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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. There's a lot of craziness on both sides. The Berkeley rioters should be incarcerated. There's also a magazine that depicts a target on Trumps head with the headline "why not?" The divide grows.
  2. If he can't return you don't buy him out. LTiR provides cap relief does it not? And players are insured.
  3. Also why buy him out? If he's long term injured they get cap relief anyway. If they are in the position to buy him out it means he's back and then there's really no reason to. Even if jets don't want him, a healthy Myers would be a big target for most teams.
  4. No Progress on his injury or his personal family matter?
  5. Now will border agents comply? How crazy will trump go?
  6. Was being sarcastic. Plenty of digital signs with moving images and flashing lights on the strip and an enormous amount of cars and pedestrians and they manage.
  7. Can't believe someone shouldn't be going to jail for the mismanagement of hydro
  8. Which is a sad commentary on the gullibility of too many voters
  9. makes sense. Electronic billboards are distracting. That's why they don't allow cars on the Vegas Strip.
  10. Yes. You dont think Bernier is a strong candidate for Conservative leadership?
  11. Maxime Bernier is a solid candidate from what I've seen.
  12. If the Cons elect a remotely interesting leader, Liberals are in trouble. Canadians like the idea of new shiny things but they grow tired of them quickly...especially when they lied to get into office and are going to go into massive deficit for a generation. If Bernier can deliver Quebec to an extent, I think the Cons win the next election.
  13. Yes, Maurice said he plateaued but that was quite a long time ago. Then he skated and traveled with the team on a road trip and I believe Maurice said he might be an option (which is why he'd travel with the team). He never played and it came out via one of their announcers (I think Beyak) that he was dealing with a personal issue. The way it was said was something like "Myers is injured and now dealing with a personal issue, the latter the most pressing concern right now". Sounds to me like the personal matter is the thing and he'd otherwise be good to go..or at the very least, the personal issue is preventing him from being with the team and practicing. I havent heard about him skating since that road trip. Hopefully everything is okay with him. EDIT: it was the trip to Florida. Maurice reported that Myers went to the Jets to ask for leave due to a "personal family matter" and has left the team for that reason "with the full blessing" of the Jets. Seems the usual rumor sites have nothing about it...
  14. But the word is Myers is dealing with a personal issue. So if you leave him exposed and he's not hurt, they will snag him. They might snag him even if he was hurt this whole time. He'd be their #1 D on a great contract. I wouldnt say Buff is untouchable down the road...but I think the Jets hope they are in the position where they'd want to keep him. If they trade Buff near the end of his deal its likely to a team going all in to contend for the cup. Jets hope thats them
  15. Sure but is that a bad couple of games or is Helle finished as an NHL goalie? Because his sv% and GAA is still better than Pavs. That would indicate his bad two games was an aberration, not the norm. Jets see themselves as still in playoff contention and they are desperate. They would play Bob Essensa if the end result was a win, regardless of whether the score was 14-12. I think we can speculate that Chipman's patience is a bit thinner this season. he wants the playoffs.
  16. I was watching the OJ Made In America documentary the other night and the audio recording of the Las Vegas robbery was sold to TMZ for $150,000. And when OJ was forced to sell his Brentwood home, he had his agent pretend to be a fan/paparazzi sneaking in with a cellphone to get video they could sell. OJ "acted" mad towards the "fan" and threw him off the property. Sneaky sneaky.
  17. Ohhh ok. Its tough because Trump is also a celebrity and that sort of news will be out there. Think about this, if some starlet came forward to discuss the size of Trump's schlong, would that be fair game since he, during the election, discussed it? lol
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