the Jets. SOA is Sopranos light in every respect. Acting, cast, writing. Everything. And I own the entire SOA series and liked it. But it was a series trying to be the Sopranos and falling short...which is not an insult. Also, the position the Sopranos holds as the precursor to a lot of these shows cant be understated. Yes, the Wire is there too. But the Sopranos really took the adult drama series into the mainstream and made the idea of having premium cable (and later Netflix) a requirement to enjoying TV designed for adults.
  15. You've listed part of the core of the show as reason it was bad when it did exactly what was intended. Making you care about kids only to have them become problems as they grow was an intended aspect of the over-all arc. A lot of people sour on the Sopranos because Chase refused to make Tony a "good guy" or a "guy you love to hate". He wanted to show that they were all pieces of ****. It was a show where it was hard to root for anyone and if you did, they'd usually end up a victim (Adriana, Bobby etc). Even Carmella. She probably had one of the best character arcs on the show because she got to a point where she could choose to be out...and instead chose to be in. The one thread I thought didnt get the time it deserved both being too rushed and then completely forgotten was the Doctor. But in re-watching the series a couple of times, her arc is more clear. And Chase does a good job of backing away from her at times, at other times having her blissfully unaware that she's actually helping Tony be a better mobster and then he implicitly showed that that was true...and then finally had her realise it even years after her own doctor tried to warn her. One thing I didnt pick up on until watching the series over was the relationship between the FBI agent and Tony. It seemed almost like the FBI agent changed a lot in the final season but he was always sympathetic to Tony from the first season in more subtle ways. I do think Chase got too cute and purposely avoided things the fans desperately wanted (the aforementioned Tony as good guy, the war with New York everyone wanted). In some ways, if you watch Boardwalk Empire, its very similar to Sopranos if the Sopranos always "went there". You really get a sense that the creator/writer of Boardwalk, who was a writer and producer for the Sopranos had all these ideas he couldnt use on the Sopranos and used them on Boardwalk. I havent seen much of Breaking Bad so I cant compare the two. Game of Thrones? Meh, I love GoT but one could also argue it ramps up the sex and violence to extend stories that move slower than needed. I'd put Sopranos ahead of Games. MASH and All In Th Family were basically sitcoms. Law & Order? Great show, but not a character drama. In fact, one of its features was that it didnt care at all about its characters. To say Sopranos is one character deep, I mean really...that's just absurd. Some of the finest acting on television with so many characters that had their own arcs. The point of Dr Melfi being assaulted was to explore her character and her relationship with Tony. We saw them get closer and closer...and she knew all she had to do was tell Tony and that rapist would be cut up into little pieces. It was exploration of her own character and whether she could maintain her professionalism even in the face of her own victimization. She counseled Tony, a guy who often victimized people. And here she was, a victim. It was one of the more powerful storylines on the show. The Sopranos spin off I would have liked to see would have been Tony's father and young Uncle Junior. Those flashback episodes were great. I always thought the series would end with a more definitive future for the mob family. I thought Meadow would end up taking over. They definitely showed her going in that direction.
  16. Waltman (Xpac) arrested on April 30th at LAX on felony charges. Released on $35,000 bond. No word what it was yet but he said in an interview after that he is not on drugs.
  17. "you can be too ignorant to know you're ignorant". Yup
  18. Whaaaaaaat? Wow. Well....let's see what happens
  19. Hmmmmm isn't it up to the infringed party to request notice be sent out? Shaw is a larger company than Mts (it was anyway) so maybe shaw has more resources dedicated to that
  20. Pens better get their heads out of their asses. Caps will have new life after this one.
  21. Not the worst I've seen but hit to the head. Could have been two separate penalties. love the anti Crosby whiners online. He's probably he most hooked, held and interfered with player in the world, many of which go uncalled.
  22. Some fun thoughts about two interviews Trump gave. He's an idiot people. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/01/politics/donald-trump-andrew-jackson-wiretapping/index.html
  23. Billy Corgan has purchased the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). Which, in my humble opinion, is an odd move. But the guy is determined to spend money on wrestling so more power to him I guess.
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