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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. How is he always injured? He was hurt once in WWE by a move he had no control over. I am not a fan of the double stomp but as far as soft moves go, I would not want to take it. It would not be nearly soft enough for my liking. Keep in mind also that Balor worked extensively in Japan in a stiffer style of wrestling and was never seriously hurt or injured for any substantial length of time. The shoulder injury was a "wrestling injury" that happens. I hate it but it doesnt sound like there is heat on Seth for the Buckle Bomb move. Its a terrible move though and ended Sting's career. I wouldnt attribute Balor's injury to being soft. He's exceptionally fit and athletic and has not shown to be injury prone at all over his career.
  2. Doesnt matter how "hard" you are when a guy rams his elbow into the back of your head. Balor also isnt soft.
  3. Jinder concussed Balor on RAW last week with a careless elbow to the back of the head. Usually that gets you in trouble, not promoted. Fortunately, Balor recovered in a week. But thats one more concussion added to his list for future issue.
  4. What pings? From the black boxes? They searched for the pings immediately but the black boxes dont have the power to send pings through thousands of feet of water if you're not in the basic location of the crash. The issue is, they dont know exactly where the plane went down because the transponder was turned off.
  5. Ummm The interesting takeaway from this is experts now believe the plane crashed within a 25,000 square KM area north of the search site. They searched 120,000 square KM. Hopefully the governments will get on board with conducting this smaller search asap.
  6. Come on Mike. All those things are caused by diet and training.
  7. Yeah. True. The steroid issue isnt just Jinder's life choices. Its a message to other guys that even if you're not very good and even if you hurt guys, if you look like that you will get a push and make more money. That leads to guys making poor decisions because they feel pressured to. Its not the end of the world because WWE is still pushing Owens and Finn and Ambrose and Miz and Nak etc. But there seems to be a distinct change recently which one would suspect is Vince. When the chips were down Vince always went back to what he knows - big guys. This is a company that had nothing for AJ Styles at WM and its top two titles are Brock and Orton. Im probably more offended by the poor booking of Jinder. I actually like Jinder. I would have disliked him if I was the booker and he carelessly hurt one of my top guys. But regardless of that incident, he is working hard. And there's a benefit to pushing an ethnic star. But its a criticism of their booking that he went from losing to Finn to challenging for the world title. Should have rehabbed him first. But whatever, It might work. WWE doesnt really book in a traditional way anymore unless its a Vince project (like Stroman) or Hunter project. Most everyone else its just about filling all their hours of programming.
  8. Wideman's actions over his career might come into play when discussing the amount of punitive damages. But as far as the act he committed, it doesnt really matter if its a first time offense. If you never so much as get a parking ticket and then murder someone, you still did it. The judge/jury will consider your past (good or bad) at sentencing. But guilt and innocence isnt determined by prior bad acts or lack thereof. This isnt a he said/she said. It was on video. It probably ends with a settlement but Im not sure there is a can of worms to open other than how shitty the PA was for throwing a ref under the bus. The PA doesnt want any more fuel to the fire that the league needs more power to discipline its players. There isnt really a concussion issue because I think its pretty well accepted that Wideman was lying about having one. He didnt. The ref did though and I would assume if it happened today, that ref would be in the quiet room too.
  9. It helps my pool is TO wins so....I might be pulling for them now. Plus I think Pens beat TO easier than the Caps. Also Go Pens Go.
  10. HGH is very frowned on. In fact the issue with HGH is that its very difficult to test for which means its most often abused. There have been claims for years of new testing to test for it because its such an issue. Thats why you will often see guys who's bodies physically change moreso than just more muscular because they are abusing HGH (giant heads etc). Hogan cant be believed. The old timers like him always used the excuse that they started taking steroids when it was "legal" and no one knew the risks. Thats partially true. It was legal (or not illegal) and was huge in bodybuilding circles which often crossed-over into wrestling but they all knew the risk. But when you're 25 years old and the difference between being a huge star making millions of dollars is taking drugs, most of them took drugs. Then the guys that didnt want to take drugs had to just to compete. And then you have a major major problem. Vince's opinion is one shared by many people here. He's on record as saying wrestling isnt a competitive sport so it doesnt matter. That is simply not true. Wrestling is highly competitive. Everytime WWE has had a drug testing program, Vince was dragged into it kicking and screaming. They often adjust their rules to protect certain guys. When they instituted the three strikes and you're out rule, Orton would probably have 5 strikes and have been fired but they simply erased some of his strikes. He was suspended for a drug violation and then later he was one of several guys who were implicated in a mail order steroid ring. WWE suspended the others but not Orton (or else he'd have been fired) claiming the drugs he bought were the ones he previously tested hot for... They also have certain guys on "part time" deals and dont consider them testable like Brock and Hunter. They also allow (as does UFC I believe) TRT exemptions where guys who are long time steroid abusers can keep pumping themselves full of testosterone because they "need" it. They generally test at TV so everyone knows when they test. The one area WWE is WAY better in is that their testing includes very extensive medical tests above steroids. The medical tests to be hired are extensive now and they do heart testing which is a big thing. In addition, they pay for rehab for any former worker who requests it and have a really well-reputed team that handles that aspect of wellness. They are generally really generous too. After Sunny flunked out of WWE-paid rehab a bunch of times and got into a lot of trouble and was critical of WWE, they announced they would no longer fund her repeated rehabs. But they recently (and quietly) did again.
