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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Looking at 2011 draft, whatever happened to Zack Yuen? Led the WHL in plus/minus, never made it past the ECHL and then went to the KHL. And he shoots LEFT!
  2. Goalie is right. But if Ovi went, I'd suspect him the rest of the season. I'd make that known ahead of time that anyone violating their contracts will not play the rest of the season and playoffs. Period. You cannot violate your contract in that way. But yes, the IIHF wont allow it which is why guys like the Caps owner can kiss up to fans and players when he should be showing a unified front with his fellow owners.
  3. People get mad ad Lawless. But is it Lawless "defending" Maurice or is it that Lawless has sources telling him the Jets want to extend Maurirce and Lawless is reporting all the reasons why Maurice wont be fired? It amazes me how much Lawless bugs people. He's a tremendous resource here and we're lucky to have him. And as others mentioned previously, the broadcast station arent overly homers. Hustler argued with Lawless about firing Maurice.
  4. I like your point about the 2011 draft. What a pick by by the Jets... and really fitting that their first ever pick turns out to be, likely, a franchise player for this team. I mean, he's no Sean Couturier but he's pretty good.
  5. Regardless of where Roslo starts, I'd assume he gets some time with the top six just to see what he has. The Jets dont need to win...but they do need to see what they have. This is actually a wise decision by Maurice and I like his reasoning. About Comrie he said "next time he gets in a game, it wont be his first".
  6. I think the people that think a gap doesnt exist look at from the perspective of "well women getting less arent equal to the men making more" in the sense of education, experience etc. But its still a societal thing with women taking breaks for family and returning the workforce and not being treated the same as men. My experience has been that women are widely treated less than men in most work places I've been in from bar tending to corporate executives. In the corporate world, women are encouraged to find mentors in a way men arent because they need help navigating the old boys club. And even in my age bracket which isnt that old, there are rutinely incidents of men making it very difficult for their female boss because they simply dont respect women as authorities. Personally, my best boss at my current place of work was a woman
  7. I dont recall the snow pellets. Im pretty sure it was very cold for the blizzard and it was "normal" snow (heavy snow, blowing snow). But it did melt quickly. I know I have some home video of the day before the blizzard because my friend and I went out to his cottage at Grand Beach to check it out "after the winter" (lol) and I comment on the video that there is a blizzard coming. And I have video of a month later with us playing basketball outside in t shirts and then driving around looking at all the flood activity. According to news reports, there was already a ton of snow on the ground before that blizzard. I also recall, I think it was Grand Forks or Fargo, their local news won awards if I recall for their coverage. Whichever town it was got hammered bad...totally flooded, huge fire. It was very very sad. My friend's aunt lived in St Norbert and I recall that the city thought they were safe and someone noticed a weak point where flood waters could back up and end up flooding St Norbert. Thats when they scurried to build the Brunkild dyke in record time. But St Norbert was force evacuated (I helped my friend's family move everything out of his aunt's basement). Im sure there will be tons of Flood coverage in a month, the 20 year anniversary.
  8. I think there is a pretty good awareness of NXT talent among the WWE fans, especially the TV audience (fans at TV) so they always get the strong reaction. But its like anyone else, if they are cool and interesting and talented, they get over. Fans seem to reject gimmicks more so than talent. The Ascension, Vaudevillains, the Peurto Ricans...all "gimmicks" more so than talent and they didnt last long. And plus, the "big" guys are all guys fans knew before NXT. Its funny when Hunter always credits NXT for these guys but they were known commodities beforehand. Like Joe could have debuted on RAW on day one instead of NXT, like AJ did and got just as big a reaction. Nak too. Roode is probably a ways off. A few new guys will enter NXT at some point like Kyle O'Rielly. Ring of Honor had backed WWE off on some of them due to tampering threats. But they'll be in eventually. I have a feeling AJ goes to RAW which would suck in that Nak vs AJ would be....amazing. If they do switch AJ hopefully they do that as a "farewell" match on TV. EDIT: Forgot a point I meant to make. TNA gets around 300,000 viewers but look how many fans knew all the Hardy's chants (I think more so from Matt's amazing social media stuff). Fans find a way. And Adam Cole WWE-bound too of course, I forgot him. He'll be in NXT first and be a great addition.
