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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Show was a big meh. That was my initial reaction as soon as it was over. Then I got to a computer and went through some more details. WWE is very good at producing shows. But they are very formulaic. It's when they step outside their little box that they are better. But they rarely do that. I know it seems backhanded. But this was wrestlemania. It needed to be better. It was meh. If it was three hours maybe it's a thumbs up.
  2. Well two ways. One you don't do the leaving of the gear in the ring. You do it on raw when far more people would be watching. Or you have undertake go over on a better opponent so the match is better and the whole thing isn't a downer. I just think they sacrificed too much just for that visual.
  3. Oh yes that's true. It wasn't a bad show. It was historic for the Taker thing (if he stays retired - he told Vince he was done after Brock and Shane too) and the Hardy's. Seth vs Hunter is a good example of tjenshow as a whole. If a young trainee wanted to watch a match to learn from, that's a good choice. Hunter is very very very good at working his matches from a psychology stand point. And her the crowd didn't care and it was too long. And the finish was hokey.
  4. I don't think this is true. I've liked many WWE events. I've actually been defending the Shane vs AJ booking all over. In general I'm not a fan of WWE booking. But they have a specific method to how they book. So it's easy to like or dislike. It's not like some shows are way better or way worse. It's generally all the same. My review I posted was more positive than negative. It would be the greatest show of all time if they could do a 7 hour show and have no negatives.
  5. That's not an apology then. You insulted me. You ridiculed my involvement in professional wrestling. You attempted to undermine my knowledge of the business (which just factually is far greater than yours partially due to being in it for nearly 16 years). So if you don't think your cheap attack was uncalled for then don't provide a token apology. We can let stand as an example of your lack of character. And to reiterate I don't ever say "hey im in the business so I know better than you" I often agree with others opinions. I do have a unique perspective because of my involvement. I'm a booker. I know about crafting angles and matches. I've worked with some huge names and learned from them. If my knowledge and experience doesn't mean anything then the fact you've never done any of it would effectively push your opinions into the negative of meaning That was my point. Anyway learned a bit about you. Can now move on. Feel free to expand on your opinion that roman vs Taker was so good because Taker wanted to go out on his back or something...
  6. Honestly I've not seen a single review that enjoyed the match. Smark or otherwise. And it wasn't a good match. People got emotional about the symbolic retirements which might make the whole thing better in retrospect. If some people enjoyed it that's great. I think it would have been fine earlier on the card. Its the same as saying miz/cena wasn't bad either but they did nothing. It was fine for its placement but if it was the main it would be pretty much a let down Seth vs Hunter too. Which was a very well worked match from a psychologically technical stand point but they didn't have the crowd and made effort to adjust to the crowd.
  7. Youve improved a lot. We all have moments when we focus on winning the argument over sharing the discussion. Goalies cheap attack was not only unfair but since he was completely wrong it was also laughable. I'll assume there was some make imbibing occurring and hopefully he'll apologize and we can move on. What did you think of the show Brandon? Did you watch?
  8. You could tell by the officials that had to grab her and pull her away. I agree that Undertaker's retirement deserves a big deal but business is business. They flattened the show to end like that. Personally I would have had Taker go over in his last match. The Roman push clouds everything.
  9. Comments from the Hardy's where Matt makes a couple of references to the broken universe but playing it safe obviously.
  10. I can only assume it was because of the Gronk thing and them being friends. I think the original idea of the Battle Royale concept was it would help get someone over but on the pre show its really just about warming up the crowd. Yeah true. Especially since they were already married and actually about to split up! lol
  11. Now that I'm on a computer I can type easier then my phone. Ill run through some WM thoughts (hope to hear some others too). Keep in mind, I've been involved in wrestling for 16 years so take my opinion with a grain of salt lol I watched at a friends place with a group so I might have to review the show alone. But man..was it long. WAAAAAY too long, Im not even sure why they do that since its not like it makes them more money. They aren't going to draw more fans or viewers if they show is 3-4 hours versus 7. I get why they do a pre show, to spread out the fans' arrival. But boy I can't imagine being there in that heat all day. I have some friends there so Ill ask them about it. LOVED the security person not knowing Gronk was hitting the ring. Good for her. Missed the IC match. Shane vs AJ was pretty darn good. Post show, people in my viewing party, some thought this was match of the night. Owens vs Jericho was good. Not spectacular but pretty good, especially for the spot it was in. Obviously the right finish too. RAW Women's match - good but too short especially for elimination rules. Some good work. Charlotte is so athletic. Everyone assumed Charlotte would win. I predicted Bayley but probably would have gone with Charlotte if it was me booking. But the point is to keep getting Bayley over to the level she was before she was poorly booked when called up. Ladder Match was