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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Pavs played well. But we're arguing about his best game of the season where his GAA was 3 and his sv% was 889. Stats don't always tell the story especially in small samples. But if that's the best he's got then he's far from the answer.
  2. Right. chronicle was the film I was thinking of. Good film. If I recall he was fired from a film for being a jerk
  3. I'm sorry Hutterites were brought into this in a negative way. I think most people can easily see the difference between the way Hutterites choose to dress and the forced vielling of women. But those that force women to wear Niqabs (and the other ways they are treated) are not our Muslim friends. Our Muslim friends don't do that. In fact the vast majority of Muslims don't support that in their own origin nations. But In Canada liberals support it. Go figure.
  4. I wasn't the one that decided to make an argument over Harpers ban on the Niqab or the excusing of Muslim oppression of women. And I repeatedly said this was off topic. But part of the problem is the denial of radical Islam as a problem creating a larger us vs them mentality which leads to anger and frustration on both sides. Mods can split the thread if they want to. But let's not argue over sources or credibility. I'll post remakes from a liberal source to be fair. but let's get back on topic. I'm not sure referring to this killer as "radicalized" is the right term. Doesn't that undermine what people think of radicalization? Can't he just be a regular old racist violent loser?
  5. is the one that did that movie about the three teens who got psychic powers from an alien craft? I heard he went nuts and became a huge jerk
  6. In the context of a 25 year deal that expires in 2023, its not *that* early to discuss a renewal. Supposedly Sam wants to renew as part of a plan to invest money into facility upgrades. if he makes significant upgrades, he likely amortizes that over many many years and thus he wants to know his costs over a longer period of time then the next 6 years.
  7. Chasing Amy was a masterpiece. But if a very experienced writer had made it Id be critical of some of the dialogue and directing. Because Smith was young, it came across in such a way as the technical deficiencies were more like appreciable quirks of a really good film. But over time, when a guy is a one trick pony of essentially taking the words and actions of rebellious teens intent on shocking their parents and makes films out it, it loses something. its just...immature.
  8. Smith's draft (titled Superman Lives) had Brainiac sending Doomsday to kill Superman, as well as blocking out the sun to make Superman powerless, as Superman is fueled by sunlight. Brainiac teams with Lex Luthor, but Superman is resurrected by a Kryptonian robot, The Eradicator. Brainiac wishes to possess The Eradicator and its technology. Powerless, the resurrected Superman is sheathed in armor formed from The Eradicator itself until his powers return, courtesy of sunbeams, and defeats Brainiac. Smith's casting choices included Ben Affleck as Clark Kent / Superman, Linda Fiorentino as Lois Lane, Jack Nicholson as Lex Luthor, Famke Janssen as Mercy, John Mahoney as Perry White, David Hyde Pierce as The Eradicator, Jason Lee as Brainiac and Jason Mewes as Jimmy Olsen.
  9. Kevin Smith is the most over-rated thing to ever walk into Hollywood, kept afloat by his position as the King of Nerds. He somehow tripped over himself and back-doored into writing one good movie in his life and a ton of bad ones. Keep him far, far, far away from Batman please. I mean sure, if he wants to submit a script for denial, thats fine. But lets not take him seriously please.
  10. Oh and in case you're wondering what Taqiyya means: Taqiyya (also spelled taqiya or taqiyyah) is lying to advance Islam and/or to prevent harm to Muslims (taqiyya literally means "prevention"). Muslims justify taqiyya from the Quran, other Islamic texts and the example set by Muhammad
  11. Ohhhh, rebuttal! Okay... For clarification purposes, arbitration using Sharia Law WAS going to happen. The Premier of Ontario banned all religious arbitration to prevent it, fortunately. Many Muslim's spoke out against it. To wit (from the Globe & Mail): Sharia law in Canada? Yes. The province of Ontario has authorized the use of sharia law in civil arbitrations, if both parties consent. The arbitrations will deal with such matters as property, marriage, divorce, custody and inheritance. The arbitrators can be imams, Muslim elders or lawyers. In theory, their decisions aren't supposed to conflict with Canadian civil law. But because there is no third-party oversight, and no duty to report decisions, no outsider will ever know if they do. These decisions can be appealed to the regular courts. But for Muslim women, the pressures to abide by the precepts of sharia are overwhelming. To reject sharia is, quite simply, to be a bad Muslim. A few more examples of: Efforts by Canadian Muslims to push for Sharia law at the municipal level have met more immediate success. Above is the scene at Valley Park Middle School, a public school in Toronto, Ontario in 2008 - a decade after Mark Harding took a stand against it. Instead of just a classroom, a cafeteria becomes a mosque on Friday afternoons so that Muslim students can listen to an imam from a nearby mosque and pray towards Mecca. In the photo, the boys are praying in front of the girls, who are praying in front of the menstruating girls, who are forbidden to pray. The same scene is repeated at public schools across Canada today and many of their cafeterias only