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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. @Goalie what type of business are you in?
  2. And it’s Romney! Andrew Yang is like, dude!
  3. In a time of crises even republicans feel a bit socialist!
  4. I shared that with my boss, that Canada advises isolation for those that have travelled since March 1 (which applies to a few people sitting near me). He replied, well our policy is isolation for people travelling since this past Friday. Oh ok. Also confirmed they are working to have everyone work from home, just working on logistics. In the meantime, business as usual. Were it me, I'd have half the team at home right now just in case. Way too much exposure in the office should someon be a carrier.
  5. I would assume they'd choose the top 12 teams as of now (winning percentage) or choose a games played that everyone has played (like 68) and use that record or play to 72, meaning a few teams would need to play a couple games.
  6. Well if they went right to playoffs now with 16 teams jets are out. 24, jets are in.
  7. Fire alarm at my work. Everyone congregates in stairwells and muster points.
  8. link? Cause that impacts people near me!
  9. Apparently he can't. Ill have to find the thread. But basically, his term ends on Inauguration day regardless. So if the election was delayed or the results werent ratified or accepted or whatever they call it, Trump & Pence are done in January. 25th means Speaker Nancy (or whomever is Speaker) elevates to President. The only dispute is with some language of the constitution which refers to "officer" which could lead GOP to argue that 25th would elevate the highest ranking admin officer (Sec of State) to the Presidency. But Trump's only path is to win. I suppose if the Dems agreed...well, they wont.
  10. Once we're on the other side of this, its going to be fun to watch Trump claim the coming recession isnt his fault and nothing is his fault. That's the type of leadership that will make Biden president. "I take no responsibility" is going to be the noose around his neck. It wont be long before the orange goblin begins musing about delaying the election (I read someone talking constitutional law and they say he cant....even if there is no election or a disputed election, Trump & Pence are out on Inauguration day - if there isnt an elected replacement, the 25th is invoked and Nancy becomes President. No path for Trump to remain other than winning).
  11. My company now requires self isolation for anyone returning from the US since this past Friday.
  12. I have a feeling that will be addressed today
  13. Not sure if it’s official but the word going around is Alberta schools are done for the year.
  14. As frosty said Holy fack. If you were still on the hoax train....
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