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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. This racist piece of **** wants to keep politics out of it as he continues to insult and belittle everyone that doesn’t kiss his ass.
  2. Something something Biden's son something something. What a joke that family and administration is.
  3. So impact on wrestling. A large number of indie promotions of various sizes hold events WrestleMania week and make a lot of money. This is risking bankruptcy for several. WrestleCon is a big one. Apparently, the Marriott where they were scheduled insists they're willing to do the event so they are owed over $100,000. Jericho is now stepping in to help.
  4. Apparently, after SD, Vince decided that wrestling in an empty gym wasnt what fans wanted, thus the reduced wrestling on RAW> They might have *weeks* of this.... Oh and WrestleMania... His feeling on WM was, what if they cant do big events until the fall, just get it over with now. So thats WM's new tag line. WrestleMania: Just Get It Over With. ha!
  5. Has there ever been an Austin segment worse than this
  6. I can’t believe they’re actually going to air it from the PC. Lol. That’s absurd.
  7. Disney lost $85 billion. One analyst predicted they might be ripe for a takeover by Apple though its highly unlikely.
  8. Great. So now we have TWO crisis’
  9. I hate to admit this but I accidentally loaded up on TP about two weeks ago. I went to Costco unexpectedly (for my mom) and thought I’d grab some while I was there because I thought we were running low. Got hone to find the gf had just moved the packers to the basement (whereas I just toss one in each bathroom). Long story short we are covered for the year and if Civilization falls, we’ve got the currency.
  10. Your hourly reminder that this clown is a lying scumbag
  11. Well, the facts are real. Social Media to me has been good in relaying information. What I see on social media is making fun of the idiots hording. Plus, if media was spreading panic people wouldnt be ignoring health experts' advice, which a lot are.
  12. This is false. What damage is the media doing in reporting facts? The idiot in chief does damage by lying to people, preventing testing, telling people to go to work, saying everything is fine when it isnt, blaming governors etc etc. The buck stops with him or it doesnt.
  13. I’m intrigued to find out who or what caused trump to completely change tune from the last few weeks.
  14. Didn’t the Dow have it’s worst day in history.
  15. Its more making fun of an idiot who claims everything is fine because the stock market rose after dropping drastically and then dropped again. All he cares about is money. And part of the panic is directly on him.
  16. No symptoms. Only tested because he learned he had been exposed. This is what people don’t understand.
  17. Meanwhile I hear a manager say sure we can encourage sick employees not to come in but we’re not going to suspend attendance management.
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