serve Halal food that have been sacrificed to Allah, the moon god. By contrast, public schools in Canada provide neither facilities for the Christian students to gather and worship nor kosher food for the Jewish students. Also since 2008, the municipal government of Edmonton in the province of Alberta has been denying men access to its swimming pools during certain hours of the week after Muslim women demanded opportunities to swim without men around, in accordance with the Shariah law. But you say no one wants Sharia Law in Canada. In a 2011 survey, 62% of the Muslims in Ottawa, the Canadian capital, expressed a desire to live under some form of Sharia law. The percentage is high, especially given their option to engage in Taqiyya. Over the next 20 years, Canada's Muslim population is projected to triple. But those examples are from years ago. Here's a "western" example from last summer: INCOMING Prime Minister Theresa May has defended her position on Sharia Law on the eve of taking over as the leader of the Conservative party. May sparked controversy when she spoke out in support of the Islamic courts operating in the country, telling the nation they could "benefit a great deal" from Sharia teachings. Now, sure, the UK is some crazy far away land and we'd never do anything remotely culturally similar to them right? Let's hope not: There are thought to be around 100 Sharia Law courts operating throughout the UK, dispensing Islamic justice outside the remit of our own legal system. Judgements handed down by the informal courts have no legal basis, but there are fears their presence means many Muslim women are not getting access to the justice they deserve. All of this is Moot to the topic of the thread. But you wanted to go down this road.
  12. Thats a good point. Not unreasonable for Sammy to want the same deal. But this Police HQ stuff doesnt help him. There will be a lot of reluctance to make "deals" with Sam that would not be the case in making deals with Chipman. One is seen as a quality community guy and the other a scheming, shady jerk who barely lives here (if he lives here at all).
  13. I'd suspect Hutch gets waived to the Moose next season to back up Comrie. And then Jets wont offer him another contract the following year probably. Depends on Phillips I guess. By 2018/19 they might expect Comrie to back up Helle in Winnipeg (or vice versa). I assume they sign a cheap veteran back up for next season.
  14. This is really interesting but this part of the story was sure a kick in the nuts to this poor girl In one patient's case, his family was able to get a crucial answer to an important question in their lives. The patient was asked if he approved of his daughter marrying her boyfriend. The patient answered "no," nine times of 10.
  15. Wasnt there also a dispute over the adjacent parking lot at the Goldeyes that got a sweetheart deal from the city once Sammy was Mayor?
  16. Some interesting rumors. Affleck kept insisting there was no script and he would not make the film without a good script. But rumors persisted that the script was much further along. Speculation is the initial script was written by Affleck and Geoff Johns and then given to Chris Terrio to punch up. Supposedly Terrio (who wrote Argo and also did re-writes of BvS and Justice League) finished his Batman re-write and submitted it to Affleck. Then Affleck stepped down as director. So was the script not good enough? A script Affleck himself, Johns & Terrio wrote? There were rumours the Batman script was a disaster and that WB didnt care and just wanted to make a Batman movie. Affleck seems to be pushing back against that. He wants to make a good movie, not just a movie. How can WB's screw this up?
  17. Where did I say there isn't oppression of women in other religions? And what would that have to do with the oppression of women in Islam? Are you a defender of radical Islam and do you believe Muslim women should have to veil themselves?
  18. Bang on. I dont even get the argument. Why would someone even make the argument in favour of the Niqab. Unless Mark's an Islamic Fundamentalist which I tend to doubt.
  19. If you can't find evidence of other religions oppressing women in Canada, you're not trying very hard. I won't look it up, I'll let unknown poster see if he can find anything. I wasnt the one that made the argument so I have no desire to look anything up. The reality is, oppression of women in other religions has no bearing on Islam. This isnt a "yeah but" discussion. Religious freedom isnt a catch all excuse. Why should Canada be MORE fundamentally Islamic than Muslim majority nations that have rejected things like the Niqab? Freedom of Religion cannot be used to over-rule the human rights of others. Which is why Mormon parents who do not seek medical attention for their children face charges and lose their "freedom of religion" defenses.
  20. Syed Mumtaz Ali had no credibility? The Arbitration Act which he fought to allow it was not an authority? North America has many ties to Christianity and "God" was apart of the founding fathers' vocabulary. We all make fun of Christian fundamentalists...its easy. But there seems to be a weird protectionism when it comes to pushing back on Islamic fundamentalism.
  21. Both sides have violent protestors. Should not be condoned but has no relevance to the underlying protest.
  22. The Muscle Buster? Hes used it for years. And still does. It was the Muscle Buster that hurt Kidd, wasnt it? Nak should be up too, I'd think post-WM RAW but maybe sooner now. Hunter/Shane is the right direction and save AJ for someone better (like Nak or Joe).
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