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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. It will go through. Trump is the greatest negotiator of all time. How did it not happen today? It's weird. He said he could negotiate anything. Hmmmm strange.
  2. I've turned the corner on Helle. He's awful. Everyone in the world knows he's weak Glove side. If only there was some sort of person who could be hired to work with Helle on his weaknesses. Someone to coach the goalie. Let's call it a goalie coach. Flaherty can't be fired soon enough. They should leave him in Cali. The good thing is if, God forbid, Helle should ever suffer a catastrophic injury that resulted in the amputation of his left arm, he'd still be as effective a goalie as he is now. Lawless pushinf the idea of Fleury. Why on earth would Fleury come here and work with a goalie coach who has made every goalie he ever coached worse? Why is Laine on the point? Because Maurice is the smartest hockey guy in the world. Just ask him, he'll tell you.
  3. Theres a difference between collateral damage and bombing a civilian area on purpose. The US military technology is impressive. This isn't Vietnam.
  4. Trump was very critical of the previous admin (and really the traditional, for years, method of bombings) for providing advance warning to allow civilians to seek shelter or vacate areas. So the fact he'd order bombings that kill significant civilians is no surprise.
  5. Yeah there were people that thought he looked far too out of place in the pros and would be a project. Definitely a great thing that he made the jump to a critical role.
  6. Shawn Michaels reveals WWE offered him the WrestleMania match against Styles and he declined. Yowza.
  7. Can you believe this guy? Chairman of the Intelligence Committee and he runs interference for Trump and runs off to brief them on what he knows before even telling his own committee. Wow. And this brings home the whole point (the Macleans editorial discussed this) of separating loyalty to party from loyalty to the country. Those Republican's swore an oath to their country and constituents. And people like Nunes are helping Trump. After 9/11 everyone voted in favour of war because no one, regardless of party, wanted to be on the wrong side of that. A day will come when Republicans will have to stand and be counted and choose between Trump and their oath to the constitution.
  8. I think he wanted to win but didnt think he would. His plan was to leverage his candidacy into a new right wing agenda and Trump News empire. And I think he didnt realise it would be so hard. Although really, how hard is it for him considering how often he goes to his vacation home and plays golf? But in business, his word was gospel and everyone jumped and no one crossed him. His big issue is that this isnt like his business and he cant stand the criticism and the fact he has to work at it and the fact he isnt that good at it. He IS a puppet but he doesnt think he is and he doesnt want to be. And I dont think he'd ever allow himself to be impeached. He'd resign first, like Nixon. He wont lose. His plan will be to announce that he succeeded in making America great so he will step down because he cant make it any greater and he doesnt need it and he is too smart and busy and successful to waste time as President. All spin ofcourse. To step down as a "winner".
  9. I saw a mini-vlog about Trump's war on the Intelligence Community and the speculation that the drips and drabs of "leaks" that have come out were warnings by the IC over Trump's repeated attacks on them. Apparently a former CIA guy had tweeted at one point that he received a message from someone high up after some Trump slight that read Trump "would die in jail" based on what is known and will eventually come out.
  10. Is that the same Time interview that this tweet addresses?
  11. One thing I worry about is the potential change to principal residence. For the first time, the feds require that information (if you've sold a principal residence). One could suspect they are doing so to see how much they lose by not taxing it... I bought a house in 2016 (and sold one) that I intend to live in forever, but that would be a crippling blow. When I did my taxes I made an error and when it did not exempt my house sale, I owed $20,000. The liberals will be droolling over that potential tax.
  12. I wish they made the whole tax code simpler. I *want* to put more into TFSA but I have to use my RRSP to decrease my tax burden every year. But I've read some stuff from people far smarter than me that implores people to max out TFSA first before RRSP's. I think you're right about RRSP's being complicated to people and it has this sort of magical aura that if you contribute you will be rich when you retire and TFSA seem so much smaller but the way they work can create a lot of money down the road...and since you've already paid tax, its "free" money. For my elderly parents, its annoys them that they have to convert their RRSP's because if they ddnt have to, they wouldn't right now. But they've got into the habit of taking the minimum RIF and dumping as much as they can into their TFSA. They arent rich, just very careful. It all gets more complicated when you factor stocks. For example, my job allows you to buy stocks and the company matches a percentage. I dont get it. But I know I have stocks in an RRSP account so, bully for me I guess.
  13. I know the criticism on TFSA is that it helps wealthy people. But I know many people who are not wealthy that use them including myself. If the government is serious about people saving for their own retirement then they have to make it easier to do so. Plus, you still pay tax on the money you put into the TFSA. So the government gets their cut. But why punish me for saving by also taxing the interest I make on saving that money? In the end, Im going to spend it anyway...and pay tax on it.
  14. I think they want to go when it benefits the NHL the most and they want to skip the years where it doesnt benefit them. So they do not want to go this year but they sure want to be in China.
  15. My expectation in Terminator is really because of reports that Cameron was already on board with making a new one and had a writer working on a story. Its totally possible that it gets back burnered in a way Avatar has as well. I guess when a guy owns the franchise and is already filthy rich, his focus becomes the creative process and quality and not actually putting the film out there. A studio is all about the bottom line so their focus is on churning out the films. Getting the Avatar sequels out more timely would make Cameron even richer but its not like he'd notice the difference. his focus is on creating new film techniques and SFX technology. Like Lucas. He sat on Star Wars for years and just tinkered around. Disney buys it and theres a master plan for the franchise. Maybe Cameron will license Terminator to a studio to keep the film production schedule on time.
  16. I dont mind sin taxes. Sure, I wish booze was cheaper. But if I can afford to buy bottles for a party, then I can afford a slight increase in tax. Dont like the EI Premium increase because its a tax hike on everyone. Taxes are high enough. Taxes should be reduced not increased. Spreading out Parental Leave is fine because it leaves the choice in the hands of the parent to take less pay over a longer period. But that causing my premiums to go up is not cool. And I know several people who paid into EI for years that, when they needed it, couldnt get it. So not a fan. They should increase the TFSA contribution limit too, like the Cons had done.
  17. He'd be the safe choice. I joke that he will orchestrate a reason to ditch Pence in an effort to keep the Republicans from impeaching him. ie. remove the safe choice. But any replacement would have to be confirmed so that probably doesnt work. It will be interesting to see if, when push comes to shove, the republicans are willing to cut him loose. These reports that indicate there is evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia...its bad. Trump himself publicly implored Russia to hack emails and release them. Hard to believe he isnt complicit. But will all his people take the fall to protect him? And why?
  18. Interesting article examining who of Lowry, Armia, Copp and Dano Jets should protect based on stats. Dano comes out on top
  19. Hot rumour tonight is WWE and ROh have been negotiating since January for a purchase (WWE buying ROH).
  20. how does trump avoid impeachment on this? He asked, on live tv, for russia to hack Hilary. He's up to his eyeballs in this. He's a crook. How many of his people will fall on their swords.
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