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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Relayed to above. Im assuming this guy is now on several watch lists lol although if JT had done this he would have secured my vote in the next election
  2. Trump employing the same tactics we did when we liked a girl in school. three way calling!
  3. Didnt JFK try to go to war with the intelligence community. Not sure that ended well. Different scenario though. I like Trump's boldness. He doesnt refute anything...he's just mad its being leaked. Its interesting because you can argue its treasonous in some ways. But Im guess those in the intelligence community who "know" things feel they are upholding their commitment to the constitution by exposing Trump.
  4. Gibson confirmed he's in talks to direct SS2. That would definitely be interesting and revive interest.
  5. My feeling has always been that Trump is legitimately an arrogant SOB and not doing all this with some exit strategy in mind. He seems very impulsive and emotional. But I wonder if the thought has occurred to him that if his leaving office is inevitable (either through risk of impeachment, removal or his own boredom) that he is trying to create a "they forced me out" scenario.
  6. I don't think I'd want to go to war with the intelligence community.
  7. I think a lot of Trump voters assumed he wasnt going to win. So they figured it didnt matter.
  8. Cant even argue heat of the moment since there is a very long (under the circumstances) period between the face off and his decision to slash the official. He stared at him, thought about it and then did it. Is it automatic ten games and thats it or is that pending the NHL dishing out further games? I agree with you, I'd go at least the rest of this season and playoffs.
  9. Im not too fiery about it. I've had my share of discussions on it. Its complicated. To me its less about the body and more about the moral implications. I believe most people going for an abortion would not do so if they saw the fetus which is why those crazy people that harass patients show them aborted fetuses. But the point is the same. I think the topic can be compromised on a lot more to narrow the availability and practice of abortion. My point, which is not one I've thought much about and only as a random thought is, if a father has zero say. Like zero. Then the decision to become a parent or not rests with the mother. If so, should the father not have the option of opting out of parenting as well? In many cases that would be a good thing. lol My bio mom was 15 so she did a good thing for me. Bio dad was there too as near as I can tell but they dont release info on paternal side of things. My family has fostered kids since before I was born, like hundreds of kids. New borns. Toddlers. Teens. Into adulthood. Short term. Long term. Drug babies. Aids babies. We've seen it all. Tough tough stuff. The homerun success stories are few but very gratifying when it happens.
  10. Maurice should increase Laine's opportunities coming off what Mo called Laine's best performance. if I recall, didnt Ehlers' ice time and opportunities i crease in the latter stages of last season? I think the same will happen with Laine. It would be nice if he ices the Calder by finishing with 5-10 more goals than Matthews (and more points). But Matthews is really good too. So it ultimately doesnt matter.
  11. I think certain businesses use HSA's. My friend worked for a bank here and their Health Coverage includes an HSA rather then individual limited on certain things. Employees got X amount in the HSA kitty to use on whatever they wanted. Abortion is a tough issue. Im very pro-life as an adoptee. Education and availability of contraception should be prioritized to reduce unwanted pregnancies in the first place. The argument between men and women is interesting. I dont recall the details but I believe it was a US congressman who put forth the idea that a pregnant woman should have to receive consent from the father of the unborn child to get an abortion. I realize the argument against the father having any say is that it's the woman's body. But then...can a man give up his parental responsibilities if he so chooses (and the woman has the baby)?
  12. People fearing treatment and persecution in the US fleeing to Canada and sneaking in. Where have we heard this before. Its a new underground railroad.
  13. I was looking up some stats today for fun and thought I'd share. With his hat trick, Laine passed Stamkos, MacKinnon, Duchene, Paul Gagne & Ron Francis for most goals by an 18 year old. Currently tied with Ted Kennedy and next up is 27, by Jagr. Laine currently on pace for 38 goals and 68 points.
  14. The one "played youth over veteran" they could say is goaltending and again, its a red herring designed to deflect from the coaching. "Well if they had played Pavs all season instead of hanging the kid out to dry...". Except Pavs coming up proved he's the 3rd best out of 3 goalies the Jets have. So again, the decision to go with youth wasnt about taking a step back to develop...it was about playing the best players. Unless they argument also is that Wheeler, Toby, Buff, Perreault, Little & Thorburn are all negative contributors to leadership, then the "youth" argument doesnt hold water. Its an excuse to protect a lousy coach. "Helle is young" is an excuse to protect Wade Flaherty who has made every single goalie we have ever had WORSE when they get to the NHL. Habs through three goalie coaches while Price was developing to find the right fit. They didnt say "Price sucks, the coach is great". It was "Price is our guy, lets find the right coach to bring the most out of him." Anything short of cleaning house of Maurice, Huddy and Flaherty this off-season should put the target squarely on Chevy moving forward.
  15. The problem with the "he's willing to play the youth" argument is, instead of what? Are we to believe that Maurice would send Ehlers & Laine to the Moose and play Cormier and Thorburn? Every single young player fills a need better than the veteran option behind him. Was he going to play Stu over Morrissey because he's a veteran? I mean,. **** if we're giving Maurice credit for playing the best players, then our standard for good coaching decisions is pretty low. And no one is shocked the Jets arent a contender. The anger and frustration comes from lack of effort and lack of prep plus the same issues on the team being the same that have always existed. The team is good at controlling the message. Youth. Schedule. Injuries. Because none of the other NHL teams have had that. Well, youth is better so youth isnt a negative. Schedule...meh other teams have bad scheduled and the Jets play just as bad during the good parts. Injuries. Sure, but other teams have injuries. Goaltending is a red herring. Hutch wasnt good enough as a back up. But Helle wasnt awful as a starter. In fact, even strength he was good all season. Team D has been bad since day one and seemingly getting worse. Carey Price isnt Carey Price playing behind the Jets D. The fans are beginning to wake up though and the narrative of the bad luck Jets is starting to evaporate. Dont forget #MoMustGo
  16. Here's a funny story (speaking of mic skills). They spent weeks doing Emmalina vignettes and then on RAW they had her come out and say she's going back to Emma. The story going around is after several rehearsals, she just couldnt pull off what they wanted so they scrapped it. The idea of the character was to be a Sable-type sexpot.
  17. (CNN)High-level advisers close to then-presidential nominee Donald Trump were in constant communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence, multiple current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials tell CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/14/politics/donald-trump-aides-russians-campaign/index.html So Trump's position seems to be that the real story is the Intelligence community leaking information about his ties and communications with Russia...and also that he has no ties or communications with Russia.
  18. UFC is big business now. And they have massive debt financing.
  19. I thought the second one was one he might want back but there was a screen. He seemed to know where it was but it just went by him. Jets also dominated stretches. Again, it was a performance where, if they played that way all the time, they'd probably win more than they lose. Stars' goalie made some big saves at times. Helle was generally solid, definitely far better than what Pavs was providing. Other then the two pulls, Helle has been the best goalie all season actually. Agreed about TroubaMorr. Lock up Trouba for 8 years. That's our top pairing for about the next 10 years.
  20. Brock Lesnar informed UFC he's retiring (per MMAfighting). Some speculation its because he had to maintain testing to maintain eligibility and it's WrestleMania season (ie. doesnt want piss testers knocking on his door all hours while he's trying to bulk up). Some speculation he might return later in the year. He'd be required to test clean for 5 months.
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