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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. What is going on with these people?
  2. He's off the deep end now. This could be the beginning of the end. What will it take for republicans to demand a full congressional inquiry....leading to potential impeachment?
  3. Yes very true. Another point in the favour of a deal with the devil by trump.
  4. There is a reason trump is lying about his Russian business and suddenly distanced himself from Putin during the latter stages of the election. And yet it wasn't to appear tough as he kept making overtures. He either knew he was compromised or he had a deal and was creating plausible deniability.
  5. Injuries ruined him but he was good Had 31 goals in 61 games. Led rookies for game winning goals. Was very good. He suffered a shoulder injury then a groin injury. Then a torn ACL. The chest and groin again. He had been Avs leading goal scorer he was the one that went to the KhL for one year and then signed with St Louis but was claimed on re-entry waivers by Nashville he was waived and claimed by Ottawa. Suffered concussion and could never make it back. Died young from drug intoxication.
  6. Remember trump publicly encouraged Russia to hack Hilary. So, collusion? Well that doesn't prove a nefarious relationship. But that's pretty outrageous in and of itself.
  7. The theory is Russia hacked everyone but only used the damning info about the dems. Putin has personal reason to hurt Hilary. But Trump lying about his Russian business and relationships has to mean something. It's not like he was minimizing out of a genuine desire to appear tough on Russia since he doesn't seem to want to appear tough on them at all. The quid pro quo might not even be evident yet. Putin having Trump and/or others in the admin in his pocket is something he can use later. It could just be information flow or something more nefarious. That dossier sort of spelled it out. And some aspects have been confirmed though the most salacious aspects haven't. But it shows how a person can. E compromised. Flynn was screwed. Russia could have had evidence he lied to Pence and use that to exert influence later. Fortunately the justice department got the info and warned the admin of just that. Do we really think Russia has nothing on trump? @Goalie I agree trump didn't intend to win. I don't think he's hoping to get tossed out. I think it's simpler. I think he just doesn't understand the work and commitment required and that he can't run the country like one of his businesses. If he gets impeached or forced to resign I don't think it will be by design but a by product of his arrogance and ignorance.
  8. He was good tonight. If he ever hits his potential look out.
  9. Alyssa Milano was swooning too. Pretty funny. JT is a good looking guy but hardly a super model. But as a world leader he's a 10 i guess in comparison to most. If he never has to open his mouth we're doing okay on the world stage.
  10. Polls show a general split between for and against so I'm not surprised the streets aren't filled with anti trump protestors. Doesn't really mean anything either. As for Russia aren't we basically accepting the obvious here? Trump entered into a quid pro quo with Putin and is now at best owes him one. At worst completely compromised.
  11. The rule was 30 days or ten games before Pavs would need waivers I'd keep going with Helle and I imagine that's what Maurice does.
  12. Agreed with the sentiments above. There are always excuses. Montreal ain't. Along excuses. They are getting the best coach out there. And they didn't **** around either. Sure we weren't going to get him. But are we supposed to settle for a poor coach just because? Because he likes Winnipeg?
  13. JT was well prepared and suitably polite. Unfortunately, American media seems to be pushing the false narrative of JT as a feminist. Which I guess is good for Canada if untrue.
  14. Sounds like Spicer just stumbled over the word "Trudeau" and it sounded like Joe. He's a lousy Press Secretary.
  15. Perhaps the Captain should talk to him if thats the feeling among his team mates.
  16. Much more impressed with the honest of Perreault then the fake non-answers of everyone else and the condescension of the head coach. I also think Perreault is one of the most consistent effort guys on the team.
  17. I dont think expectations were too high. I think Laine has been at least as good as expected. I think if the Jets worked their tails off and lost every game the fanbase would be optimistic. Its lack of effort, lack of prep and the fact the "holes" on the team seem to be the same ones year after year after year with little being done to correct it.
  18. Just having an extra body because of Toby's injury. He's the 7th D. Pavs goes on IR to make room, I assume because they are carrying too many bodies as they have an extra forward (or two) plus Hutch.
  19. Thank you. In Superman Returns, the idea was "does the world need Superman" based on the belief he abandoned Earth. Instead, if he had sacrificed himself to save Earth, they can still ask that same question but from a much more interesting perspective. How would the world face the threats they must face without Superman. How does someone like Batman try to fill the boots of a God or inspire others to do the same?
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