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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Frustration, yes. Just a general observation that had I been at the game, my reaction wouldn't have been a standing ovation. Winnipeg is often said to be overly critical because we're a hockey market. But my point was, we are the opposite. We're easy. Standing ovation for that effort. The drooling masses (of which I am one) see the Jets "came back" from a 4 goal advantage to hang on for victory and its to be applauded. That says to management that there is no pressure here to divert from their plan. Im not saying they should be reactive. But for example, had they picked up a goalie in December and/or a D man in January, we might be in the playoffs. If they go into next season and start with a 10 game losing streak, its still "on course" for the draft and develop. This season deserves, not a standing ovation, but resounding boo's. Staying true to your youth is one thing. Not making moves to plug holes and provide support is something else. The Jets did nothing at all this year, absolutely nothing, to shore up areas of concern. They allowed the ship to sink when they saw water beginning to leak in. And the GM comes out and says he's ready to give the coach an extension. Any other market and that coach is long since fired. The Assistant Coach most responsible for the D who has been here from day one and, coincidentally the D has been a concern since day one, is still here. The assistant coach responsible for coaching and preparing the goalies who has been here from day one and, coincidentally, the goalies have been a concern since day one AND have, in fact, shown regression in every single goalie is still here. We started the season down a key D man. He came back by Myers went down. Buff was having one of his off-years. We all saw it. No effort made to shore up D. And there were options. They actually turned to the exiled Pavs to shore up goaltending and that didnt work...yet they did nothing. And there were options. If the plan is to cross their fingers, take the same route to work every day and hope for the best, then we're in trouble. No one wants reactive decisions or panic. But there a lot of space between panic and measured.
  2. Paige's family is really a dysfunctional group. Her father has released a statement that essentially says he's worried for her mental health and implies she might be suicidal.
  3. This is what has always bugged me about politics. I've voted Liberal and Conservative over the years (and nearly NDP). But if you asked, I'd identify as a Conservative. Big Harper fan. I liked George W also. But too many people are *so* in love with their party or idealogy that no matter what that party or persons embrace or do or say, they will agree or defend them, even when its ludicrous. Its okay to not think a leader or party is 100% right 100% of the time. In fact, its true about all of them. I generally find this happens more from the left side who seem far more unapologetic left than right leaning people are right, but Trump has revealed that in many right wing people too. Im genuinely surprise that anyone supports Trump (but not surprised most wont admit it). Like if you knew someone was a Trump supporter, you'd probably make the assumption (rightly or not) that they are a racist, bigoted gun nut that wants a whiter country to live in. I say that to illustrate that there is a growing assumption being made, whether its true or not. A co-worker just got back from Arizona of all places. He told me stories of the gun nuts all over. I said "Trump supporters?" and he said "not a single one I spoke to. They all think he's an idiot" And that's Arizona!
  4. That's a good point. They have to be ready to step into a top six role or stick with the Moose. They either steal someones spot or not. And thats maybe the Illegal Curve guys' point, that Lemiuex could play the Jets' 4th line effectively right now. But Connor and Jack might not play the top six effectively right now. It depends who we lose in the draft and whether we replace them. Connor could compete with Pereault for a top six winger role. If we lose Armia, there is a 3rd line that *maybe* they'd give Connor and hope for more offense. If Lowry goes or if they push Lowry to the 4th line to make it a better line (Copp-Lowry-Dano), perhaps Jack gets a look at 3C. Nice problem to have. As someone else said Petan is here but maybe cant fit into the Jets. But then again, you have to plan for Little being UFA in a year and Wheeler is up in, what 2 years?
  5. Fans of Trump are having a very difficult time. Because its just not logical to defend him and his admin so the only recourse is to look for someone else to talk about, much like Trump does actually. Even as many Republicans are backing away from Trump, there will be some diehard Trump fans who will gladly stand at the helm of the Titanic saying there is no iceberg and even if there was, its Hilary's fault.
  6. I have to disagree. While a celebrity should take greater precautions because they are a target, I dont think a celebrity should have to live their life unable to be a normal person. A multi camera sex session with two guys is probably a bad idea if you dont want it "leaked", for sure. But a celebrity sending a pic to her husband and it getting hacked, I cant blame the victim. They do what everyone does. The only difference is no one would bother hacking us and if they did no one would care to see our pics.
