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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Does the President not have power to launch these types is military operations? Or can it only be those that represent a clear and present danger to the national security of the US and thus this does not apply?
  2. This can't be true. It implies that 1) Fleury would waive to come here and 2) Chevy is a moron
  3. didnt they say just a few days ago that they were working for the removal of Assad?
  4. I liked A Different World when it had Lisa Bonet and Marissa Tomei on it.
  5. US informed Russia ahead of time and they tipped off Syria. Didn't trump roast Obama for announcing attacked ahead of time to allow civilians to flee?
  6. But the chemical weapon attack was okay
  7. Apparently there were Russians at the base the US hit. Hmmmm
  8. Interesting. Trump is doing exactly what Hilary just said he should do
  9. Well you never know but one could also speculate that Trump basically saying he was fine with Assad and would not get involved emboldened him to do this.
  10. Why do I have a feeling there will be major unrest over this at some point this summer? Also the new stuff costs twice as much....
  11. You missed my original point. My suspicion is that at some point during the game Roslo might get a couple of shifts with better guys. He might not, but again, what are you really seeing out of a skilled player playing 5 minutes with Tanev and Thorburn?
  12. Not a fan of walsh he says the owners are creating a poisonous atmosphere by not letting players go. But you could write a headline that says players are creating poisonous atmosphere by refusing to discuss going. Walsh is asked about the benefit to the owners and he says "growth" and is then asked to quantify it and he talks about memories. Man these guys are out to lunch. They're not even speaking the same language. It's no wonder guys like Wayne and Mario had a different perspective once they became owners.
  13. There was more snow in 97 than 86. I seem to remember 86 feeling worse because it seemed to shut the city down longer. The combination of improved snow clearing operations and warm temperatures made 97 easier to handle.
  14. Nunes steps away from Russia investigation. http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/politics/devin-nunes-stepping-aside-russia-intelligence-committee/index.html
  15. Well, we can disagree with him. He's an analyst. And if you sort of know him you know he often plays devil's advocate. I'd suspect he thinks Maurice is a good, not great coach who hasnt had a full deck to deal with. He knows the Jets plans and thats why he's defending it because to him, its moot. He's taking the Jets' position, that Maurice isn't the problem. Now, Hustler takes the opposing view which is cool and we're lucky to have those guys in this market. But I get what you're saying. If I recall, he defended Noel over and over again....and then didn't. And Noel was fired. Lawless is pretty smart, as much as many dont want to admit. I dont always agree with him. And sometimes when I dont, his analysis changes my mind. He's very smart actually.
  16. Ovi is under contract to 2021. He could retire. But he's not throwing away his contract over the Olympics. And you made a great point. Its one thing for the stars to go to the Olympics while the lesser stars go to Mexico for three weeks. But Ovi and a few chosen ones go to the Olympics and the other guys stay and battle? That would play right into the leagues hands as far as their divide and conquer tactic with the players. Has any media asked Ovi "what are you willing to give to go to the Olympics?" Because thats the question. Everyone is taking his sound byte, but what are the players willing to give? They have contracts. They want to opt out for three weeks at a critical time to go play for someone else. Doesnt work that way.
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