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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Bray moved to RAW after the Bray/Orton match was announced. They said it will be on the RAW PPV. Owens to SD makes sense as they need a top heel. And Owens would work well with Orton (and AJ for that matter). This makes sense too. With Brock as Universal Champion, there isnt much upward mobility on RAW. You're either being fed to Brock or fed to Roman. I cant imagine Orton having a very long shelf life as World Champion so guys like AJ, Owens, Rusev, Samy etc would all be in the mix there. If they moved Roman, that would make sense too in that he could be World Champion for awhile before coming back to face Brock but I assume thats not the plan now.
  2. seems worth it. Keep in mind they offered $800 and a hotel room for 4 people to fly the next day. No takers. There was an offer to do so for $1600 and the gate agent laughed. Hope the gate agent isn't a shareholder.
  3. Probably for the best. Even Chevy noted Laine looked tired down the stretch. Get rested up for a 50 goal season next year.
  4. I wasnt there so I cant say you're wrong but from what people who would know have said, Patterson was always a great guy to work with and not involved in the sexual assault/harasment Thank goodness. Originally, Styles and Roman were swapping. Roman sort of makes sense in that it keeps him away from Brock until they're ready. Styles on the "A" show makes sense if he's pushed on top and with Brock as top guy that wasnt going to happen. I think just building that match up. And that was a tremendous angle. I could have lived without the Ambulance thing as its too hokey for my liking but the beat down and Braun coming back for more was really well done. Akin to Austin going after Bret in the Ambulance back in the day (without the wit). Have to see who ends up on SD. Its pretty weak right now. Charlotte is almost a lock to go. Maybe Sasha too. With Orton as champion and Bray going to RAW, they need a heel. New Day going probably makes sense too.
  5. Holy smokes. United just doubled down on their own stupidity.
  6. On the Chemical weapons? Yes. I cant recall off the top of my head but Ill try to take a look. The issue was that Syrian rebels had previously used the same chemical weapon in the past and that supposedly the government of Syria had given up their chemical arsenal. Im in the "likely" category as far whether it really was the government and not the rebels. Either way, Syria is a mess. The thing to me is, 1) does the US want to get into it 2) where is the rest of the world 3) if you are banning refugees, how can you drop some bombs and claim you care about the children? Syria sucks. But the US should not go there. They already support the rebels who also suck. You've got ISIS and other terror groups operating there. You have government and rebels doing horrible things. You've got Russia, Turkey, Iran etc as proxies there. Its a mess. Would love to save all the children. Syria cant be saved. Take in as many refugees as you can and help them get a new start. Save generations of people who's only crime was being born in a horrible ******* place. But go to war there? Why? To what end?
  7. You can probably believe most of it, unfortunately. How they havent been sued yet is beyond me, But most people dont want to burn a bridge. According to Meltzer, since he wrote his story (which has been picked up by a few "mainstream" outlets, he's had at least 15 guys contact him with stories... Meltzer is friendly with Ranallo so he was pretty upset about this. He practically threatened to go even deeper if WWE doesn't rectify the situation.
  8. You're not sure of the difference between multiple intelligence agencies stating that Russia meddled in the election and contradictory reports of Syrian chemical weapons use?
  9. No, not at all. I never said "Roman sucks" and I didnt use any buzzwords to try and make a point. I merely disagreed with your assessment that Coachman was correct and that Meltzer is somehow just an "IWC" guy. He's a far more respected journalist than Coachman and knows more about the business than Coach too. A lot more. None of which changes the original point that WWE allows a culture of bullying and shouldnt. I think we can agree on that. :-)
  10. lol I cant recall for sure, I thought they were like10, 11 years old. Regardless, the issue with United was not that they had a silly dress code but their response to complaints was basically an example of what not to do. To me it shows you the culture of United Airlines, in both cases really. Their gate agents seem to have a "we make the rules, you should be lucky we let you filthy people fly with us" attitude. Apparently, they offered $400 for 4 passengers to give up their seats and fly the next day. No takers. So they let them board (first mistake) and offered $800. No takers. So they "randomly" selected two couples (heck of a randomizer there). This passenger claimed to be a doctor and had patients expecting him in the morning and refused to leave. Im curious about some things. Are these United security? Are they Police? Because all reference to them refers to them as "security" and they appear to be wearing casual clothes but one of them is wearing a jacket that reads POLICE. So are they impersonating police?? And who has the authority to order the police (or security) to remove a lawful passenger? Supposedly, the United agent could not go higher than $800. But he/she had the authority to call in the swat team? That's crazy. This will be a wake up call to airlines though. I flew Air Canaqda, I cant remember where we were, I think it was Ottawa or Quebec City and they asked for two people to give up their seats. I think they went as high as $400. A group of 3 stepped forward and offered to take it if all three could be credited. AC declined. And randomly re-booked two people. So $400 extra was too much to avoid a negative situation for AC. United could have offered $1000...even more. Eventually someone would have taken it. This will cost them AWAY more than $1000.
  11. WWE's audience is mostly split between the crowd that goes to TV/PPV and house show. And I'd suspect they sell the bulk of their merch at house shows which is an audience not reflective of their television crowd. Roman is an upper merch seller to be sure. But if he wasn't, with his push, there would be something very wrong. The push for Roman has been a disaster in most ways. So if people are ******* about it, they'd generally be correct.
  12. He really is a big downer. I was wondering if he was still in media. He's very negative and not in a relevant way or even a devil's advocate way. Just a "get off my lawn" sort of way.
  13. Im not even sure what you mean by that. Are you saying no one on the Internet buys Roman merch? That would be wrong.
  14. If you're referring to Pat Patterson, he was always considered an innocent party during the sex scandals of the 90's. Mel Phillips and....cant remember his name off the top of my head were both dismissed for cause at that time. Patterson resigned because as a gay man in the 90's, it was going to fall on him. He was brought back once it was all settled. But the sex scandals of the 90's aside, they continue to have that culture of disrespect and bullying. They hide behind it being "on screen" or "in character" which is pretty lame. Look at how Vince has portrayed Jim Ross over the years. Making fun of him for having colon surgery, mocking his facial disability etc. The unfortunate thing with WWE is the "culture" is all about kissing up to Vince. Thats the booking, and thats the "ribs".
  15. The opposite is "Im in the business so you should shut up because I know more". Which is just as wrong. Meltzer is a legitimate journalist, very very respected and covers MMA as well as wrestling. Can we assume Coachman has played professionally every sport he covers for ESPN? If not, how can he cover them? The idea Dave is "negative" is laughable. Coachman looked AWFUL in his exchange with Dave. He really got schooled by the better journalist. Coachman also said that there was never nay bullying in WWE the entire time he was there which is absolutely false based on the statements by others. So Coach just simply lied and tried to attack the messenger rather then the message. It was sad. But that's coach. As far as the "IWC", unless someone is living under a rock, all fans are the IWC.
  16. Looking forward to Trump launching 59 missiles into Moscow
  17. He's a bigger deal now, better connections. He probably had better Bombers contacts in the past as he was a football guy. Came from the Argo's organization. I believe he is still fairly tight with some at the Bombers. I like that Lawless will always give credit when its due and re-tweet other reporters' news. Seems like a good guy.
  18. Apparently the passenger who was attacked and forcibly removed was "re-accomadated" and united is story. Imagine being this stupid in 2017.
  19. Yes, he can also withdraw cash from his trust whenever he wants to. Its basically not a trust at all.
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