good. Again, not spectacular compared to other ladder matches. Funny, when we did pre-match predictions at my viewing party I picked Enzo & Cass "unless the Hardy's showed up". Looks like they cant use their "Broken" gimmick but maybe the best moment of the show was their return and winning the titles. Cena/Nikki vs Miz/Maryse - expected more with it likely being Cena and Nikki's last matches for awhile but it was pretty basic and simple. Mia is gold. Really deserves a big push coming out of this. Had lots of people cheering for him. The proposal was very contrived an expected based on the booking but yay for love. HHH vs Seth - this one is tough. It was well worked as every Hunter match will be but the fans were pretty dead most of the way and the match seemed boring and anti-climatic. The booking really cut the balls off this thing (as did Seth getting hurt) and they just seemed like they weren't going to change their minds on the match. Not sure I like the finish either. Steph takes a table bump off an accidental push by Hunter (so the heat isn't even Seth's) and Hunter is distracted by his wife being hurt and gets taken out (so the heat for the victory isn't really on Seth either). They botched Seth's face turn from the beginning and paid for it here. Bray vs Orton - two meh wrestlers had a meh match. Cool thing was the graphics on the mat but "hokey" isnt usually a good thing and the crowd was dead Goldberg vs Brock - Exactly as it should have been. Probably should have been the main although it was fairly short. But the crowd was into it and it was booked perfectly. SD Women's match - good for what it was. Roman vs Taker - ugh. Wrong match, wrong finish. Originally, it was to be Cena vs Undertaker which surely would have been better since Cena is a better worker than Roman and you could have had Taker go over and still "retire". But Vince is relentlessly obsessed with the idea that Roman is the next big thing ever when its so obvious he isn't. Taker is very smart but Roman isn't good enough to carry the way in a match like this with a broken down Taker. Put this match on early and its fine. Have Taker go over...and its okay too. The idea that this was the veteran giving back is passe thinking. Its always Vince's call. Plus the streak is over anyway. This is all about Brock vs Roman next year. Again, way too long. Awesome set. Thats about all.
  12. The thing about Trump's approval rating is that as it plummets, the things that turn off the majority of people will embolden the few that really love him. His base will be the racists and bigots the so-far-right-wing crowd who doesn't care who or what runs the party just as long as its their party that wins. He can never drop to 0.
  13. If easy to please marks enjoyed it that's cool. It doesn't diminish the opinion of harder to please smarks though. Felt like a 7 hour episode of raw. But with less enjoyable talking and angles. Big meh is right. Hardy's was the highlight.
  14. Yeah that was the most contrived "moment" ever. Which the fans boo'ed. Lol
  15. And would you like me to explain why your statement above about Taker and roman makes no sense? That way you won't look silly when popping off on other people that get it more than you. Let me know I'm a nice guy like that. By the way my rinky dink promotion just celebrated 15 years this past Friday by over selling the bar venue we ran and having to turn people away. My remark about Vince was not just the main event but the show as a whole. Regarding the main event it was a dreadful decision. The match has no chance to be good. The result had no chance to get over. And if Vince didn't care about any of that because he wanted to end WM with the Undertaker symbolically retiring that's fine. But wrong match. Wrong opponent. Wrong finish. and yup, I do know better.
  16. This is a much better take that goalies (presumably) drunken attack on me out of nowhere. I don't think the match should not have happened at all. But it sure shouldn't have been the main event. And the result means nothing. They will push roman vs Brock for next years WM with the idea they're the only two to have beaten Taker at Wm. but Vince keeps fighting an uphill battle. It's apparent to everyone. You don't have to be a smark or run a local Indy to see it. Only a really really stupid person would think Vince is infallible. And i agree about hating roman. The fans won't see that as a respect thing. If they had turned roman two years ago like they should have, he'd be a top face right now that's what certain people fail to understand that wasn't all that was wrong tonight. The show is ridiculously too long. The only thing special was the Hardy's return which was very cool. That crowd was so burned out though. Imagine being there for 7 hours in that heat? Crazy. Show was a big meh
  17. Ummm excuse me? Are you drunk or just wearing your big boy panties and decide playing internet tough guy sounds fun tonight. Come down to my rinky dink promotion and insult me. You're the most condescending know it all on these boards. Don't be mad bro just because you don't know anything about a business I'm in. I don't claim to know it all because I run a local promotion. But how does you not being involved in this business for 16 years like me qualify your opinion to mean more than mine? Smark isnt an insult but mark can be when those of us smart to the business refer to people like you that way Are we done? Can we discuss the show or do you want to keep popping Off? Like really. You have zero clue.
  18. Nigel exclaiming the future is bright for Ring of Honor while calling NxT live last night was hilarious. Hope there isn't too much heat on him for it
  19. Best part is the song was written for someone else but Roode ended up with it. Works perfectly for him. It's been CFO$ doing the music since 2011 and those two guys are great.
  20. Pushed too hard too soon. Very talented. Has gotten a lot better.
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