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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Because he's short term injured. And he's also very good. With a skill set that would be more valuable in the east.
  2. Reports that talks between studio and Matt Reeves to direct The Batman have broken down.
  3. Then Toby's value to the pens just skyrocketed. But they will target Shattenkirk
  4. Yikes. Tough year for wrestling deaths.
  5. I'm surprised they were able to come up with 20 memories over 20 years
  6. They get the best player (Toby) in a position they need. They rid themselves of MAF without losing him for nothing. They get a veteran back up "just in case" who is on an expiring deal. We get a bonafide #1 with only two years left who is a veteran and a winner. Problem is...it facks us on D. But who cares. We can deal with that in the off-season. Plus, we'd only have to protect 3D then so we get to protect more forwards.
  7. At least its old age, in the case of Steel and Snuka. Bass, a stroke. Not sure the cause because she was young but I'd speculate that she didnt treat her body the best when she was young.
  8. Toby would be a great fit on the Pens. But would they trade for him now? He was slated to be out 2-3 weeks. 2 weeks would put him right at trade deadline day. So presuming Pens get a look at his medical file, they might... Toby & Pavs for Fleury
  9. Anything remotely anti trump must be fully vetted with multiple sources. Anything trump says, you can believe. Ok. Because trump has proven to be an honest and reliable guy.
  10. He was a big name heel working Bruno, Pedro and Backlund before the comedy gimmick. Also, Steele notably made it to the silver screen in 1994, playing Tor Johnson in Tim Burton's Ed Wood.
  11. That has been an issue for the NHL, that they punish on result not action. But when Bettman retires, there will be plenty of positive things to say about his reign but he will be most remembered for the disgraceful ignorance and blind eye towards head shots and concussions. And this is another perfect example.
  12. Lots of different forms of resistance. Should all media/activists/citizens remain silent unless they're willing to risk life and shed blood?
  13. Thats ridiculous. They wont to stop head shots. It was a head shot. Even if you say it wasnt malicious, he hit him in the head. But the fact he drove up through the hit would be evidence of malicious intent. That's insane. Call up Peluso for the rematch. I dont condone going after a guy, but he'll know what to do.
  14. Way better than pavs. He's a career .912. Last 5 years = .917. He's a veteran and a winner. I like the idea of bringing in Darling as a back up but if the feeling is they want a veteran #1 and reduce Helle back to 30-ish games for a season, I like Fleury. You're not going to get Bishop.
  15. toby would make a solid acquisition for the pens if healthy
  16. In my heart I want the Jets to win every game. In my brain, if they cant make the playoffs I want them to get the first overall pick in the draft. There was much handwringing last season over their winning streak to end the year and they were rewarded with #2 pick. So Karma? Maybe. Play to win. But if you cant win, then get the #1 pick.
  17. I havent spent any time there. But my Ukrainian friends have. There are pro-France separatists here so we should be okay with an invasion? Russia violated the sovereignty of another nation and it was allowed to stand. In this case I dont care at all about the complexities etc. Ukraine should know they can count of the west for support and we all let them down.
  18. I guess so. When a nation wants to screw you though, how better can it be? You can either make them happy and bend over or you can refuse to bed over and not make them happy. Trust but verify I guess. Putin isnt Gorby. He's a dictator from the KGB. He doesnt want to be buddies with the US. And I dont think he would respond to niceties. He hasnt so far. He has done whatever he wanted wherever he wanted. I dont want war with Russia. But Russia isnt our friend.
  19. If the "right" doesnt view Russia as an enemy and with great caution they should be renamed the "wrong". The remark was outrageous because it shows a complete lack of diplomacy and intelligence on behalf of Trump. Its the kind of stupid off-hand remark that can cause international incidents. If Putin gave a speech in Moscow and off-hand joked about blowing up a US ship, it would not play very well here. It would be seen as a provocation and contribute to the idea that Putin isnt thoughtful or, worse, is an impulsive madman. Some of Trump's method to speaking is refreshing in that he doesnt seem to give much thought to the words that come out of his mouth so you never really have to guess at what he's thinking, what he really means or what the mindset of government is. I might admire those qualities in, oh I dont know, maybe my boss...maybe my lawyer. Maybe my mechanic. But leader of the free world? I think erring on the side of careful is better then careless.
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