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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Speaking of Poolman: The comment about Lemieux was in response to someone asking if he'd be called up.
  2. Pavs was very good. I think what Pavs has been providing that the other goalies havent is his propensity for the ridiculous save, which he makes 1-3 times per game. Sometimes its because of his style (ie. being out of position). Sometimes he just makes a great save (the breakaway) due to his athleticism. I dont think anyone said he wasnt very very athletic. That's his style. And in the short term, it seems great. In the long term we know Pavs might have a long highlight reel but will have below average stats. But, from a pyshcological point of view, those big saves probably fuel the Jets' players more than a boring, consistent style. If Helle had the exact same stats because he didnt let in the bad goals but didnt save the crazy ones, people would say its the goaltending. And maybe the skaters would be more deflated. There might be more of an acceptance that sure, Pavs will let it one bad goal per game, maybe two, but he will bail us out when we screw up so we wont hold it against him - just score 4 - goals and we'll win. At this point you have to keep playing him.
  3. Im less in love with Myers at this point only because Trouba has become the beast we all hoped for. So realistically, it means Myers is a 4RHD. His contract is still really good and Buff is still aging. Myers is 4 years younger. We're committed to Buff and Im fine with that. In a perfect world, one of Buff or Myers would happily convert to the left side. But in the absence of that, IF you have to trade a RHD to make room and balance the budget, Myers becomes that guy. But it only works if Trouba signs long term. And then you're still in the same boat as wanting a LHD in return and most teams with a quality LHD arent looking to trade him. But if we could trade Myers for a top 4 LHD (and probably another piece), we'd be good. Except ofcourse, his value is diminished due to injuries. At the expansion draft, you still have to protect him even if you cant trade him due to low demand based on his injury/personal situation. There is a clause that a player who misses 60+ consecutive games to injury can be exempt from the expansion draft at the league's discretion but thats generally for players that are likely to retire due to injury, I dont suppose we could get Chychrun out of Arizona somehow...? Seems the Jets are fairly high on Poolman who they probably hope slots into the 3RHD consistently in a year or two. When Toby is done, we have two big holes on the LHD side.
  4. Yes. I think its possible Pavs is a better back up than Hutch. You might be on to something.
  5. I havent been overly interested in this specific subject but isnt the case of lack of voter appetite true?
  6. I hear there's actually a live wrestling show on feb 18th too
  7. Yeah but this is a message board not the CBC anyway....
  8. I'm no expert but I don't think Stu and Buff are the best Pk pair.
  9. Arent the medical conditions of Presidents open for public debate? I mean, sure, many Presidents hid their issues (Kennedy was a wreck, Regan was suspected of dementia etc). Its interesting because Trump is so braggadocios about himself. ive heard him claim his hair is all real. I guess it is but he's obviously losing it and taking drugs to combat that. I dont begrudge him that. But its still interesting for a man who openly brags about his physical condition...because you know he'd deny it if challenged.
  10. sort of makes sense. Sinks in and the more thoughtful side of people come out. That's a crazy overall job approval rating though.
  11. Mid-terms. If popular support has swayed so much that Republicans are going to lose both houses, would they act to remove Trump themselves or wait and let the Dems try? And would Trump go quietly, announcing the "greatest presidency in the history of presidents", stepping down and handing it to Pence or will they be forced to "25" him? Interesting topic I've heard that the supposed insiders refer to Pence, Ryan and Priebus as the Unholy Trinity and that they hold the real power in the country. They dont want to risk alienating people with a power play but if there was one, it would probably be those three orchestrating it. If we actually had a major crises where Trump fired Pence and his Chief of Staff, it wouldnt surprise me. It would be nuts. But it wouldnt surprise me. CoS has to be getting sick of Bannon by now and there are reports Pence is routinely horrified by Trump's actions/words. We already know Ryan didnt want to support him. Could we actually see use of the 25th?
  12. Will Trump's reign end with a mushroom cloud or indictments (for him or his advisors)?
  13. Bannon will make people nostalgic for the dove that was Dick Cheney.
  14. Cena will propose to Nikki = WM moment.
  15. I guess Trumps first military action didn't go as planned. too bad troops have to pay the price
  16. That son of a bitch! Wait, six weeks sound about right doesn't it?
  17. I don't know the veracity of the source but I've seen making the rounds https://www.thenation.com/article/leaked-draft-of-trumps-religious-freedom-order-reveals-sweeping-plans-to-legalize-discrimination/ not sure how this wouldn't violate the constitution but I guess the point of holding sway with the Supreme Court is you can win those challenges.
  18. Yeah Im not sure I like that one. If its me, I send Joe to SD to attack, setting up Shane vs Hunter and Joe vs Styles. Have Joe kill someone at Fastlane to get even more over. WM is Joe vs Styles and if Seth can go, re-insert him on the go-home RAW and make it a three way.
  19. The word on Seth is a torn MCL with an eight week recovery so that would have him back in time for WM if everything went perfectly. It will be interesting to see if they go to plan B immediately or give Seth a chance to make it. With it being Hunter I wonder if they'd take the chance of Seth not making it. He certainly wont make the Fastlane PPV. I could see them introducing a proxy, such as Balor, to take the Joe match at Fastlane and then he could take the WM match if need be. Ofcourse, Balor stepping in to defend Seth doesnt make any sense since Seth injured him. Scrapping it totally and going with Hunter/Shane makes the most sense and is the bigger draw. Let Joe kill someone at Fastlane and if Seth can go at WM, you do Seth vs Joe there.
  20. I dont have an issue with the focus being on Islamic extremists. In fact, it would be refreshing for this admin to stop blanket punishing all Muslims and focus instead on the bad ones. But hopefully that is not to the detriment of being alert to white nationalists and your average nut. But a pessimist might say that the type of gun nut, anti-government, isolationist type is Trump's base. And certainly Bannon's.
  21. Here's An excellent summary http://blackrod.blogspot.ca/2017/02/katz-and-sheegl-forensic-files-winnipeg.html?m=1
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