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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Vince in car accident. Apparently no injuries.
  2. Ill post some quotes from the article because its a pretty common sense look at things. Many of us probably were thinking the same watching this craziness while polticians and a lot of media walked the line in not saying what is really happening Party or country? The Republicans choose a side. Trump is being investigated for treason, confirmed the FBI. And still, the GOP lawmakers kept shamelessly asking about leaks. Close observers of the ongoing scandal were not expecting much drama. The hearing was open to the public, and given the sensitive nature of the issue, it seemed unlikely that either Comey or Rogers would be able to say anything of particular interest. And the Republican Chair, Devin Nunes, had signaled he had no intention of allowing this investigation to focus on the Trump administration. Nunes has complained the real crimes are the constant drip of leaks that have kept this story in the news for months. Nonetheless, not only was there drama, but history was made. Comey began his testimony by confirming, for the first time, that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation into whether the sitting President of the United States colluded with a foreign power to influence the outcome of the election. the implications were clear, and even after all these months of headlines and conjecture, they were astounding: For the first time in American history, the President is being investigated for treason. Treason is a shocking word. It has not been thrown around much as this Russian scandal has grown, and for good reason. But conspiring with a foreign power to influence a U.S. election must surely fall within the definition of “giving comfort to her enemies”. And when Clinton’s former campaign manager Robby Mook used it today, saying “If U.S. campaign aides helped the Russians, knew about the Russians plans, or asked the Russians to intervene in any way, they should be prosecuted for treason…” it was hard to disagree. It is also hard to imagine all these aides acted coincidentally, without any guidance, given that the one thing they all have in common was their direct line of reporting to the candidate, Donald Trump. Is it possible an over zealous campaign surrogate, like Roger Stone, decided on his own to communicate with the hacker who stole emails from the Democratic Party? Absolutely. But at the same time that Paul Manafort altered the Republican policy platform to the benefit of Moscow? And when Carter Page and Mike Flynn were meeting with the Russian Ambassador? It is too much to believe all of them reached out to Moscow on their own accord. If Trump’s aides are accused of treason, then he must be too. The overwhelming majority of their questions throughout the five hour hearing was focused on the leaks about the investigation, and not on the investigation itself. Gowdy seemed almost in tears at one point as he tried to comprehend why anyone would be so malicious as to leak proof Mike Flynn had lied about his contacts with the Russian ambassador. The Republicans made it clear they were less worried about the Russian scandal, and more upset that anyone had found out about it. The choice these congressmen made today, to protect the interests of Russia and Republicans and not to defend the interests of America and democracy, will be long remembered, and history will not be kind.
  3. Yeah its a weird tweet but a more relevant article. perhaps they tweeted the story in a different tweet but thats the first one I stumbled upon. Saw it in a different couple of tweets referencing the article and looked for the original. The gist being that a lot of media is dancing around the issue that Trump's admin is being investigated for their ties to Russia whereas Macleans included that line I quoted.
  4. Yeah probably. Its interesting because Lawless was pushing the name...I cant remember now, Condon? His feeling was they wanted a veteran back-up who might push Helle a bit. But now he's full on they need a starting goalie and suggesting they go after Fleury. Darling is interesting because he will want a shot at #1 which he'd get here but he will also want some term. You're not going to give him term and cash without him having proven himself. But a 3 year deal is doable I think. Rick Ralph rattled off the names of teams likely looking for goalie help and there seems to be far more goalies then teams in need so we should get a decent one.
  5. "trump is being investigated for treason"
  6. Meh maybe being there live changes things. I shook my head and shut it off as soon as the Jets scored.
  7. lol http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/20/politics/gallup-poll-donald-trump-approval/ (CNN)President Donald Trump's job approval rating has dropped to 37%, while 58% of Americans disapprove of his performance so far as president, new Gallup figures show.
  8. Yup the Dems are the big issue right now.
  9. The strategy is clear. Watching Spicer try to spin this and guys like Jason Miller who worked on the campaign try to spin this. They aren't even spinning. They are lying. Out and out lying. Its dispicable. It's beyond sad political theatre. They are criminals. Indictments coming? Might explain Spicer lying about Manafort's place in the campaign.
