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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. It’s a shame Mitt is so wishy washy. He’d be a vast vast improvement over trump. Well, so would a tree stump. But my point remains.
  2. And did I see the Trumps also selling stock and buying in companies that specialize in work from home software? Biden's justice department will have a lot of work to do
  3. A big victory for Dems in november goes a long way to changing things. And Im not even saying rah rah liberals forever, but a big victory shifts the US in a better direction and likely pushes the right towards a more productive republican party too. Also, a Democrat-led justice department is going to have a huge amount of work to do to sift through the carnage of the Trump admin.
  4. Those fox idiots just don’t want to go down with the captain of the titanic. They’re the owner of the white star line looking for a life boat to sneak into.
  5. Should have most of wm in the can
  6. ^^^^ what a racist piece of trash he is. This is all politics to him. He’s an evil sub-human. Come in here and defend him!
  7. Read an Italian town tested everyone, whether they were symptomatic, exposed etc. Found 90% of those who tested positive had no symptoms. Second round of testing had that number drop drastically. So it tells us that wide spread testing and quarantine works. Problem in the US (and even Canada) is lack of testing.
  8. Still watching AEW. Will comment later but I agree their production was way better than wwe. Building looks way better. Taking it more seriously and the boys at ringside added reaction and emotion.
  9. Great show of responsibility by the government to keep LC’s open. Geez Anyway here’s another reminder of why the idiot is, in fact, an idiot
  10. Thats why I think if this goes on long, they might scrap the rest of the regular season. I suppose fans will be itching to see any games, but the playoffs is the big money. I imagine teams dont want to provide refunds or make-goods on everything from tickets to sponsorships etc. But do the playoffs, then brief off season.
  11. People can study the results of the Dauphin experience into UBI a few years ago. Probably requires further studies but it showed a lot of promise. And Andrew Yang has a lot of info about this because it was his main policy plank in the election. It used to go against my beliefs as a more conservative person but you cant argue with the results. The US (and Canada to a lesser extent) are going to end up bailing out airlines and auto makers and whomever else...huge businesses that have made massive profits and are now suddenly bankrupt? If they cant manage their finances to absorb temporary issues, they should be compelled to pay the money back. Its the middle class (and lower) that need support. And when the US cries about how there is no money for anything that supports middle class and yet, suddenly there is trillions, what does that tell you. There's always money.
  12. It’s long past the time. Studies show it works.
  13. Agreed. Would be a huge positive for my mental well being. Our team here is very much reinforcing to each other than we should do as good a job as possible if/when we're work-from-home so when this is over we can make a case for keeping it. The gf had just started a part time gig, contracting doing some social media stuff for a realtor. So with all this mind, she suggested working from home. The realtor replied "how can I track you if you're not here." Ummmm
  14. They certainly should. Its a weird thing because I recall work from home being one of those new fangled ideas years ago but businesses really got away from it. I guess they think all employees will screw around? My job could be done anywhere. No reason to be in an office. And this company, a few years, was issuing laptops to people and creating a more mobile workforce and then completely changed and now, there having a huge problem trying to switch to a work-from-home model.
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