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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I could see the argument that Kate Bosworth wasnt right for the role. But none of the casting bothered me. Spacey and Routhe in particular were good. Routhe looked like Chris Reeve in a spooky way and really captured his mannerisms, which was the point ofcourse as this was a sequel to Superman II. Another bonehead move on Warner Brother's part. Even though Returns made money, it didnt make what WB's wanted so they re-booted. I could see THAT Superman and Bale's Batman existing in the same world because they seemed so opposite. Whereas in Snyder's world, Superman is dark and gritty...Batman is dark and gritty. Everyone is humorless and depressed.
  2. Bryan Little deserves an extension. But they really have to decide if keeping the veteran core is worth it. Big dollars to miss the playoffs every year.
  3. Now speculation they Affleck is trying to get out of his DC contract.
  4. Very good. I hope they intended for Owens to be the heel. It's a bit odd for the guy turning face to be attacked. But it was really good. Charlotte vs Bayley was great. Who here said Bayley was no good?? Fantastic match.
  5. Trump didn't know anything. Or trump campaign made deal with Russia to hack democrats. Hell trump publicly encouraged it. Obama punishes Russia. Trumps boy tells russsia "don't worry about it". In fact I believe the wording was Flynn asked russsia to delay responding, the same wording trump used.
  6. Wow. Three weeks in and first domino falls. Is this a record for scandal as far as being so soon ?
  7. While clearly partisan it sums up the Flynn situation
  8. interesting that the majority of star fleet characters are assigned to the Shenzhou. Clearly the "Discovery" is going to come into play through some plot early on. I'm guessing Shenzhou destroyed or Discovery is the object they are seeking. Also an extra tweeted out a set photo ostensibly showing Klingons that look nothing like Klingons. This would be a re-imaging and it sucks.
  9. Superman Returns was 100 times better than Man of Steel.
  10. I think Wheeler sometimes looks like he is tired...or tries to do to much. I think there is something rotten with the team and its impacting the players.
  11. And I dont get it. I thought DC had a great opportunity to draw in marvel fans (not fans of Marvel, but the massive amount of people who are fans of those films) who are nostalgic for a simpler time. And enough time had passed where it wouldnt have seemed like a copycat. In fact, rushing JLA feels like a copycat. I would have backed up a Brinks truck to Nolan and Bale to continue and used that Batman universe. They wanted an "older" Batman. Affleck is a year older then Bale. Keep what was working. Rather then going with Snyder and the Superman universe which was clear to most people that it was inferior. Should have had Bruce Wayne as DC's answer to Tony Stark and build it that way. It was so eye roll-inducing and heavy handed how Batman just became aware of everyone else (because Luthor knows...pffft).
  12. Last season Laine played mostly RW? Do you have stats to back that up? I found one quote indicating he played right ring but it didnt specify if that was on-going. His Hockey Futures analysis indicates he's a right shot that plays left wing. One can make the assumption that the feeling was Laine on the LW was the right choice or he wouldnt have played there most of his NHL career. It probably doesnt make a huge difference but if he's more comfortable LW, then he should play there. Especially since Ehlers is the opposite. Its not like Laine is on a tear since being moved to the RW...
  13. They made two mistakes that have snow-balled. 1) Decided they needed to catch up to Marvel. Where Marvel took a slow world-building approach to get to the Avengers, DC skipped everything and went right to the team up. 2) Handed the keys to Zack Snyder.
  14. Yes, its true I've never asked them but I believe they played much of their careers on their opposite side wings, including in Winnipeg up until recently. Perhaps Maurice just noticed they were off-winged and figured out that was the issue with the Jets.
  15. Toby out. Maurice says severity of injury is unclear. So if they keep losing its due to injuries, not coaching.
  16. Yeah whats the facination with Ehlers & laine playing their off-wings. I know thats their "correct" side but its not the side they prefer...
  17. Even though the Habs are 8th overall in first in their division, they are likely to fire their head coach. They've lost 5 of 6. Maurice could have been fired multiple times this season if we held him to the standards Montreal does. Its remarkable this is even a discussion. How has he not been canned already? Jets have their buy week coming after the Toronto game on the 21st, followed by a six game home stand. Perfect time to make a move...
  18. I agree. And I like Buff. He's something no other team has. And if our coaches could utilize him in his role as rover (he aint a D), we'd be onto something. But if we're not going to do that, and if we are going to go younger and "rebuild", then dont pay Buff $7+m to try half the time on a losing team for the next few years. The Jets biggest mistake was their gamble on the Atlanta Core when they inherited this team. Im sure they gave great thought to a complete blow up and re-build. But Ladd resigned as Captain and they thought there was enough veteran talent to make the playoffs while they drafted and developed the future. They were wrong.
  19. I bet Maurice provides a 40 minutes scientific lecture on why this is needed and all the benefits therein. And the local media will be so enamored with the amount of words he speaks that no one bothers to call bullshit on it.
  20. Yeah to me the obvious thing here is a complete waste of taxpayers money because someone got creeped out. Sorry, no crime here. And on the subject of Pedophiles, which most people incorrectly attribute to all adults who are attracted to those under 18, including a 17 year old who turns 18 the next day, I watched an interesting episode of Dr Phil about this. in fact his guest was one of the guys mentioned in the above article. The guest admitted to being attracted to girls under 10 (so a defined Pedo) but that he would never act on it (there was some accusations that he, in fact, DID act on it). His perspective was that people are born that way, just like you are born straight or born gay or born whatever and that they need treatment and counselling to help them control their urges, but that anyone who feels that way would hide it for reasons this story illustrates - an arrest of a guy who committed no crime other then being born with an affliction that makes him attracted to children...and no evidence he ever acted on it. Its a tough one.
  21. Here's a good summation of the report into the police shooting on Kenaston awhile back http://blackrod.blogspot.ca/ I initially sided with Police. But its true, they didnt have to shoot the guy. I've said this in other police shooting threads, there is too little "heroism" these days and by that I mean, police officers taking risks to end incidents rather then simply stand behind their cars and fire shotgun blasts at disturbed civilians. Remember that incident at Portage & Main a couple years ago? There is video showing a WPS officer running 50 feet (or so, I dont recall) and tackling the suspect. That's an heroic end to a standoff involving a disturbed person. This idea that half the force needed to engage in this pursuit...it just seemed like mob mentality where all the cowboys want to be in on breaking the stallion. Interesting that the on-site supervisor had to go around demanding officers be quiet because too many were yelling instructions. Sirens were blaring. When Im confused while driving, I need to turn the radio down to concentrate....this guy had an army of cops pointing weapons and screaming at him while sirens blared. The police knew his weapon didnt have a magazine attached. It turned out to not be gun at all. I dont know what the answer is. But anyone who has had any issues with police and dealt with PSU (Internal Affairs) and/or LERA know that the system is all designed to protect the police and the cops and lawyers are in on the fix.
  22. Might have to give Trudeau a rare compliment. He seemed well prepared for his first meeting with Trump. Analysis of the video (which Im too lazy to find) seems to indicate Trump attempted the "pull in" handshake but Trudeau appears ready for it and maintains control. Trump immediately gives up on the handshake. Trudeau also went in hard and fast, grasping Trump's shoulder. Im surprised Trump is even meeting with JT since it only makes Donald look older and more tired next to Trudeau.
  23. SD has better writers. Ryan Ward and Road Dogg. NXT hasnt been nearly the same since Ward was promoted.
  24. Cena cant be counted on regularly anymore. Lots of Hollywood options. I have a feeling WWE might be building to a major angle. Roman heel turn at WM or the following night's RAW?
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