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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Its interesting that Kellyann went on CNN and said CNN was *not* fake news. Almost like she's distancing herself. These people must realise how absurd they all look and its killing their credibility. Wouldnt surprise me to hear of some sort of internal intervention where certain senior people demand Trump get off of twitter.
  2. Nope. Pavs is. And no to Comrie. Don't subject the kid to this **** show.
  3. He's statistically the worst of our three goalies.
  4. Yes sadly. It really sinks out chances that the worst goalie we have is hurt. Of course I don't want any player to get hurt but Pavs does nothing for us.
  5. there we go. Its a Shame he must still be protected.
  6. So what does it matter to you. And what do you mean fake? Wait, wrestling is fake? Oh no Brandon knows the truth! *rolls eyes*. Do you also point at laugh at the old guy working at Walmart because he needs the money? You've managed to shame guys for how they look at 60, shame guys for working into their old age because they need it. Shame guys because their "sport" is "fake". Maybe the wrestling thread isnt for you. 90% of wrestlers have sucked up to Flair. Because he's the greatest of all time. Does wrestling being "fake" make him any less accomplished. I was at the movies on Sunday and boy did people get annoyed as I went around reminding them all that the film we were watching was fake.
  7. The SNL skits are tremendous. Almost makes me want to watch SNL again. The Spicer one was gold and supposedly Spicer was really upset and Trump actually views it as Spicer's fault that he was played by a woman. So ofcourse now the talk is a woman playing Trump or Bannon in a skit with Rosie Oddonell a possibility. Its hilarious in how much it bothers Trump. If I was Spicer I would have played it like I enjoyed it and it was all in good fun. The Trump White House takes itself far too seriously and is far too thin skinned. Trump is going to order a strategic missile strike on NBC.
  8. Exactly. Its a two-fold issue. Jets had intel that someone was interested in claiming him. Secondly, they looked at the stats and thought Hutch was at least as good as Pavs. And looking at the last couple years, you cant fault them for thinking that. Before the season, I called for Helle/Pavs on the jets and Hutch on the Moose. But you cant fault the thought-process of the Jets at the time. They gambled, based on a small sample size and it screwed them. If they could do it again, they'd have signed a better back up then Hutch.
  9. Trump is back to claiming he doesnt know Putin, never met him, has no deals. And he's being savaged for it since he's admitted knowing him and his son admitted that they made a ton of money from Russia. You'd think Trump would be smart enough to stop acting like a thin skinned child on twitter.
  10. And honestly, if given the choice, would you work at the local car wash 40 hours a week taking orders from someone one third your age or would you work weekends, get flown around, treated like royalty and make the same money for ten minutes of work? Ofcourse a lot of it is guys re-living the glory days. But who doesnt want that? If there are adoring fans willing to embrace you. And also, from a promoters perspective, bringing in guys like the R&R Express, its not just about that ten minute match, these guys are very very talented and can impart knowledge on the local roster. They're basically like professors being hired to teach seminars...but their teaching includes a match that might not look great but theres something to be said for watching a talent you might have idolized perform. I watched the Debbie Reynolds documentary on HBO last week and she was really in rough shape near the end. Still a good performer. But not the same as when she was 25. But man, the hall was packed to watch her. Respect. Didnt hear anyone comment that she didnt look 25.
  11. That was a really weird editorial to run in the Sun. Blaming Pallister for not bailing out Hydro. Sure, thats a position to take. But there is only one reason the Premier is in the position to bail them out in the first place.
  12. Lots of older people take jobs to stay active. Many do it to supplemant their income. Wrestling is no different. Even if a 60 year old wrestler is working because he needs the money, so what? Its not like he's walking around forcing promoters to book him or fans to buy a picture (well, unless its Virgil). The topic comes up in Hollywood too - oh that actor is too old, or oh that actor is growing old gracefully. Sure, wrestling is athletic so when a fan astutely points out that a guy who is 60 doesnt look like he's 25, well, how do you argue with that. But in the end, who cares? Let the guys work and make money.
  13. Then why did you? Also, someone looking like they hit rock bottom who is being flown around, meals paid for, making good money for ten minutes of work doing something they love and you're the fan in the 3rd row feeling guilty? lol Again, guys in WCW in the 90's making good money doing exactly what their boss wanted but you thought it was sad. I dont know man, you seem to have an undiagnosed issue with wrestling. Like you buy tickets to shows and hate yourself for it. ;-)
  14. Why? Plenty of people work their jobs into their 70's and 80's. Do you feel sad for them for wanting to stay active and work? i don't think the Rock & Roll Express work much anymore. Gibson stopped working ages ago save for a few appearances. I say good for them. People still pay to see them. Why shouldn't they make some money and have some fun.
  15. I repeatedly said I thought this season would be a step back season. But lack of effort has been the most damming thing. I wouldn't just call up young guys for the sake of it. There is still a development science and you don't throw it out the window because you have nothing to lose.
  16. You seem to be missing the rather loud segment of people that seem to think Pavs is the answer. Granted, that group is slinking back into the bushes a bit.
  17. I think they went with Helle and Hutch because they needed a goalie to expose and they felt Hutch was a solid enough back up based on his play. And I don't think it's way off base at that time. Hutch was been a huge disappointment. If he played up to snuff chances are he gets more games the last few weeks to reset Helle and the Jets do as well if not better.
  18. What's your point? You have this odd fascination with making fun of wrestling. Please remember to post a shirtlesss photo of yourself when you're 60 for us to make fun of.
  19. If we're in a playoff position we would benefit from a veteran goalie. Not Fleury or Halak because we dont want to keep paying them for years. When does Bischop's deal expire?
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