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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think they accidentally got the Payback runsheet backwards. Start with the last match and go the other way and end with Jericho/Owens and the show is probably better. Nothing of note. Nothing inspiring. House of Horrors was shite. Never been so happy to see Jinder show up. Credit to Jinder for taking this ball that was so inexplicably handed to him and doing everything he can to score a touchdown. Im thinking they pretty much have to give him the belt now. Beating Bayley in San Jose. Just,....thats Vince. Strowman pretty much had to go over. They sure are trying with Roman. Using every trick in the book. And he's still boo'ed out of the building. Strowman vs Brock at the bizarrely named "Great Balls of Fire" PPV. Guess Vince is a Jerry Lee Lewis fan
  2. I do too. But I think if they sign Elliott and Helle struggles, that is not the Jets' plan. They believe in Helle. Signing Elliott would tell is that. If they thought Helle couldnt be a starter, they'd look at Bishop, Darling or Fleury.
  3. I don't even know what to say. Lol greatest drama of all time. Although it's a show that suffered due to its creator taking so much time off. Plus he did get too cute at times. And the whole thing suffered by running out of time at the end. But watching it on DVD without a year off between seasons, it's phenomenal. Incredible cast. Incredible performances. To this day whenever I hear the HBO logo intro the sopranos theme song immediately pops into my head. Sort of like how the 20th century fox fanfare is so associated with Star Wars.
  4. Don't worry. Chevy will make sure that won't happen. A shiny new four year contract probably.
  5. Yup. Jets aren't looking for a starting goalie. They believe that is Helle. They are looking for a solid back up. If the Jets goaltending is below average again next season the fans are going to get angry and loud.
  6. Been really bad. It's a shame there is no competition because wwe will never leave their comfort zone.
  7. So there is actually a PPV tonight if anyone cares. It's on San Jose, Bayley's hometown. Let's guess the outcome....
  8. Do you think the Jets might try to trade up? Some teams might feel it's not a super strong draft and be willing to trade down. Probably not as Jets need players now more than 3 years from now.
  9. I think the Jets do neither. I think go 4/4 and lose perreault. There are options everyone talks about but it's not the Jets nature to do anything out of the ordinary.
  10. I guess they do. I remember when sopranos was hot, HBO seemed pretty clearly to have a strategy of realeasing certain shows at various quarters. I guess to get people to not cancel. I follow WWE numbers pretty closely. And what happens is X amount of people subscribe and a large percentage cancels. But every year you slowly gain. So 500.000 new subs and 430,000 cancellations. Net positive of 70,000. With Netflix I always imagined most people didn't bother to cancel.
  11. Of course you give a pass to last season because it never actually happened within the shows canon. The "real" events ended when Dan had his heart attack. Everything after that was a fictionialized account of life after Dan by the Roseanne character fantasizing.
  12. Yes lawless is wildly guessing. He and you and me all have the same level of insight. Lol
  13. I believe central scouting's 13th rated player is Miro Heiskanen. A LHD.
  14. Patrick and Niko both hope the other guy is taken first. Heck they probably both hope to fall to third.
  15. What are the odds that the three best odds end up slipping. That's crazy. Who are our best targets at 13?
  16. Avs lose. Three draft winners. Crazy
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