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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Laine now on pace for 41 goals, 74 points. Matthews: 40 goals, 70 points
  2. This might not be as simple as irrelevant old photos tweeted out by trump but it's spot on. And a fun summation.
  3. Don't worry the Trump supporters will always have their "but but but" nonsense. Just trying to destract from what is happening today with nonsense. I get why trump does it. His nonsense about investigating Dems and Obama tapping his office. He does it to try and change the narrative and create noise to drown out the focus on him. The interesting part is the people that fall for it. Posting Donald's tweets like its "gotcha". The gotcha is how transparent Trump is. He's really like a child "but Timmy did it too...". "But johnny told me to do it....". What a joke. I said right here that I thought Trump might actually take it seriously once he got there. I was wrong. Its entertaining as hell though.
  4. No call???? Copp didn't have the puck. And the Avs player braced himself and extended his leg. Not much but he did. That's a suspension. Ridiculous.
  5. Here's a great article on Scheif and his evolution to being one of the best and the work he puts on. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/hockey/jets/scheifele-stops-at-nothing-415269744.html
  6. Well I never want to buy a lottery ticket and not win the jackpot.
  7. So TNA relaunched again tonight. They dropped TNA and are officially Impact Wrestling. Alberto debuted and might have won the world title (screwjob finish) their new vision is to openly blame the "former regime" for sucking and killing the company. They mentioned all the former stars by name (AJ, Joe, Angle etc) and said they are gone due to bad leadership. So....that's interesting.
  8. TNG was for sure film. When they remastered it they scanned the originals film negatives and then used the film code and production notes to edit it back together in a digital workflow as it was originally broadcast. TNG used models for the ships so they kept the footage because the models were filmed with amazing detail. But video effects like phasers etc had to be recreated as the video was not high quality enough. So basically what happened is they never really thought about the future so they rendered the SFX on video in SD but since the show was recorded on film it was able to be remastered. But it's a lot of work and expensive. The TNG Blu rays weee priced too high and didn't sell as much as CBS expected which halted any thought of remastering VOY and DS9. I sort of think CBS will eventually do it because Star Trek is still popular in syndication and eventually the existing copies will not be good enough to sell in syndication. Cbs is very good at remastering.
  9. They were rendered in 480. They would look awful in HD especially 4K. Enterprise was the first series to be made in HD. Not much future proofing was done. When they restored and upgraded TNG it was Painstaking because the original film might have been easier to scan in HD but all the SFX weee rendered in sD so they all had to be recreated. Very expensive. Supposedly with DS9 the original creators included extra detail on their modeling to try and future proof it abit but the clip above was a complete re-do from scratch.
  10. Alberto is at the TNA tapings tonight Also looks like they've officially dropped TNA and are going by Impact Wrestling.
  11. There is an Indiegogo campaign to make a documentary about DS9 with the people who made the show involved they are working on creating HD versions of certain scenes and CGI to show how good DS9 would look if CBS was willing to do a full HD version.
  12. "Yeah but what about the dems" is the best defence to the bad acts of the Republicans. At least we can quickly dismiss everything that follows.
  13. Its not just Democrats either. Its Republicans breaking with the admin so anyone pushing the "its just Dems" is out to lunch and has their head in the sand. Sessions and Flynn are both in trouble over communications with a Russian who the US intelligence committee considers a spy and recruiter. Trump has repeatedly lied about his relationships with Russia or at best, severely downplayed. The Trump Dossier has elements already proven to be true creating the sense that the "crazy" idea that Trump could be compromised already or be potentially compromised in the future as something that is not completely far fetched. And the fact the intelligence community believes Russia interfered with the election amidst these allegations of communication with Trump campaign, it must be fully investigated. If Trump or his people had nothing to do with it and no knowledge of it, so be it. That doesnt preclude Russia from doing it. But if they DID know about it and if there was any promises or favors or whatever, then its within reasonable thought that it could bring Trump down. And should, if proven true.
  14. Desperate attempt to put a lid on it. That wont be enough. They need a special prosecutor and/or select committee to investigate. Sessions recusal just means one of his underlings would be involved. Not good enough. Sessions wanted Lynch to recuse herself and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hilary's use of a server. So by his standards, there should be a special prosecutor.
  15. CNN Kislyak is considered by US intelligence to be one of Russia's top spies and spy-recruiters in Washington, according to current and former senior US government officials. According to the Justice Department, Sessions met with Kislyak in July on the sidelines of the Republican convention, and in September in his office when Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Services committee. Sessions, then the junior senator from Alabama, was an early Trump backer and regular surrogate for him as a candidate. Nope, nothing even to look at here. Not even worth discussing.
  16. There are people on both sides that can't separate the reality from the party or political perspective they support. Great example too. They went after Clinton for lying about getting a hummer. But they dont want to go after members of the Trump admin (including the president) who are repeatedly caught lying about Russian ties. So, oral sex = bad. Conspiring with an enemy of the nation in an attempt to undermine an election = not bad. Just so we're clear.
  17. I almost think it was meant to be. Orton doing his pose in front of a burning building where the remains of Bray's sister are buried is far too ridiculous to have been meant seriously. But you never know. Also, the guy who lied about his motives and pretended to be a friend and then who tracked down a guy's dead sister's body and then burned them just to be a **** is the babyface in the feud. lol
  18. Thats very cool and makes the whole thing more interesting. Unless I zoned out (possible) this wasnt overly clear in Prometheus...
  19. How does Paul Riser factor into all this...
  20. It had been many years since I saw Alien but Premetheus was a prequel...and the Aliens on that planet were the Alien aliens? But didnt the alien at the end look different? And was with the humanoid looking aliens at the beginning (and the dead pilot)...what was the point? They seeded earth? Or they created the Alien aliens? Also, this company is the same company that owned the ship in Alien, right? And in "our time" in Predator vs Alien? They used that same actor as the founder of the company who was later the android, Lance Henrickson
  21. He's been fairly consistent. 18 goals and 43 points with the Ducks, then 18 goals and 41 points with the Jets. Even his down year last year where he only had 9 goals, he still had 41 points, right on pace. His pace this season would have been finish with 12 goals and 45 points if he played all 82 games (which he wont ofcourse). So, his goal scoring is down a bit but he's maintaining his point production. And he's 3G, 9pts in his last 5 (I believe). Small sample size but he seems to have returned to form.
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