  7. Slow news day. Lets talk about the failing of the Democratic party. Nothing else to talk about in US politics. Oh wait, Russia? Nah. lol If (and I dont think it would happen) Trump is ever impeached, he would be really fun to watch. Because he would never capitulate. When Clinton was caught, he went on TV and admitted it. Trump will never do that. He will have to be carried, kicking and screaming from the Oval Office (or at least Mars-a-lago) which would make for fascinating Television.
  8. Yeah. But...Im 100% on the side of these celebrities are victimized when their information is stolen. Its like if someone steals your identity and racks up credit cards, ruins your credit etc. Is it your fault for having your information "out there"? Most of us more or less *have* to have information out there and I guess the argument is we dont have to send pics/video of ourselves. But the celebrities are victims. Im more in the camp of "so what" when I see this stuff. Like, totally on the side of feeling bad and hoping the culprit is caught and convcited but when you see headlines that lambaste the celebrity for having a nude pic or having sex its like, ummmm how is that different from the majority of other human beings? We all have sex. Many many of us have sent or received pics/video from gf (or bf's). No one cares about us so we dont worry. If someone like Amanda Seyfried, who seems like a nice person (I dont know her) is hurt by this by not getting roles or getting offered less money due to a "damaged" image, that really sucks. It would seem, in Hollywood, its no big deal so probably wont hurt. But still... But the **** shaming of people doing what everyone does is pretty pathetic.
  9. So will Trump apologize or play his usual blame game?
  10. The Night of was decent. It was one of those I felt frustrated by sometimes but had to keep watching to see the end result. Originally it was to star James Gandolfini and I would have LOVED to have seen that. Regarding Big Little Lies, I'd keep trying it. I was on the fence. What made me want to stick with it is the tremendous cast and its obviously very well made from a production stand point. I heard a few spoilers (its based on a novel) and that made me want to stick with it.
  11. Anyone watching Big Little Lies? It was pretty boring at first but Im getting into it. I hate the weird narrative thing with the commentary between scenes though.
  12. Ofcourse. But some of the wrestling forums and news sites I peruse had them posted and the Summer one was messaged to me by someone else. I didnt immediately run from the room. I think its terrible when this happens to celebrities. There is a blame the victim mentality that I dont subscribe to. But if you show me a photo of a beautiful woman, Im likely to look. Call it a weakness.
  13. The one I saw seems like her as the ones that show her face seem to indicate the same cell phone cover and bathroom. But the nude doesnt show her face. Kaitlyn supposedly out there too. No one is quite sure if these are related to the Paige hack (as in, Paige having Summer's nudes for some reason). Apparently there is a big underground trading ring for celebrity photos/video and often times its one of them that leaks or gets hacked when you see a big dump of random celebs. The important lesson is, just because you delete it from your phone doesnt mean its deleted from your iCloud.
  14. How does that change things? Still a WWE brand. There is also a pic floating around of both the WWE Divas & NXT women's belt covered in "DNA". Paige's face isnt in this one so unsubstantiated but she did hold both briefly. I suspect WWE does nothing in the short term and will release Paige down the road.
  15. Copp Lowry armia looks like a solid 3rd line
  16. Lemieux-Petan-dano could a future great 4th line.
  17. Thorburn isn't an enforcer. I'm sick of seeing him fight just because.
  18. And they get a standing ovation. This same group will be great next season. No issues to see here. Get those season ticket renewals in.
  19. I'm in the second intermission. This team sucks. Score 4 goals and still awful. If management thinks all they need is another off season of "growth" and "maturity" they're nuts. there's always an excuse to excuse the players. The D is hurt. So that means it's okay to play like crap all over. Too many excuses on this team. And Helle? Love the player but he's flat awful. Horrible.
  20. I've always wondered why there wasn't a cfl game. Given the popularity of the cfl on Canada even if it's not a massive seller there is a market. I mean, TNA had a video game for crying out loud lol
  21. Man is Crosby good. Hat trick today. 40 goals. 80 points. 65 games.
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