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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think trump just thinks he's untouchable. I think he's legitimately be baffled about why he's there.....as he's hauled to prison.
  2. Yeah I figured it was going on last but if it's not it probably means short match. It as short as Goldberg two matches already. But not ten minutes. Opens wirh spear jackhammer kickout.
  3. Yes he could take the 5th. But that alone is fairly damning. I mean, did you meet with Russian officials at this specific time? "I plead the 5th". Did Trump know about it? "I plead the 5th". That doesnt play well. Trump pardoning...I strongly suspect it happens eventually. He wont care how bad it looks. Better question, will Pence pardon Trump? It will sink Pence on re-election.
  4. I wasn't sure what all this was about until I googled it but it sure is weird Pence won't have a one on one meal with a woman other then his wife https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/31/mike-pence-doesnt-eat-alone-women-speaks-volumes
  5. Yes. Brian Lee. Who did a solid Taker impression but was several inches shorter. They had one main event on PPV to absolutely silence and that was the end of that.
  6. That would be a pretty lousy prosecutor. I would think they don't just grant immunity without an idea as to what they're getting in return. They don't have to grant it at all. They could make him testify and potentially prosecute him regardless. Plus waiting risks someone else taking immunity before you can. This makes it clear why the admin was lying about Flynn and Manaforts roles a couple weeks ago. They suspected this was potentially coming. Now the back channel solution is to lean on Flynn to take a bullet for Trump and get pardoned down the road.
  7. Lol reharding taker being reluctant to take the spear he apparently has a really bad hip but surgery would mean no more wrestling so he puts it off. He was so beat up last year that he told Vince he was done. But then starts to feel better. One match worth millions.
  8. If you're going to be a big mouth you have to expect some blowback
  9. Yeah roman can carry his end of the deal but he's not good enough to carry a lesser opponent. This could be a stinker. Plus usually they like a happy ending. And roman winning will get boo'ed out of the place and taker winning is likely a meh. If it goes on last, they have something up their sleeve....
  10. As of right now, Roman vs Undertaker is scheduled to go on last. Which is...interesting.
  11. What was washingtons second rounder used on?
  12. Going public probably affords him the best chance at survival. Had he quietly slipped away he'd end up dead on a perfectly reasonable "accident". Too much light on him now. It could start the ball rolling of others coming forward. Do they want to put Manafort away or can he be swayed to turn on Trump?
  13. Yup you don't demand immunity unless you need it. And you don't get it unless you have something even better to offer. If Flynn says he made offers at Trumps behest or even just knowledge, you can start writing "impeachment" now.
  14. I remember it was a 2nd and 3rd but somehow turned into all this?
  15. Toby was playing well until leaving the team to deal with a family illness. He wasnt the same when he got back. And obviously been hampered by injuries (he had knee surgery today). The days of him being #1 are over. But I'd feel good about him as #3/4.
  16. Thats what I meant, he didnt sign for the minimum. Ofcourse, he had some leverage. But hopefully the salary represents the projected talent level.
  17. I heard that too. That would be a weird strategy in my opinion. There seems to be more goalies available then teams in dire need. Just seems odd that they'd do that. Unless they basically take advance orders. Team A wants an available goalie pretty badly so they make a deal with Vegas to snag the goalie and then consummate the trade after. Seems odd for Vegas to just grab a bunch of goalies without having deals already in place to trade them. Fleury, if he's not traded before the draft, becomes the prize. So I could see Vegas taking him and then trading him. But Fleury would have to consent to being a pawn as he has a NTC. If you want him, why not deal with the Pens before the draft?
  18. The GF still watched Once Upon A Time but I dropped out during Season 2. Although I admit its a brilliant concept and very well made show with a great cast. I just couldnt stay invested in it. Sounds like its stretching its own concept to the limit though. How long before they end up with Mickey Mouse on the show?
  19. That seems like a pretty solid ELC salary. Hopefully he's a gamer. As goalie said, I'd expect him to pencil in at the 3LHD spot. Morrissey-Trouba Toby-Buff Poolman-Myers If Huddy doesnt screw it up, that could be a solid D corp.
  20. Lawless also retweeted the other tweet. More youth
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