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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Yes they recast Becky because original Becky went to school. Then she came back and they switched them again. I believe they had them both appear on an episode too for fun. As for Orange I agree Rich that it likely doesn't hurt them much. But as a sub service they expect to add 3 million subs for orange and if any of those people download it they have no reason to sub. It won't make current subscribers cancel but it could result in less new subs. And that would impact their share price. So it could cause them to realize it early. Depends how wide it is known I'd guess.
  2. i wonder if Netflix might release Orange early as a result of this. Of figure the amount of people who will see it won't make much of a dent in their regular viewership. Didnt they release another show early for some reason...?
  3. Too bad we don't have any picks like that to give for a good goalie. Of course they do have to sign him. He's a UFA. But he was my pick. Lawless is probably right. It will be Elliott
  4. The whole last season didn't happen if I recall. The never won the lottery and all that. The previous season Dan had a heart attack and survived. But it was revealed he actually died and the last season was Roseanne fictionalizing their life as part of therapy (she was writing a book). I think for an 8 episode mini series they'd get all the cast. Johnny Gallecki is pretty close friends with Sara Gilbert. Mark could be recast or written out. Having Dan survive would be the big one. Rpseanne was a great show that suffered as the people involved began getting to cute for their own good.
  5. Im not arguing with you. Not trying to change your mind. Dont care what you believe. Your opinion is as meaningless as mine. But the report you mention was incomplete actually. The Chief UN inspector stated Iraq wasnt fully complying or accepting of the conditions. In retrospect, they should not have invaded. And you're entitled to you opinion, but dont condescend to me on the issue. Especially if you post statements that are only partially true.
  6. We're delving into a whole other debate. But I wish the Bush admin had not hinged the Iraq war on WMDs. they didnt need to. Saddam was obligated to comply with conditions of the ceasefire or a return to hostilities was warranted. He didn't. Under pressure, Bush even relented on his last chance offer and gave another last chance offer for Saddam to comply. He did not. Iraq is a good example of realising that sometimes the vile despot you know is better than the ones you dont. They should be using other means to deal with North Korea, getting China to reign them in is a great first step. Identifying anyone in North Korea leadership who might want to join the real world and trying to elevate that ;person to a position of power would be nice. Maybe unrealistic. But if the US swept in tomorrow and removed the government, what happens? Does South Korea take over North Korea?
  7. Iraq had used Chemical weapons in the past. It gets stated they didnt have any but they did. Also there was no second Gulf War. The cease fire in the first Gulf War was contingent on multiple commitments by Saddam that he frequently violated. He's probably pretty lucky that he wasnt taken out sooner. But its a good warning for what happens when you feel regime change is needed. Its not just agreeing that it would be good, its having a plan for what happens after.
  8. I have a couple friends like that. Or they will openly wonder about something. And I say gee if only there was an invention, something like a small computer you can carry with you always that could answer all these questions. Get a mystery date on grinder in thirty seconds. No problem. But how old is Laurence Fishburn? That's a mystery never meant to be solved.
  9. Apparently there is a national SHAW outage right now. Phone, Internet, Cable. I love how people tweet at SHAW and ask "is there an outage" or complain and demand to know if something is going on. You're already on twitter, morons, just LOOK!
  10. I think the key is leveraging other nations to take a stand. The US just doesnt win when it goes it alone. It could win. But it pays a different price when everyone turns on them. If the South Koreans attacks North Korea who could blame them. NK has provoked them many times with no response. SK is very patient. Its a shame the younger Kim is also a nut. At some point you have to hope there is internal regime change to someone wanting to free their people.
  11. My gf liked it and didnt think it was demeaning to the elderly. I felt very uncomfortable at times. I felt like some of the horror and gross out scenes were directly attributable to certain aspects of aging.
  12. Hard to like the style of the Oilers and a sense that the Jets could have some damned entertaining series with them. But I was pulling for an All Fowl Final. Ducks/Pens.
  13. There are unconfirmed reports circulating that WWE made a deal with TNA to purchase the IP rights to the "Broken" Hardy gimmick. TNA had been asking for a cash fee plus a percentage of future merchandise sales.
  14. I just watched a bad movie on Netflix that was actually pretty entertaining to the extent I kept going back to it to see what would happen. Flight World War II about a modern 747 that flies through a storm and ends up in 1940 over Germany.
  15. Is The Visit the one with the elderly couple? I was quite bothered by it. Maybe because I have elderly parents but I thought he was making fun of the elderly throughout the movie.
  16. I just find his stuff boring. The Sixth Sense was amazing for that twist because we all fell for it. It had some great scenes. But it was something he worked on for years and years. Everything else...boring. Bad dialogue. Silly ideas.
  17. If most of his rhetoric is ****-waving then why the need to start a war that will be so destructive? Im a conservative. I generally want to punish the evil. But im not sure how decimating North Korea and thereby seeing South Korea decimated is a suitable response to lousy human rights issues in North K. And Im not seeing any answers from you as to what to do. You are advocating military action. To what extent? Because you have to wipe out the regime to create change. You effectively have to make North Korea into South Korea. You have to do with with China not getting pissed. And you have to do it without North Korea, realizing the jig is up, launching everything they have at South Korea and/or Japan etc. If the end result is a big hole where North Korea used to be, a decimated South, a de-stablized region, an angry China and millions of deaths and untold millions of refugees, what was accomplished? Provide an answer please. Im no expert so if I had to provide an answer, I'd say make it US policy that North Korea cannot have the Bomb. Destroy their facilities from the air (if you can) and if that invites a response from them (ie. their threats to sink a US carrier) so be it...they reap what they sow and will not like the response. But you have to have China at least indifferent to it and you have to have the support of other nations. Personally, I'd prefer the US "support" another nation doing the dirty work. Let Japan bomb North Korea.
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