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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/03/07/mark-levin-is-confused-or-he-is-trying-to-confuse-you/?utm_term=.ce3ab15150fc For anyone confused by this guy and his shell game...
  2. This would also belong in the jokes thread. lol
  3. Almost laughed. We need a joke thread for this stuff.
  4. Thats a great deal. And the woman in the pic looks so excited! I think I went to CoOp once. But ive been a regular at Save on Foods since it opened...
  5. True. Three people resigned from the Nixon Admin during the Saturday Night Massacre due to their refusal to go along with the President's Bullshit. At some point, a guy like Spicer and others will have to decide how much more they can take.
  6. Also I believe Trump's daughter was registered to vote in two states so he could have started the investigation by asking her...
  7. Thorburn is done. His fights are all staged fights that do nothing. Meanwhile when a player takes a run at a Jets player and Thorburn is dressed, he does nothing. He serves no useful purpose anymore. And I dont think any tough guys in the NHL fear fighting him. If he's such a positive influence in the locker room, make him the assistant equipment manager or something.
  8. Its one thing for them to be so arrogant they think poor people choose to be poor, but imagine being so stupid they openly admit it. What a terribly stupid thing to say.
  9. There is always that possibility. Pence is more up their alley but I just dont think they'd do it. Although as the mid-terms approach, if Trump's floundering begins to drag down other members of the party, they will want him gone. You might even hear about them suggesting a change to Pence in an effort to show Americans that they have changed. But I dont think that is likely. We see it even in replies in this thread, some people become completely blinded by their political leanings. Right Wing? Then you support your guy no matter what. Its truly sad because its indicative of a broken system in that people dont care about issues or character or anything other then winning. Im a conservative. I dare say I liked W. Loved Harper. Cant stand the Liberals. But Trump is so wrong, so bad, so toxic that I'd rather have 20 years of Democrats then one year of Trump. Because it's wrong. And the Republicans that hold their nose and support him because it means they win are doing a disservice to their country and constituents. I think the most likely end game is Trump not running for re-election. He will declare mission accomplished and step down rather then risk losing. He might do it early to hand over to Pence but at worst, he'd wait til the switch over. But its guys like Bannon who you wonder about. I joked that you know something is happening when Pence gets embroiled in a scandal (perpetrated by Bannon's boys) and taken out, then either Bannon or Kushner get put in as VP. Trump steps down and the mess continues. Its hard to imagine Bannon wanting to give up power so easily as to simply leave with Trump in 2-4 years. EDIT: I should also say that I think Americans actually re-electing Trump are more likely than another 9/11 that suddenly lifts Trump to popularity. I think Americans would be very suspicious. Not all ofcourse. There will be that core group of ultra right wing nationalist racists that will embrace Trump no matter what. But as time goes on he likely appeals more and more to them and less and less to everyone else. But you cant discount the short attention spans of Americans who might just re-elect the guy.
  10. Some general reports about legitimate FBI investigations into Russian connections with people associated with Trump (which we see are certainly relevant). That leads to some right wing nut job conspiracy theorist radio host creating an accusation of a "silent coup" by Obama. He makes general reference to several news sites reporting this, even though they havent. Bannon then leaks info to Brietbart which cites sources which are Bannon plus this radio guy who has cites sources that never said what he said they said. And suddenly, Spicer is reporting that mainstream news is reporting that Obama ordered wiretaps. And none of it is true or validated. Basically, the Trump "supporters" (have to use that word instead of the one that better fits) make up things and cite each other as sources. Spicer refused to say what sources and when he finally provided some, they were fact checked away as false. But this the Trumpism of "people say..." or "everyone is saying...". A President cant even order wiretapping. And once again Trump tries to turn it from the real issue of his ties to Russia and tries to paint the real issue being an investigation into his ties to Russia and/or "leaks" which, in some cases, are from his own people. Trump's had 30 years of relationship with Russia. And with a friendly congress, if he had nothing to hide he'd demand an investigation to clear himself. But he wont. If Americans change the house to Democrat in two years, Trump is in big trouble.
  11. Oh well. 28th for Scheif and another point for Laine to drive leafs fans nuts.
  12. Sometimes it happens that way. Trying to avoid more invasive surgery by doing rehab instead. Didn't work.
  13. That was exactly my thought when I heard Maurice speak. He said Pavs didn't make it through practice and that Pavs decided he couldnt do it or something to that effect.
  14. But she looked like a Muslim to some racist border agent so she go denied and was given an excuse since there was no reason to deny her. Our cousins to the south.
  15. This is actually a good idea on the part of the US
  16. Not with a republican controlled house.
  17. Disney looks to convert some other Lucas properties to cash cash cash http://lrmonline.com/news/indiana-jones-5-is-officially-happening-ford-returning-as-titular-character Now, the House of Mouse has taken to their official website to announce that director Steven Spielberg and actor Harrison Ford will reunite for a fifth Indiana Jones movie, set to be released on July 19, 2019.
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