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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. JBL took it on the chin this week. Plenty of "Fire JBL" chants at Smackdown. And a video went viral of a fan with a "JBL Bullied Me" sign being ejected from the building. Pat Militich joined Bas Rutan as tweeting JBL a veiled threat over his treatment of Mauro Renallo. I havent watched SD yet but some people have said JBL was a bit more reserved and "smiling babyface" this week. I imagine WWE will just let it blow over. But if more stories come out about his behavior and the bullying culture of WWE, they will have to act.
  2. Completely related to the size of the market, with the exception of Edmonton who had the leading scorer in the league.
  3. Finn Balor hurt again. This time a concussion from that very stiff elbow to the head from Jinder on RAW. No word yet on how long he's out but if its any length of time its a huge blow to RAW. SD really won the "shake up".
  4. Dean Ambrose and Renee Young now married. Vince's wedding gift? Splitting them up (RAW & SD). Have fun kids!
  5. Have to strongly suspect Dallas has assured Hitch they will get some goaltending.
  6. Oh I'm so surprised CNN Exclusive: Classified docs contradict Nunes surveillance claims, GOP and Dem sources say http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/11/politics/intelligence-contradicts-nunes-unmasking-claims/index.html CNN Exclusive: Classified docs contradict Nunes surveillance claims, GOP and Dem sources say
  7. Things starting to come into focus
  8. I tend to agree. I was just saying what some people have said and why he has heat. I've worked with him a couple of times. Great guy.
  9. I have met him. Didnt think he was autistic. Have you met him?
  10. I responded to a quote of me that didnt include the statement in the tweet. And I called "silly" the defense of of Spicer by referring to the outrage as "nonsense" and "over-reaction". Personally I wouldnt use the words "Holocaust denier" because I doubt Spicer is. Im also not Jewish and certainly these words can impact them differently. However, he did deny Hitler used chemical weapons. Which is in fact a denial of the holocaust. THAT aspect was a terrible mis-step by Spicer as I doubt he is a denier. It was his later clarification where he admitted that Hitler did use chemical weapons...in the "Holocaust centres". Anyway, point taken. I disagree with the far extreme criticism and I disagree with the brushing off. If Spicer was canned over this, it wouldnt surprise me. If he's not, it wouldnt surprise me either.
  11. Well presumably it wouldnt be a surprise reenactment. But your point is relevant. It cant truly capture the feel of the disaster without it being really really scary. And they arent going to go that far. So I'd agree, the reenactment aspect is probably not required. But a full sized replica? Sign me up. Make it true to the original and basically its like the Vegas exhibit on a much larger scale.
  12. Assuming he prepared his original remarks ahead of time and probably felt really clever about the Hitler comparison, Spicer is clearly in over his head with this gig. Time to move on. he can get rich writing a book about the first 100 days.
  13. I didnt call him a denier but dismissing his choice of words is just too much right wing defense. And it rises a lot higher than a poor choice of words since he made it worse with his, presumably more thoughtful, clarification.
  14. That's a silly way of defending Spicer. He wasnt referring to "allies". He was referring to "his own people". And ofcourse Hitler did. Spicer tried to clarify that he meant Hitler didnt drop bombs of chemicals, that he used them in the "holocaust centres". Over-reaction? Come on. This is the Press Secretary.
  15. Spicer could be in trouble. He was always going to end poorly but this is sooner than most probably thought.
  16. Yes. Plus I think people blame citizens of these nations for being born there. We're lucky. We were born here or our parents immigrated here. At some point in our history all our grandparents etc immigrated here. We enjoy a better life because of it. If we can help 10,000 people? Go for it. Why do we deserve it and they don't?
  17. Spicer wishes he could crawl away: How about just say it was a terrible comparison and you apologize. "holocaust centres".
  18. Jericho is leaving shortly. I agree that Owens on SD probably drops the US title within three months and moves up to the World Championship. Nak winning the US title on his rise up the ranks would make sense. Owens/Nak feud sounds tremendous. Their thing with Zayn was, they thought he could get over like Daniel Bryan so they tried to book him like they think Bryan got booked to get over. Unfortunately, the reason Bryan got over, in part, was because he was booked so poorly and fans embraced him. WWE tried repeatedly to cut Bryan off at the balls. So its really hard, especially for WWE, to reenact that kind of booking. Then...Zayn got heat on himself for being a bit...different backstage. Some think he's a bit autistic. The way hes been booked to "annoy" Angle in the backstage vignettes is how they see him. So that doesnt help. But on SD, you have a different mentality because Road Dogg is the booker along with Ryan Ward (who booked NXT when Zayn was on top) and they book more traditionally in building programs and pushing talent. Vince will always interject more with RAW than SD. Plus, you dont have an authority figure cutting your balls off when you do start to get over (although with Angle on RAW this wont happen as much...but Steph will be back).
  19. This is very interesting. I think the issue people have is its a "theme park". But if it was called a "Museum" maybe they wouldnt have an issue with it. I love the Titanic story and would LOVE to see this life sized replica if its true to the original. How amazing would that be. And the story states the original plan was a "6D" reenactment of the ship hitting the iceberg and sinking. Man...that would be something. When I went to the Titanic Exhibition in Las Vegas and here in Winnipeg, they had a replica of an outside deck (very small) with it made up to seem like you were standing out doors on the deck the night of the disaster. It was eerie...and emotional...but damn interesting.
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