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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. RAW is too long. Thats always been an issue. But they have maintained a decent 3rd hour depending on what they are advertising. So that 3rd hour drop is a rejection of what's coming. And thats usually Roman. Also, the booking last week was bad in my opinion. Seth returning and beating up Hunter, fade to black is what should have happened. Because then you tune in this week wanting to see what happens. Instead, they had Hunter make his own comeback and beat up Seth. So why tune in this week? To see the same "Seth is hurt and might not be ready" story we've already seen? To see Hunter gloat which we JUST saw? They dont create episodic TV anymore. It doesnt matter what happened last week or what will happen next week. And they kill the regular viewers with incessant recaps. I hate to quote George Lucas but he had a saying (if I remember it correctly) when filming he would do another take and his instructions were "now faster and more intense". WWE needs to be faster and more intense.
  2. Im sure I heard that. This article quotes the IIHF as saying they would pay: http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/growing-skepticism-ahead-nhl-iihf-olympics-meeting-wednesday/
  3. The quotes stupidity is one of my favourite lies because they pretend Trump never tweeted about wire taps *without* quotes...but he did, Its very much like dealing with kids. I like the stories that leak out about Trump's aids having to cheer him up and pump up his ego and stuff. And ofcourse the idea that the issue is not Trump collusion with Russia but that its being leaked. Why so mad about "leaks" of untrue things? How can you "leak" something that is untrue. Thats not a leak, its a lie. The fact they are so angry about "leaks" exposes it as true. Trump in prison would be something!
  4. Oh I agree. But if its not the NHL I'd like to see the juniors. I guess it doesnt really matter. Im not really sure what the NHL issue is. They claimed it was about insurance but that issue was resolved. They dont mind screwing with the season for their own World Cup because they directly benefit in cash. But they benefit a lot from the Olympics too.
  5. The geniuses at Paramount have declined their option to make any more Terminator films. The good news is, the rights to the franchise revert to James Cameron in 2019 and he supposedly is considering a new film.
  6. Did you hear the Dems had a lunch meeting and Bernie got mustard on his shirt? Now that's a real scandal!
  7. Yeah I think what Atomic said. Pens would have to deal with their goalie issue as it relates to expansion. Because trading for Fleury creates that issue for many teams. I think Pens get better offers after the expansion draft. The goalie market will be interesting. It seems like more goalies than teams that need them, So Fleury might have to be open to something. Ideally he goes to a city that is awesome with a team that can win now. But if his options are limited, he might see the Jets as a place he can be the starter, influence the younger goalies and potentially win. He might see some similarities between the Jets and the Pens when he got there. Plus, he plays in Pittsburgh so its not Winnipeg is going to be a shitty place to live next to that.
  8. Id be fine if they sent the best juniors. Would still be really good hockey and seeing those kids win medals would be awesome. I can see the owners perspective. If you have several players go, because you have a team with many great players, it can really impact you, especially if there are injuries. And in February? Tough time to do it. Wont matter to the jets since we'd be eliminated from the playoffs by then. But its the biggest stage in the world to showcase your league. Presumably, they want to be China. The Olympics should play hardball and tell the NHL if they dont go to South Korea, they dont go to China.
  9. When the head of the FBI testifies that there is an active investigation of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia and in response Trump tweets that Comey just said there is not collusion, the rules are thrown out. Trump is a shameless liar. And he's used to people bending over backward for him. Must be driving him nuts that he cant just steamroll his way around. The Republicans who are walking the tightrope right now...watch Paul Ryan answer these questions on CNN and its clear he's trying to be both united in party & President but also wants deniability when the inevitable happens...at some point critical mass might push these Republicans to jump off the Trump train before it completely derails. Trump will never be impeached. He will claim he succeeded and resign first. But that wont necessarily stop these investigations. If Trump colluded with Russia...he's going to jail. Unless his VP pardons him in an act of self immolation. My conspiracy twist is that something happens to Pence and he's replaced by Kushner... Trump is making Nixon look like Lincoln.
  10. The fact they continue to point out that Katz is not alleged to have done wrong doing yet Katz lawyer is bending over backwards to prove he hasnt done anything wrong leads me to believe the RCMP investigation is leading to Katz. That's their big prize. Im not sure what their lawyer's motive is but everytime he opens his mouth to try and prove his clients were on the up and up, I come away more suspicious. If his goal is to tip public perception in his favour I dont think that is working. If he is hoping to chill the investigation, I cant imagine it working either. But he is committing himself and his clients to certain stories. I would think the more prudent thing to do would be to shut up and not reveal any evidence until you have to...in court.
  11. Unbelievable isn't it? The response to criticism will be "all politicians lie". Come on. This is a strategy of deception. They say whatever they want knowing its utter bullshit knowing people dont care. Well, people do care given his horrendous approval ratings but Trump is only speaking to the people that only believe him. And I imagine his people keep him in the bubble where the feedback is always positive. There are other issues with this. What is Ivanka's job? They get around the nepotism act by saying she wont take a salary or have a title. So what is her job? And oh she wont be subject to certain rules but she'll voluntarily adhere to them...sure.
  12. Reigns isn't just getting the wrong crowd reactions. He's shown to be bad for ratings. Third hour is always a big drop for him.
  13. Lowest rated raw since 1997. Wow. Their booking was lousy last week and people didn't tune in this week.
  14. Interesting. I guess the argument in support of the boxes is that the cable companies shouldnt be able to dictate how people access the content. It would be like Shaw suing Bell and saying 'hey you cant provide a way for consumers to access the content because we already do that'. These boxes are, in a way, just another gateway to the content. On the other hand, they arent charging fees that pay for the right to air that content so on its face, its clearly the right call. You'd think it would be the content providers who'd have an issue with this though.
  15. This is what you do when you're concerned about indictments. Gotta protect the boss
  16. This is what you do when you're concerned about indictments. Gotta protect the boss
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