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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. A more accurate description would be I posted a brief twitter remark that delivered the factual observation as to what happened and did so on a message forum, thus openly inviting follow up. Don't be argumentative for argument sake. Liberals voted against a motion that condemned all racism. That's a fact. Finding a Muslim leader who blamed Conservatives for bigotry towards Muslim's is a nice headline but moronic. It aligns with Liberals who said the Mosque attack in Quebec was a "direct result" of Conservatives. That sort of political nonsense is divisive and inflammatory. When they voted, did female MP's stand at the back of the room with their heads covered?
  2. If they finish tied in points Matthews has more goals they will say goals matter more. If he has more assists they will say setting up teammates matters more. It's weird. If it ended today I don't see how Laine wouldn't win the award. But TO has, what 4 games in hand? So let's wait til Matthews catches up in games to see the points and goals.
  3. WWE is bankrolling a lawsuit against Punk so his return isn't likely. At least not for awhile. Vince will work with anyone but Hunter I'm not so sure of
  4. Had to watch RAW mostly on FF. But it seemed pretty strong. Loved the Owens promo. Show/Strowman was a great old school big man match. I believe I once said Strowman had nothing. I was wrong. He knows his role. And he lost weight over the last year and looks tremendous.
  5. Here is the NHL's absurd explanation on trouba/Malkin from the sun An NHL spokesman provided the Sun with a detailed explanation of why the two hits were viewed differently on Monday, before the Trouba hearing even took place. Starting with the Trouba hit, NHL director of media relations John Dellapina said nobody at the department of player safety believes it was an intentional hit to the head. However, he said the precedent has been set that if you only hit the head, whether from missed timing of just recklessness, that’s an illegal check to the head that will be considered for a suspension. If the offending player has no history of illegal hits and there is no injury on the play the suspension would normally start at two games. As for the Malkin hit, on which the Penguins player left his feet, made contact with Wheeler’s head and hit a player who did not have the puck, Dellapina provided some insight into what the members of the department of player safety were thinking when they chose not to take any supplemental action. He said there were three things that were really close to the line but player safety didn’t believe any of the three crossed the line to take it to a suspension. - First the illegal check to the head: “They watch thousands of these and they think that the body took the main brunt. While the head might have been the first point of contact, that’s not relevant in the rule any more. That was changed. It never was, but people used to mistake principle for first. Principle doesn’t mean first. They judge main and they believe that the shoulder took the main brunt of the hit. One of the tell tale signs for them is his helmet comes back forward over his face. Usually when guys get hit just in the head and the head is the main point of contact, the head snaps back, the helmet doesn’t come flying forward.” - Secondly, the charging: “That was probably the one they thought was closest. At contact, his feet are in the process of coming off the ice. The way they usually suspend for charging is when they feel somebody launched himself into somebody. They don’t think that’s this. They think this is people coming together in the centre of the ice, you kind of brace yourself and lift up.” - Thirdly, the interference: “While it’s technically interference, the way they apply the rules, if a guy is making a play on the puck, the fact that he fails to make the play on the puck doesn’t preclude you from hitting him (Wheeler reached for the puck but it was fired away by teammate Mark Stuart before he could touch it).”
  6. Matthews is the better all around and defensive player. That's why he has a better plus/minus. Oh wait never mind. If the season ended tomorrow Laine still deserves the Calder. It's for the most outstanding rookie this season. Not who's the better all around player moving forward. Goals and points matter. Or else the D would win. Laine has same goals and more points in less games and is younger. It's a no brainer
  7. Heatley's rookie season resulted in 26 goals and 67 points and he won the Calder. Kovalchuk scored 29 goals and 51 points during his rookie season.
  8. Playing better since they stopped with the Pavs nonsense.
  9. Very entertaining watching the trump supporters fall all over themselves To defend him. Even in this thread. Hilarious. Trump whining about the media and how they won't show the crowd at his rally....as CNN pans the crowd. Trump thinks he's still running for president. Which I guess is sort of true.
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