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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. If Americans vote in a democratic congress in two years then things get really interesting. Imagine trump tweeting when congress blocks him at every opportunity.
  2. Unless im wrong Canadians never need VIsAs to enter the US. The border guard can deny you entry "just because" but it's weird they'd say she needs a visa. It certainly doesn't do favour for Trump Admin saying this isn't a Muslim ban of anyone who appears remotely Muslim is being denied entry even when they are a Canadian born citizen with a Canadian passport.
  3. Might be a generational thing. Everyone who was around for Mario's exploits can argue he's in discussion for best player ever and taking his number is disrespectful. Kids who maybe grew up at the tail end of Mario see it as honouring him (like kids buying his jersey to wear when they play road hockey with their friends). Im of two minds. I dont like it because Mario is as close to Wayne as it gets and I think its arrogant in that it brings discussion and pressure onto a player that doesnt need it. On the other hand, 66 is fair game and his intentions are well meaning.
  4. No, season 3 sucked. Season 4 was when Manny Coto took over as show runner and began writing Enterprise as a true prequel to TOS with the shorter 2-3 episode story arcs (Eugenics, Vulcans, Xenophobia, Mirror Universe etc). Season 3 was the one long arc ending with the alien Nazi's but it still sucked.
  5. I havent heard anything recently but he and Lana caused heat by daring to be a couple in real life and getting engaged and buying a house. Lana in particular. Vince loved her which is why they were split (he figured a woman like Lana wouldnt be with a guy like Rusev) and then her face turn fizzled and as soon as they split them up, Lana tweeted about her engagement to Rusev which pissed people off. So they were in the doghouse for awhile. I dont get it either. Rusev is really good. Unless they are hot that he cut his hair without permission...
  6. Why? The fans are reacting positively. Remember, this isnt about selling PPV's for $60 anymore. And no one watching last night thought the match was going longer than 30 seconds. The risk was in doing it with Brock at SS but the reaction was extremely positive.
  7. I dont think its about not being able to wrestle. Its about the gimmick. That's his gimmick. Killing guys quick. His match with Brock at WM will be longer.
  8. I think thats a myth. It was only true with TNG and to a lesser extent DS9 but those were special cases. In the case of TNG, they were completely re-inventing Star Trek on TV and DS9 was changing the way they present it too. DS9 got better when they stopped being TNG on a space station. Voyager had a decent premiere and then p!ssed it away within about three episodes. They never got better. Enterprise didnt improve until Season 4 when they got a new Showrunner who changed the vision for the series. Discovery should be as good as possible out of the gates. If any of these rumours are true, it might take til Season 2 or 3 to get better but probably because of someone getting fired. And actually in the case of TNG, it was the power struggle between Gene Roddenberry and Rick Berman. And when Berman won, the series got a lot better.
  9. Apparently this is causing a lot of outrage (Josh wearing 66)
  10. FYI, Goldberg is the oldest WWE World Champion of all time at 50 years old...next to Vince ofcourse. Hogan last won the belt at age 48. Kurt Angle is 48...lets hope he gets a run too.
  11. I thought Toby was playing really well until the unfortunate personal issue sent him home and he's not really been as focused since. Im not sure we can fault him for that. We can fault the coach and GM for not dealing with the D issues though.
  12. There is a rumour video making the rounds by someone called Midnights Edge. I dont know anything about him but Ive seen other Trekkies say his past rumour reports have been accurate. He runs down the list of "bad news" surrounding Discovery including (I'm paraphrasing): - Showrunner (and the guy who basically set the vision for Discovery) Bryan Fuller and CBS head Les Moonves butted heads from the beginning. Moonves wanted Trek more "sexed" up, isnt a Sci Fi fan and doesnt know anything about Trek. He demanded visual effects, set design etc that was cutting edge (ie. not in keeping with the time period). Fuller warned him the core audience would reject the show. And Fuller was fired. - New showrunners are not Trek fans per se and are following Moonves orders. Fuller has told people Trek fans will hate the designs. And supposedly licensees are upset as they too warned Moonves that Trek fans will reject what they've come up with and several licencees are not supportive of the project. - The entire visual staff was fired at some point. - Several actors want out. - Fuller has told people Trek fans will hate it and the show will be cancelled before the first season is complete. - The story takes place in the "Prime Timeline" but involves something called trans dimensional universe. Supposedly the pilot explores the fact that a Romulan character and a Klingon character previously played by original Sarek actor Mark Lenard were actually "Sarek" himself in different trans dimensional universes. (huh? This alone sounds so absurd I question the entire rumour report but if Moonves came up with something so insane it ruined Trek on TV, that sounds like the winning idea...or losing idea as the case might be) - Netflix is allegedly furious and might not be so supportive anymore...(Remember, Moonves has already said the deal with Netflix has covered the entire production cost so no Netflix = No Discovery)
  13. Was going to post this myself. Love Dave and he really beats up on trump in an obvious way. It's funny because we can get into arguments about politics and then someone like Dave just strips it down to what it's really all about.
  14. I think most assumed Goldberg would squash Owens. They're playing into the gimmick perfectly. Can't have him doing a long match. Save it for WM. roman is being set up for Undertaker so he mostly had to win. But Strowman dominated. Surprised charlotte lost. Waste of her undefeated record.
  15. Hardy's made a surprise appearance in ROH last night and won the tag titles from the Young Bucks. They said they were now "with" ROH but the shows listed end WrestleMania weekend. Bubba Ray Dudley also debuted with ROH.
  16. Well they have to go 13-4. So is that a real chance? Yes. Is it a reasonable chance? No. We do this. We want the coach fired and half the team traded and then they play a couple of solid games and we're all believers again. Jets have never ever shown that our faith is deserved. Until they do, don't bet on them bucking the odds. They won't make the playoffs. They will play well. And we will forget the rest of the season. And Maurice gets an extension. And we can't wait for next season to begin so we can have our hearts broken again.
  17. Before the game jets had a 3% chance of making it or something like that. 13-4 is what they need to do. Jets won't make the playoffs.
  18. If Matthews is only playing down the line up that's too bad. If he was better he'd be on the top line like Laine.
  19. Duchesne and Landes probably wishing they had been traded. Now stuck the rest of the season and checking out.
  20. Yes he quietly improved a lot as the season progressed.
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