  9. Gotch apparently not the nicest guy. Got beat up by Sin Cara.
  10. I dont care about the draft. We have our big youth picks. Whatever happens will happen. We'll get a good player regardless. Not worried about tanking for a pick or whatever. Who knows, maybe we win the lottery.
  11. A healthy D with Poolman competing for a spot. I'd like another decent bottom pairing guy in that mix. Chiarot, I dont mind. I think Poolman will end up winning that last job. A healthy D all season and we probably make the playoffs. A veteran goalie that is league average, we probably make the playoffs. Better D coach, better goalie coach and we likely make the playoffs. So...Im calling it, guaranteed playoffs next season. ;-)
  12. Yup. Talk about tone deaf. Like hey, Im all for innocent until proven guilty. And we can debate the issue to death and how multiple reports, multiple settlements etc, over time and it leads to a logical conclusion yadda yadda yadda. Then again, Trump admitted on tape to sexually assaulting women so...obviously he wouldnt see it as "wrong". But really...you're the President. Pick your spots, idiot.
  13. As frustrated as I am like most of you and I still think Huddy and Flaherty should go...before this season I did write here (somewhere) that it would not surprise me if the Jets had a worse record than last season. I thought it was very likely they took a step back with the youth. I also noted my belief that the Jets would not slowly rise but would "flip the switch" and be significantly better. We might be seeing that.
  14. As much fun as it would be to put in Helle or Hutch thinking it gives us the better chance to win 6 in a row, its worth seeing Comrie in NHL action and he deserves a start. Plus, he probably gives us just as good a shot of winning.
  15. I was thinking about sponsorship. Can they plaster the buses in banners and sell sponsorship that way? Make the "season pass" a sponsored thing and include advertising on the pass etc. There might be a price point where they can hit that generates more revenue and only lowers usage a little. A lot more people drive in the first year then now. If they raised the price and lost a few customers to driving, it wouldnt have a terribly negative impact on area traffic, especially with the better access the Rapid Transit will allow.
  16. If there isnt marked improvement I think it falls squarely on Maurice and Chevy would have little choice but to fire. Fans are getting sick of the excuses. Schedule. Injuries. Bad D. Bad goaltending. Well, some of those can be on the coaches too. Some on the GM. Time to see some improvement or someone has to go and it wont be the players.
  17. Some amazing shots in there (I scrolled through). Did you take that video?
  18. Meh MPI shouldnt be in law enforcement. They already help fund the police. I know the response is that it costs MPI (and thus us) more to pay out claims related to drunk driving accidents, deaths etc so if they can reduce that then it reduces their over-all costs. But I'd like to know their investment in these initiatives versus the costs of claims and the stats to show an over-all reduction. Then again, Liquor and Lotteries also sponsors. So you have one government pocket saying "drink!!" and another saying "but dont drive". Great message for sure. But...still dont like the idea of government monopolies spending our money to market themselves.
  19. The team almost literally cant get worse. With talented young players who will get better, additions of talent etc. All Maurice has to do is keep blinding the media with fancy wording and sit back and enjoy all the accolades he will get if the Jets improve in any remote way.
  20. Im not sure what they do about it through. Escrow is to claw back that money that puts the players over 50%. That's the deal they made. To want to get rid of it is to say they want more than 50%. In essence it violates a fundamental aspect of the CBA. Im no accountant but isnt it in part due to the PA triggering an automatic increase in the salary cap? Thus, players get paid more than 50% of revenue and owners have a right to claw it back. I suppose they could lower next year's salaries by the required amount but that would be rolling back wages. Im fascinated by the idea the players will fight to get rid of escrow...curious as to what other plan they will suggest. I imagine it will be "well, if we make too much, we get to keep it."
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