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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Hopefully the jets continue their love of all things Hawks by mimicking this one
  2. Price says he wants to stay in Montreal. Most players generally say that but his comments are about making it work etc. I'd suspect thats true. He's not Montreal's problem.
  3. The habs proved that having the best goalie doesnt mean you cant get out of the first round. And other teams have proven that good goaltending on a good team can get you deep in the playoffs. I'd rather go with someone else.
  4. If you're confused by when you can hit a woman and when you cant, you're doing it wrong.
  5. True. But those times people chose to hit me, and they were guys, there was a stronger sense of urgency on my part to defend myself then those times when I was struck by a woman. Unless a woman is holding a detonator or trying to shove a baby into a microwave, dont hit her!
  6. I wonder if Montreal would re-sign Radulov and go after Kovalchuk. Kovalchuk is interesting case. He can sign with the Devils anytime he wants and play. He can sign with any other team as long as all 30 other teams agree. Devil's cannot trade him unless he signs. So he either plays for the Devils or re-signs and is traded. So basically, if he wants to go anywhere, say Montreal, his agent will have to work out a contract agreement with Montreal plus a trade that the Devils would agree to. then Devils would sign him and execute the trade. All this per Bob Mackenzie.
  7. I have Pens and Rangers now. Thats it. So a Pens/Rangers Eastern Conference and I have a remote chance.
  8. That's the thing. You'll always have those guys that say "if a woman hits first she gets what she deserves". Imagine being raised any other way other then it's never okay to hit a woman. When I first began working on bars, I was 18 or 19. We break up a big fight and as were pulling a girl out of the fray she kicks out and strikes a bouncer in the groin. He respond with a hard straight jab to her face. In front of a lot of people, he proclaims "I have the right to defend myself" the lesson for me was, even in the heat of the moment when you are reacting angrily and instinctively, you're still wrong. One of the worst things I've seen and I still vividly recall it. Anyway. Cops declining probably means it was very minor in nature. I digress.
  9. This tweet contains an unfortunate omission
  10. Not even top three? Come on lol. His stats sheet at 18 years old in that many games? I know we are a bit of a self loathing fan base but thats nutty. Laine is clear #2. And competitive for #1. If everything was exactly the same but Laine played for TO and Matthews for the Jets, Laine would be the front runner.
  11. Apparently In That state if you die while under appeal your conviction is vacated and thus his contract would not be cancelled and his daughter would get his money.
  12. I needed that for my pool after losing Wild.
  13. Laine is easily #2 and competing for 1. Being in the playoffs isn't apart of rookie who had the best individual season. That's why these awards can be tricky. You show those stats to ten people that have no idea who either guy is and I bet most of them would say Laine should win. If Laine had scored less in bunches and saved some for the end and wasn't hurt, it's a different conversation.
  14. Ok, this is funny. Nak's entrance but to American Males theme song:
  15. Copyright law is complicated. But: For works published or registered before 1978, the maximum copyright duration is 95 years from the date of publication, if copyright was renewed during the 28th year following publication. So public domain. HG Wells works will become public domain this year. An interesting case of public domain is Its A Wonderful Life. The old Copyright act required re-registering copyright and you had to do it at year 28. When It's A Wonderful Life came out it was a flop. It was not properly re-registered. Therefore, anyone can air it and did so, freely, turning it into a Holiday classic. Sherlock Holmes is public domain. The estate of Doyle sued to extend and was denied. So if you want to write a Sherlock story, go ahead.
  16. That outfit was goofy. Warrior was still in tremendous shape. There's the difference between someone who diets and trains like a beast and a guy who diets and trains like a beast AND does juice. Hogan went from 300+ to 260 at best. Even when he returned to WWE in 2002 he was in ridiculous shape. hard to do at his age. Look at Hunter and the shape he's in at his age every year. Hard to believe its just intense workouts. Punk even called him on it when Vince told Punk he had to piss test and Punk demanded Hunter piss too. He didnt. Benoit. Look at Eddie Guerrero from WCW to WWE where he grew a lot. Intense pressure on those guys to add muscle to their smaller frames. Rey Misterio etc.
  17. The issue is that the aircraft turned off their transponder but was tracked on radar in a routine manner by certain nations. Thats how they knew the general direction of the plane after it turned around and had turned off its transponder. But eventually it flew beyond the radar capabilities. What you're referring to is the ACARS system which is basically an online messaging system that relays status of the aircraft to the maintenance people. Its not really used for tracking or anything like that. If the routine transmissions arent received in a specific period, ground messaging can ping the aircraft to confirm the connection. So for a period of time the aircraft was relaying these routine messages and/or requesting "log on". But these messages arent radar and they arent transmitting the planes coordinates. What investigators did was measure the response time of the messages between the satellites to figure out how much further away it traveled to try and determine where it went down. And obviously, that was not an exact science. There were disagreements with the data and determinations. So in essence, there was nothing that was pinging the planes location on radar. Its a guessing game. Which they have, thus far, got wrong.
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