  10. well that's one way to put it....
  11. I like Dano. him on the 4th line with Lemieux would drive the opposition nuts.
  12. Quoted because Edit wasnt working. This is a pretty significant development. Cornette and WWE have a terrible relationship (or no relationship really). Ricky & Robert wanted him to induct them and its the most sense really. But WWE generally picks who does the induction and doesnt really care what the talent want (for example, Angle wanted Austin but is getting Cena). So for WWE to make a deal with Cornette is pretty big. Hopefully Cornette doesnt go nuts that weekend because I want to see the Midnight Express go in to the HOF too!
  13. Thats a solid forward line up. Probably losing Armia or Dano though.
  14. Well in theory I have no issue with that. If I dont like Subway, I dont buy their product. If they improve their product, Ill try it again. The Jets are in no risk of leaving so it doesnt matter. There is always someone else willing to buy your tickets. But if someone said they werent going to renew because the team wasnt good enough and they didnt like the effort by management, I cant fault them. That's their prerogative. I keep watching though. Nothing that happens now matters anyway. But I just dont them to win a few and we all get excited about how good they are. They arent. And being one year older isnt going to make all the difference, in my opinion. I mean, yeah I could be wrong. Having all their D healthy is going to be better. Its just frustrating. I think coaching is the biggest issue along with goaltending. And we're going to reward the coaches. I dont like that.
  15. The players have routinely deserved it this season. Not all of them. But its hard to cheer for some and boo others and have them know it.
  16. Im not sure how she got money. Im not saying you're for sure wrong. But she could easily have made a big deal with Vivid rather then release these. She's a pretty big name. The story is her cell phone was stolen. And with that, I guess they could access her icloud. I dont know. But hearing from what I have from around the wrestling world and her parents reactions, I would be shocked if she did it on purpose.
  17. I agree Mike but my point is also, to show unhappiness with the management and coaching. I hear complaints about my company all the time and I know its nothing personal against me (usually), its unhappiness at the upper management.
  18. I can almost guarantee this is not the case. Not that I know anyone personally. But thats a serious long game. Vids and pics are from several years ago and involve other people who are now married, including her being engaged to a guy who beat the heck out of someone just for brushing past her in a hall way. I dont think there was a third party involved. Several vids were clearly selfie videos. Another was Maddox holding the camera (in two of the cases) and another was a phone set up on a table (no one holding it) and then the one where there was a phone or ipad set up and Maddox operating another camera. No like videographer doing a pro shoot or anything. Plus, if it was for money someone goofed because its everywhere for free.
  19. There might be confusion in reaction after the fact. People like Paris Hilton (and Chyna) made deals after the leak so they could profit from it since it was already out there. Jennifer Lawrence, who had done no nudity, certainly didnt gain from private nude photos hitting the internet for free. She's an acclaimed actor so it wouldnt hurt her too much but had she agreed to do full frontal in a film, that's a negotiated thing and she'd stand to gain a ton of extra money for doing so. She probably still would but its not the same now. And some actors, it can hurt their image. (When it happened to some Disney girls it hurt them). Interesti9ngly, Emma Watson claimed the nude was not her, but the clothed ones were. Amanda admitted they were all hers and that she owned them and ordered sites to remove them.
  20. I'd agree if the perspective is that fan reaction is solely a judge of the effort or result of the players on the ice. But its not a foreign concept for fans to react to the over-all franchise direction. When the fans boo and players are asked its not like they are taking it personally. You're reacting to the product on the ice which isnt just the players. I dont know Blake Wheeler personally so my reaction isnt whether he's a nice guy or not. Its his effort that day and the team as a whole. And the team as a whole sucks. Some people liked the effort in that game more than I did. I didnt watch the whole game live. But I didnt like it. I would not have been applauding. I would have been shaking my head at this team. Which is not to say the fans cant react anyway they want. Fans often get lambasted for boo'ing. Fans pay, they can cheer or boo however they want.
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