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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. There's always next year. Good news is the coach will be rewarded with an extension.
  2. A bunch of posts disappear as a result?
  3. TNA is suing the Hardy's over the "Broken Universe" gimmick. Tna sent them a "best wishes" message and then sent then a cease and desist. Since Hardy's were appearing on ROH PPV last night they also sent ROH and cable operators a cease and desist. Matt's wife Reby sky went on a tirade on twitter. Tons more from reby if you want to check her twitter.
  4. Well there's an opening for Poolman with Toby likely finished. Hopefully this kid makes it too!
  5. Thats a bit dramatic. Because of Toby's contract? Jets have cap space. They arent hooped at all.
  6. Chipman shouldnt be involved in those discussions. But he's the team President. He's Chevy's boss. It stands to reason that should Chevy ever stop generating acceptable results that Chipman will be the one to make the decision to fire him. So the direction of the team in a general sense comes from ownership, especially Chipman. Having a young team go through growing pains and NOT spending money on a veteran goalie probably falls within his wheel house. Maybe not the decision to not get D help. I doubt Chipman ran into Chevy at the corporate urinal and said "hey maybe grab Stone". But the team losing partially as a result of struggling due to the injuries and inconsistent D play falls on Chevy and surely is something Chipman is aware of. Presumably Chevy's failure to act to improve the D is not something that Chipman is overly unhappy about if the rumours of an extension are true. But being a draft & develop, go through growing pains, let the kids fail - that vision is going to be an ownership vision. If it isnt, then both Chevy and Maurice will be fired. Which they wont. Hence, Chipman's job as Team President and holder of the money approves of the way Chevy conducts himself. Unfortunately.
  7. When it comes to under-performing players then yes, maurice should get some blame. He's the coach. Chevy's decisions are an issue too but only if he's not executing ownerships plan. If ownership was fine with not having a veteran back up and risking the struggles of a young goalie, then so be it. If ownership was fine not bringing in D help when Trouba held out and Myers got hurt and Buff struggled playing 30 minutes, then so be it. Who's decision has it been to keep the same goalie coach that has seen every goalie get worse the more they play here? Who's decision has it been to keep a D coach since Day One when the D has been a consistent issue? If that's Chevy, thats a problem. If it's Maurice, its his problem. if it's Chipman, then he is clueless. And thats not true, so whats the issue? Budget? Who knows. Big if Chevy and Maurice both get multi year extensions it tells you ownership is completely fine with what happened this year or very, very optimistic in the face of contrary evidence.
  8. This is exactly why this is so brutal. They called up a mercenary, he did his job, and no one really suffers except Toby and the Jets. So what happens if Jets call up Peluso and he elbows Crosby in the head? Oh well. Its ridiculous. NHL has to put a stop to these mercenary call ups and start punishing the coach and team. They've been talking about the issue of players running goalies because of the Concussion Protocol requiring time in the quiet room. The idea being, imagne its OT of Game 7 and a 4th line player runs the goalie, goalie is "fine" but is forced to go to the quiet room and his team is scored on and loses. Start punishing the team. If the PA is so ass-backwards they wont cooperate on player safety, punish the coaches and teams.
  9. I agree. Season is lost. If Petan cant learn from playing with the Jets then send him down and bring up someone who can learn from playing.
  10. Yeah and if Thorbs was the answer, Maurice had the wrong question. Thorbs will always answer the bell but he doesnt "enforce" and he doesnt intimidate. All he does is staged fights, which are pointless. I like the emotion, like when Scheif jumps a guy for a bad hit or Copp jumping on Tostito last night. But that little prick was trying to make an impact and he had no business being out there. In a world where Bettman pretends that CTE isnt a thing, they allow a player to get his head blasted and do nothing, setting the stage for the same team to call up a goon to gave in another player's head. Ridiculous.
  11. Thorbs doesnt do what Sesito did. Pens' excuse is that they were concerned the Jets would take liberties so they called up a goon. Well, Jets have more class as Wheeler showed. The second Wheeler and Malkin fought, Sesito had zero reason to play the rest of the game. The Head Coach should be suspended for that. They didnt manage their player. The NHL is to blame. They didnt suspend Malkin. They do nothing about goons who are called up for one reason only. They do nothing about the staged fights. And now Toby's face is smashed in. If the Jets had the same level of class as the Pens, someone would have elbowed Crosby in the skull. Bet the NHL would notice that. Its the NHL's fault. Let's see if they actually do something. Wanna bet they do nothing?
  12. Maurice should step up to the mic and bury the NHL and Pens over this. And Chipman should gladly pay the fine. Because lets be honest, the root cause of this was a hit by Malkin that should have resulted in a suspension.
  13. This cant be overstated. Sestito was called up for one reason. And 3 minutes into the game, Wheeler and Malkin (credit to both) resolve the issue and tension. Sestito knows he is now useless. He said before the game he knows he wasnt called up for his scoring. He's all geeked up looking for something. He begs Thorbs to fight- the type of fights the NHL supposedly wants to eliminate. While the Linesman takes ten minutes to drop the puck, Sestito is practically jumping out of his skin and could have been called right there if they wanted to muzzle him. He waives off the linesmen in the fight because he's desperate to "show" off to the Pens coaches. And then he skates around looking to make an impact and finds a target in Toby. That's the kind of game that should see a player never again play a second in the NHL. At worst he should receive a lengthy suspension. And if the NHL was serious they'd suspect the HC too and fine the team. They called him up to do that very thing and then did not manage the player during the game. That's ridiculous. And I bet the NHL doesnt even suspend Sestito. And I say this as a big Pens fan. They're my team after the Jets.
  14. Solid revenge by the Jets.... anyway as it relates to tostito, when a player is called up for the sole purpose of doing what he did especially for a game where there is a known sense of something happening then there should be a suspension to the player, suspension to the HC and a fine to the team.
  15. When was the last time Thorburn made anyone pay for a nasty hit? He's barely a tough guy in this league. Rarely fights and when he does its BS anyway. We dont have a guy that will take someone's head off for hurting one our players.
  16. The "yeah but" game still? If the best defense to the Trump admin is "yeah but", there is no defense at all.
  17. Thats the thing right? The argument is oh Matthews is way better because he's playing on the third line. Well...why is he playing on the third line if he's so good? its not like the Leafs are Pittsburgh. So it works both ways. To me the obvious thing is that Laine has more goals, more points, better plus/minus and less games. Im not sure there is enough "gut feelings" to say Matthews has had the better rookie season, which is what the Calder is about. Its not about who has the best next decade. If it ended today, Laine is the Rookie of the Year. But who knows what happens over the next 15 or so games.
  18. They wont. But if the US allows them to stay longer there will be pressure in Canada to allow it as well. Different provinces have different rules.
  19. Outlaw Ron Bass dead at 68 due to burst appendix.
  20. No points for Matthews tonight and he was -1. Matthews on pace for: 39 goals, 69points in 82 games Laine: 40 goals, 74 points in 74 games Think that gets him the Calder?
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