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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Goalie. Might already have the D man. Would like to see another solid depth D.
  2. For sure. But there was a lot of work. There are previous media stories about the remediation needed due to leaking and water pooling etc. But is absolutely strange for Triple B to be so evasive about it.
  3. PR sham is hard not to think. Especially considering Trump denounced Obama for threatening this exact same thing. And when Obama went to congress, 100 Republicans that refused to give him authority for military action now support Trump. Its all politics. Again, I've said this before, people who identify with a party and will blindly support the words and deeds and representatives of that party no matter what, are clueless. Anyway...you have people saying 'now Trump is President" since he launched a strike. Its all a sham. People saying "see, he went against Russia so that means there was no collusion". He WARNED Russia of the airstrike ahead of time (after lambasting Obama for a policy of providing lead time before strikes) and they obviously warned Syria. And the strike did little to no damage. So what was the point? I think we know.
  4. 30 goals, 66 points is what little trends out to had he played a full season. Still a top level player.
  5. It will be interesting to see if he survives this one. Mauro isn't just a wrestling announcer that no one will pay attention to. He's a very respected sports guy. Although ESPN's Coachman blew it off and basically insulted Meltzer for talking about it, saying it was a non story which isn't true. But JBL has been doing this for a long time at Vince's behest. Some of it akin to sexual assault really. But it's the culture. Orton harrassed a female talent until she quit including crapping in her bag. Nothing was done. Wrestling is so closed off. If someone actually sued, the depositions would be dynamite.
  6. Very interesting read about JBL specifically and WWE's culture in general.
  7. Tone deaf behaviour by Triple B. They should be out in front of this. It's not like it will remain a secret so no reason to play games with the media and public I maintain that people aren't so much angry about the cost they are angry about the lies and BS.
  8. My guess on episode 9 is that Leia does in 8 and is a force ghost in 9. That would explain why they so quickly said her death wouldn't impact production and why they can use existing footage for her scenes in 9.
  9. She was in 8. Finished filming before she died. Or so they said. Multiple reports that she filmed scenes for 8 and production was done before her passing. Id assume they will use un-used footage for 9. Which likely indicates a smaller role in the final film. I'm not sure why anyone would think using cgi would be in bad taste to be honest.
  10. No CGI but Carrie Fisher will be in Episode 9 http://lrmonline.com/news/star-wars-the-late-carrie-fisher-will-be-in-episode-9-says-brother-todd-fisher
  11. Absolutely. Although in speaking to a media friend today I asked what happens if someone walks into Victoria suffering a heart attack that takes a bad turn. They have to wait for an ambulance to come and take them somewhere else? I assume the urgent care docs would assist you. This really should be good. But winnipeggers will reject it at first.
  12. Victoria will still be urgent care and we have the new quick care too. How many people go to th "ER" for a legitimate emergency? It's all Urgent Care or less. Heart attacks and serious trauma are probably most likely ambulance calls and they'll go to HSC or st b
  13. Is Tamen really in consideration or is it lawless trying to get his buddy a job?
  14. Tampa beat Hans. Leafs still control their own fate but it's interesting now
  15. It's a likely prediction. I mean sure maybe he likes Winnipeg for some reason. But most people, especially rich people, if you have them 30 cities to choose from, Winnipeg won't be the one they choose to live and work.
  16. He did say Myers is close and might play for the worlds.
  17. Where did you get that from my post. I'd be very surprised if he waived to come here. He wants to win. Look at our team d. Look at our team goalie stats. Why would he be excited about that? on the other hand of teams willing to take his contract Winnipeg might be among the most promising. So you never know. If this is true I'm surprised. Yes they'd still have to deal with Vegas but if in December some hockey wizard said I'll trade you the best shot at making the playoffs for a 2nd round pick, is that worth it? and you'd still have the asset to play with before Vegas. Fleury here in December could very well have been the catalyst to the Jets making the playoffs. Then again Fleury and a decent D man would have been better.
  18. Very interesting. I'm not sure how to feel. I spoke to an ER nurse who told me about this last week. She said changes can be great but no one believes the government won't screw it up. They have to expand the remaining ER's and redeploy other ER docs so you don't have six docs spread out to six facilities but now maybe you have six or hopefully more at three. Plus trying to divert people away from these facilities is a good idea. If you go to the ER at 2 am and wait 8 hours you might as well have gone to your GP or walk in.
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