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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. True. Perreault was playing hard and hustling awhile before the points started coming. He's been playing like the guy that earned that contract.
  2. Im confused by this franchise. I enjoyed the Alien films. Prometheus sucked and I really dont get the connection to Alien. And this trailer looks great but again, I dont get it. What year is it? Its a "prequel" to Alien right?
  3. And thats a great question by Franken. Its a police thing. "If someone WAS guilty of this crime, what should happen to them". If the response is "throw the book at them" then you can use that later. if the response is "they were probably mistaken and deserve a second chance", then your suspicions are raised. Sessions knows...he's smart. He avoided the question. But he hung himself. He will probably end up resigning too. But if he doesnt, when enough Republicans finally want an impartial investigation, Sessions has made it much tougher for the admin to use him or his deputies in that role.
  4. Unless Putin himself came to your house and told you he has improper/unethical/illegal contact with Trump or his people, you will always say "meh, nothing to see here" or "meh, the Dems/Hilary are worse". So there really is no point in discussing it because you dont want to believe it. Worse, you dont even want it investigates by a third party to see if it WAS legal or illegal. There is more than enough smoke here to indicate a fire that is in need of investigation. Trump has lied repeatedly about Russia. Flynn resigned over it. And Sessions has been caught lying about it too. Why do they all lie? The intelligence community seems pretty convinced Russia hacked with the intent of swaying the election. Isnt that worth investigating? "Meh, I dont know its true so let's assume its not and move on" - that doesnt fly.
  5. You're right. Nothing to see here. Russians hacking emails and releasing the information strategically to harm the Dems, possibly with the collusion of the Trump campaign is no big deal. Trump lying about his business and relationships in Russia is certainly nothing to be concerned about.
  6. Yes one narrative Ive seen is "its not lying if he legitimately didnt remember".
  7. Perreault has been fantastic for a little while now.
  8. Yeah this Russian stuff is getting ridiculous. They need a special prosecutor and a full investigation. But they will fight it because they are hiding something. Bigly http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/01/politics/jeff-sessions-russian-ambassador-meetings/index.html
  9. Any word on the conditions attached to the 6th round pick?
  10. The UFA's arent part of the direction, regardless of which direction it is. No one expected the Jets to be active today in acquiring good young talent with term that could make the Jets better. We expected them to sell their UFA's so they get something for nothing. And they only did it with one guy. And maybe hes the only guy that anyone was interested in but then Chevy looks a but dishonest if he says every year teams call for Thorbs but not this year. Unless Thorbs is an intricate part of the direction. And if he is, we're in really bad shape.
  11. Toronto had 49 contracts, didnt want to max out for Fehr so made a trade instead.
  12. Blockbuster. MAF and pick to Jets for Toby, Stafford and Pavs. ;-)
  13. Heading in the right direction by not trading UFA's that do not factor into our future?
  14. If you cant unload Drew Stafford at the deadline, you dont deserve to be a General Manager in the NHL. Chevy is a joke. How many UFA's we got? We couldnt get late round picks for ANY of them? Chevy says every year teams always call about Thorburn. Not this year? Chevy is a joke, plain and simple. Oh he drafts. Like its so hard to pick Laine #2. What a genius. He's done ONE thing in six years and that was trade Kane, 5 years after Kane demanded a trade. I guess he works at his own pace.
  15. Lots of reports of Jets getting calls on Stafford and you can only retain 50% which is worth doing for the Jets. Its like if I go to a store due to mild interest in something. A good salesman can convince me to make the purchase.
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