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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. You're describing the choice of the religious right and economic conservatives and tough on crime republicans. Obviously.
  2. Trump could take lessons from this guy. Future president Cuomo
  3. Apparently the Xbox SeX (is that what we’re calling it) is 30% more powerful than PS5 https://lrmonline.com/news/xbox-series-x-more-powerful-than-ps5-latest-tech-analysis-says-by-how-much/ I’ve been an Xbox guy for years so that works for me.
  4. He’s going to be awful for wrestling fans but will be a big mainstream name. WWE often doesn’t use guys like that well. Mike Tyson and Ronda Rousey being notable exceptions.
  5. This has to be fake news. Trump said everyone is going back to work and besides, the elderly would rather die than hurt the economy.
  6. Haha Also Rey & Dana Brook are both in quarantine and off WM.
  7. buddy works for the feds in Winnipeg as does his wife. Different departments. Wife was told she could work from home when the school announcement came down. Buddy works in what he describes as not at all essential and they insisted their group was working in the office. Yesterday he said they were all "casually asked" if they had tried their lap tops from home to make sure they worked. So he thinks everyone will be sent home but him (because he receives faxes and apparently the feds cant set up an e-fax program. He also says with his wife and kids at home, he'd prefer to go to the office My first day working from home. The expected chaos as people try to get all our systems logged in. Worked smoothly for me. I really enjoy it thus far. We're using USB headsets to take/make calls and some people are experiencing audio issues so it sounds like their bringing VOIP hard phones tomorrow.
  8. I think JT has looked and acted fine. But I won’t suddenly hand him the keys to the kingdom. It’s his usual arrogance to think they could get this level of power and that it would be supported because of the pandemic. If anything it calls for more bipartisanship not less. Hopefully they saw the pushback and will not try it again.
  9. He’s the greatest president ever!! You get a bailout! And you get a bailout! Bailouts for everyone! Economy looking splendid. Should collapse just in time for Biden to be sworn in and fix it.
  10. There could be a revolution of sorts due to this. Growing resentment over giant corporate bail outs where the ceos and stock holders get rich and the front line lose
  11. This guy really has a singular focus doesn’t he
  12. Not much choice. Looks awfully predatory to try that at a time like this.
  13. The way wwe filmed raw tonight looked very familiar. Lol
  14. One step forward two steps back for JT. Trying to use the pandemic to push this through is pretty lousy.
  15. Sure. But the president of the United States has enormous influence. When he repeatedly says you can’t trust the media and you can’t just the Dems and you can’t trust doctors or experts. You can only trust him. It’s no surprise when the easily led are easily led astray.
  16. What?! The rats are abandoning ship!
  17. Can someone inthe administration get this idiot under control?
  18. Today, finally, they let us go home. We’re considered essential. No lap tops. No mobile communications so in the span of ten days or so they got everything they needed, software, hardware etc to make it possible and tested it today. Sent us home with our desktop computers. looking forward to it to be honest. Hope it works out and they give us the option when this is all over
  19. Even when he thinks he’s not being racist, he’s still being racist.
  20. Senate fails to pass the corona virus bill again. I generally accept that certain businesses shouldn’t be allowed to fail but man we’re talking about bailing out airlines again?? What did they do wirh their billions over the years? How about have enough reserves handle things like this. Don’t bail them out. What are they going to do? Or link it directly to zero layoffs or cut on pay or hours. No stock buy backs (I think Mark Cuban said any company accepting a buys back should be barred from stock buy backs forever).
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