  11. There's a whole other aspect to this. A lot of people will be dismissive of. But the pressure at various times for guys to do drugs essentially forced many to do it now you'll say no one forces an adult. We know that's not true though. Many adults can be intimidated or conjoled. If you worked for years to succeed in your chosen profession and then a bunch of fellow colleagues took drugs to be better than you and were actively encouraged by management by being promoted or rewarded, and you knew your job and career relied on also taking drugs, a level of control is taken from you. This same argument has been applied to the Olympics. Let everyone take whatever they want. It's still an even playing field if everyone is doping. As a society we don't have a "adults can do what they want" mentality. Many things are illegal. We protect people from their own bad choices and addictions. We protect people from being influenced or intimidated into making bad choices that impact their health and people around them. We don't want people to die needlessly even if as a result of their own choices. An adult at 25 is not the same as an adult at 40. The idea wrestling is fake so unlike real sports doping should be allowed and doesn't matter is also not true. The competition to succeed and be successful is as real as any sport. And regardless of everything else, the government deems it illegal. If everyone in wwe went back to late 90's doping levels (or late 80's) the Feds would be all over them. Now you have certain guys with the money and knowledge and willingness to take their chances. I don't know if jinder is doping. But his physique would suggest he is. And others who would better know the signs saying he is. But imagine your any other guy and a career jobber gets re-hired, hurts a top star and still gets a main event push because of his look....it's exactly what led to the steroid culture of the 80's and 90's. There is an inherent unfairness. And that's why it's important to not allow it.
  12. Jinder does not look natural. You still have to put in the time and effort while using steroids. You can't have businesses that encourage their "employees" to use and abuse illegal drugs. What you do in your home is one thing. You're an adult. But when it spills over into work and it's encouraged it's a bigger issue.
  13. Not pre mediated obviously. But he committed the act. He did it. It wasn't an accident. It happened. Heat of the moment? Sure. Angry. Hurt. Frustrated. He struck out at the first person in his path. But he did it. And then he lied to try and get away with it. S screw him. That's what elevates this from a bad decision to a piece of you know what. Regardless people get hurt in accidents all the time and someone pays.
  14. Come on. He did what he did because he was angry and frustrated.
  15. Wideman is a liar and a POS. $10m isn't enough. He fact he lied and couldn't take his punishment like a man. Pfffft. Screw him.
  16. Blackhawks. Wow. Do they just retool or will heads roll? Rangers! Yes! Also, Go Pens Go
  17. Hmmm it took me ten seconds to find this: Tides are the rise and fall of sea levels caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth. someone should tell Bill how google works. Then he will understand these things that keep him up at night.
  18. A lot of controversy surrounding this Skycity project but this is good news: http://www.metronews.ca/news/winnipeg/2017/04/19/sky-city-close-to-securing-6-million-in-future-tax-revenue.html Also, the smart guys on Skyscraper have indicated some "news" that makes them feel pretty good about the project getting underway later this year.
  19. Yeah I guess his idea is that a group of former President's and VP's would decide if a sitting President is too crazy for the job. So Obama, Clinton, Jimmy and two Bush's would decide if Trump needs to go? Silly. The point I thought was an interesting one was the idea that the current method within the 25th Amendment that allows for the VP and majority of cabinet to remove a President isnt reasonable since a rogue President could fire the Cabinet and/or the individual cabinet members would feel intimated about crossing the boss. But I think thats sort of the point. By the time you get to a scenario where the VP is going to other members of Cabinet to gauge interest in removing the President, there is probably some darn good reasons. And in that scenario, if the President attempted to thwart it by creating his own version of the Saturday Night Massacre and firing his entire cabinet, Im pretty sure the VP wouldnt have much trouble getting both houses on board to remove him.
  20. They say this new Netflix documentary will appeal to fans of Making a Murderer:
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