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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I'm underwhelmed by the Star Wars trailer.
  2. IGF is beautiful. Not taking anything away from IGF compared to Reginas stadium. Theirs should be nicer because it is newer and more expensive. It's similar to ours so they had the advantage of seeing what works and doesn't work. Good for them. But these repairs are related not related to luxury items. Leaking. Drainage. Etc. Should have been caught in the design and building phase. As for "luxury" things like wider concourses and room for conessesions. Access to kitchen. Etc. A stadium designer catches all that. Althougj I really believe IGF was built knowing there were deficiencies but the government had a maximum price they felt the public could live with and they decided to build it and deal with remediation later. Had they simply said this will cost $250mm, there would have been pushback but then it would have died down.
  3. Well who misses the Korean War?
  4. Yup. His internal memo calling the passenger belligerent is going to haunt him. When your stock loses over $1billion how do you keep your job?
  5. The problem is they went with Ray Wan who has a pretty vanilla style to designing buildings. He works a lot because he comes in quickly and cheaply. But he never designed a stadium. Look at the palace in Regina. That's what happens when you hire a stadium design firm rather than a guy who designs office buildings.
  6. This was even worse than "over booking". With over booking United would have a bit of a case but the visual would still be bad. In this case they were removing a passenger who had paid and was in his assigned seat for four employees without seats. This doctor is going to get a very nice retirement package.
  7. Good idea. Id roll it into the Liquor commission. Make money off it. Also Ive never smoked weed in my life.
  8. for those without access Triple B says they will limit comment due to the ongoing court case between them and the builder and architect of IGF. Triple B is suing and believes they should pay for the repairs. Repairs are over $21m. They won't say what the total cost is budgeted at but the province guaranteed a loan for repairs of $35m.
  9. Which no one here stated actually. Not at all. One group did. Many others simply called for his dismissal. But it's easier to take the most extreme response out there to attack as a means to deflect from the issue. Spicer is an idiot and said a stupid thing. Full stop. No need to qualify that with "but....." i mean everyone is welcome to. But the purpose is readily apparent. And hilarious.
  10. If the oilers win the cup this hear I will vomit until opening day next season. I need Minnesota and Pitts to advance to have any chance in my pool. Rangers would be nice too.
  11. My point was that even though they are on the lower end of total attendance they charge the highest prices so it's all good. My post was a positive one, not a criticism.
  12. Better hire an accountant too, he's about to get paid! The CEO of United is probably watching the presser and saying damn it he's got an articulate & attractive daughter too. America will embrace this family. Get my chequebook! Apparenrly United is big on China also. So basically the worst passenger to decide to attack
  13. Excellent. Charging among the highest ticket prices in the league.
  14. Except super athletes like Finn. And Nak. And Styles. And Zayn. And Bryan before he was hurt. Dont forget Rusev. Original super athlete. Loved by many.
  15. Ohhhh I see, you're trolling. Well, the good thing is, no one makes you watch.
  16. 3-time former New Japan World Junior Champion 6-time former New Japan World Junior Tag Team Champion Former NXT Champion Former WWE Universal Champion. And a slew of lower level championships and award recognition everywhere he goes. He's already the star people want him to be. Not liking him is one thing. Thinking a super talented guy who's been successful all over the world is over-rated is hilarious.
  17. Well that's just a silly comeback and not true at all. I posted a tweet. I didnt write the tweet.
  18. True. We're lucky we have the capable, intelligent, well oiled machine Trump admin. lol
  19. haha sure. Keep minimizing. What over-reaction? Multiple calls for him to be replaced? I dont think that's unreasonable at all. Certainly not a "dumb overreaction". But you'll take the most extreme response and say "see its all overblown".
  20. Smackdown now has Owens, Zayn, Nak, Styles, American Alpha (even though they've been de-pushed). You can throw Orton in there as a solid worker too. RAW has the bigger stars. SD has the better workers.
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