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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Because Canadians are so desperate to go to the US? Or he wants to stop Americans from fleeing his regime? Lol
  2. Well...Dynamite was something lol. I guess Florida has a gathering limit of...ten people? Hence no ringside crew. Which is too bad. But the cut aways to the locker room of 4-6 people was pretty funny. Kenny was excellent in his short stint on colour. Better than Cody I thought (more natural). Matt Hardy is so much better playing this weird character than he ever was being Matt. But man, it would be SO good with a packed house going nuts. What can ya do. Gotta feel for AEW right now, their first year of operations, closing in on the 1 year PPV celebration with a mini fan fest in Vegas and they dont know whats happening. Big debuts in front of no one, desperately trying to keep producing new episodes every week. Tough. They're doing a hell of a job though.
  3. DS9 from the end of season 2 til the end of its run had the Dominion War arc and beautifully wove the big multi-season war story with smaller multi-episode stories and single episode stories. For modern premium tv storytelling, you lean more towards a bigger story, but they should be looking at great TV like Sopranos...and well every show really. They're a bit too much Westworld without being as good as Westworld. Cause if Westworld wasnt great, it would suck, because of its storytelling. No middle ground.
  4. Separation of church & state right?
  5. I think they just need better pacing. Even the sopranos, the greatest tv drama of all time, had over arching stories but several stories that spanned one episode. It doesn’t have to be a ten hour movie to still have a main season long story.
  6. This is why the orange goblin wants to pretend the pandemic isn’t real and go back to normal. Election lost.
  7. The big idiot will end up taking credit for the effort and foresight of much smarter people.
  8. I actually like Elnor. He’s sort of the spock of the show but he’s been very under used. Seemed like a 6 hour story but they had ten hours to fill. Which is something disco suffered from too
  9. Lol. I mean really that’s all one can say. Lol.
  10. Do you go hunting for obscure things to support your agenda that its not big deal? I wouldnt use that guy as my doctor after his remarks suggesting flu is worse. He didnt take into account the spread of a pandemic. Or that COVID is more contagious and more deadly than the flu and the fact there is no vaccine. But sure, lets line up 1000 doctors and then make sure we follow the 1 who doesnt agree with the other 999.
  11. Maybe he should try it and see if it works.
  12. You have to think some of these new cases are community
  13. One theory I had (and we'll probably be able to go into detail more when we all see part 2) is that Benoit intended to get away with it. As I recall (correct me if Im wrong), he tried to get to the PPV (or RAW), contacted WWE about flights and was told to stay home if his family was sick. That tells me he wanted to get to the show and would likely be on the road when "someone" discovered his family.
  14. It will be interesting to see what happens with Star Trek. Disco season 3 is coming for sure (in post production now, though possibly delayed due to editing and SFX being done from "home"). Section 31 seems like it was pushed back which doesnt bother me because it sounds terrible. And the hot rumour is the next series is Pike which is hilarious since it means they were being dishonest about the need to move Disco away from "canon". Another rumour is they want to do a big cross over when all the shows air. One thing Ill say, Im still not convinced about the current team. Havent seen the Picard finale yet but as much I enjoyed it, and its way better than Disco, it still has the same fingerprints as Disco in terms of poor writing, lazy creative, convoluted plots etc Maybe I missed something but I still dont even understand the whole Borg sub-plot or why it was necessary. And making the android able to mind meld just so we could see the vision was as lazy of a plot contrivance in any trek series.
  15. I only caught the first half online. Is the whole thing available here? I couldnt find it. It was pretty crazy. Makes you wonder what WWE was thinking with the tribute RAW. And seems Benoit had some sort of mental break when Eddie died. Ive seen some people suggest perhaps there was more than friendship there, or at least on Chris' side. Who knows. But Eddie's death clearly wrecked him.
  16. What she wrote and the stats she posted aren’t even in agreement.
  17. Big drop. But no surprise. Doesn’t really mean much
  18. Trump has someone in his ear, probably kushner and that creepy little racist weirdo telling him he will fare worse on a bad economy than mass deaths due to pandemic. Plus he can score with his base by blaming non whites and closing immigration. He’s a sick sick person.
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