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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Thats true and they didnt allow any buffer between that report and the ousting. Will be interesting to see what happens with some players there now. Will Kane survive the new administration?
  2. Yeah but when you draft a franchise player isnt that player always going to have some stroke? Crosby does. Wayne did. Mario did. Its different because he's 20 years old. But this makes sense as to why his agent was so upset yesterday. He knew Eichel would take the heat for this.
  3. Yes, absolute sarcasm. He's well reputed to be an ******* that no one liked. So when you couple harassment and possibly assault with a wholly unlikeable personality, you will eventually suffer the consequences. Then again, he just signed a new $20million/year contract and will get a huge severance package so its not like he's really "losing". Other then his reputation which wasnt any good anyway. Isnt he the guy that was audio recorded telling a woman he wanted to get in the shower with her and rub a felafel all over her (he meant Loofah but the image of a naked Bill O'Reilly rubbing a felafel all over some poor woman is unintentionally hilarious)
  4. Not gonna happen but it creates discussion
  5. Not gonna happen but it creates discussion
  6. Guess Jack is calling the shots in Buffalo. Funny, they were talking about the reports of the player wanting the coach fired on the Big Show this morning and one of the guys said "do you think maybe the whole front office needs to be changed?" An hour later, voila. And if I heard correctly, Bylsma has 3 years left and I believe $9 million.
  7. Regarding Cryogenics, I was fascinated by this as a kid and always wanted to be frozen. To me, it was probably not going to work but its not like it'd be waiting the 500 years. Close your eyes one moment in 2050, open them the next in 2550. And if there actually was a company that stuck around that whole time or government oversight, its not like you'd wake up at Portage & Main 500 years in the future. You'd awaken in a facility where your exposure to the changes in technology etc could be spoon fed to you. Another option Im intrigued about is the ability to download the essence of ones mind into a computer that would be able to match the speed and complexity of the brain providing you with the sense of consciousness, Once they get there, you live forever...or until someone hits CTRL ALT DELETE.
  8. Petan would get some interest in a trade. I look at the Pens and can't help thinking he'd look pretty good in their top 9 Ducks would be another potential trade partner with a lot of solid d
  9. Here's a fun fact about Rosey who just passed away (brother of Roman, cousin of Umaga): In 1990, he won a $100 first prize at the World Catfish Festival is Mississippi by eating two pounds and 12 ounces of catfish in ten minutes. Also the wrestler who turned down the song Glorious was Nak who didn't feel it Suited him. Worked out well for him and Roode.
  10. As much as I hate TO, I also dislike Washington. I could maybe get behinf TO to win but only if they get swept in round 2. The exploding TO fans jumping off the bandwagon so fast they'd make the Titanic look calm would be a nice thing to experience.
  11. I get that. But you still have a responsibility. Letting your team flounder doesn't help them develop. When injuries became an issue on D, they should have shored that up. More experienced bottom pairing . Nothing crazy. When Hutch was struggling an especially by the time they decided to go with Pavs, bring someone in. They could have had Bishop for nothing on an expiring contract. And bottom pairing D and back up goaltending doesn't impact your draft & develop. But getting to the playoffs does...in a good way. If the team competed every night and was healthy and just fell short, okay, I can believe in that. But they fell short with at least two glaring issues that could have been rectified rather cheaply and easily. They were left to whither on the vine. Management didn't help them at all.
  12. Exactly my point when people say "my GOD, we cant have private health care". What they mean is they dont want private health care where doctors can charge whatever they want. Pam Am is private but bills the province. Their costs are set much like going to the walk in clinic. Or not. I really dont know. lol
  13. Ive just never heard of an instance where a pro athlete injury report states "So and so is hurt but we wont know how long until results of an MRI come back which wont be for 3 months". Yes, if the province said sorry, cant fit you in, they can go to the States. Which is part of why I dont care if they get preferential treatment...if they're paying the cost plus a service fee above and beyond, let them.
  14. This goes off into a whole other discussion but if there are 20,000 people waiting for MRI's and they only cost $3mm, what the hell is wrong with the health care system. Better yet, let a private business buy 5 of them and open up shop here. Just have them work through the Province's own list.
  15. Good points. I'd give more credence to point 2. And that advanced civilizations could have passed by us ages ago. The over-lapping civilization is an important thing. On point 1, when you consider the advancement in technology of the last 50 years, and extrapolate out a species that might have a billion year head start on us...its hard to imagine hitting a technology wall where nothing can get smaller, faster, better.
  16. It might seem like they are buying their way ut of bad optics but True North donating an MRI would be very nice. Basically buying their OWN MRI but allowing the public to use it. Although, are they allowed to buy their own MRI? If so, why cant I buy an MRI machine? Sounds like I'd make a lot of money if there are 21,000 people waiting and many who go to the US.
  17. But you are aware that we have an NHL team and when those players require MRI's they get them immediately right? Are we to believe that every NHL injury is so severe that it requires emergency MRI's versus the general public? Im just trying to apply common sense here. I dont even have an issue with it at all. But I think to suggest Jets players dont get MRI's whenever their team doctor asks for one is pretty naive.
  18. Imagine Buff waiting that long... You just werent hurt enough though I guess.
  19. Well...optics are bad. But if a family donates significant money that has a direct benefit to a large number of average Manitobans, and without them having that sense of "relationship" they might otherwise not be inclined....nah, if a charitable person only donates to get preferred treatment, then screw em. But we dont know if Rich Guy asks for special treatment of if Rich Guy is offered special treatment. I'd hope its the latter and hope it stops. But if there are 20,000+ people waiting for MRI's and we're all hot and bothered over 92 POSSIBLE jumping of the line, Im not overly concerned.
  20. Of everyone I know who has ever needed an MRI, they did not get one the next day. Can you tell me one average Joe who got an MRI that quickly? And better yet, that compared to a non-catastrophic NHL injury (lets not compare the worst case NHL injury to best case Average Joe) and say they are equal? That if the Jets team doctor wanted Buff to have an MRI that he'd be told to come back next week because Uncle Norman needs one too? I dont believe it. Not for a second. But if you know different, by all means, tell us.
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