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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. So you're stating with conviction that no one in North America wants Sharia Law?
  2. What goalie do you leave exposed in the expansion draft if Hutch gets claimed. Thats why Hutch is here.
  3. Rollins injured his previously-injured knee in his brawl with Joe on RAW. Could be out long-term. They are working on alternative plans for Hunter at WM. Not sure if there will be heat on Joe but he previously nearly killed Tyson Kidd (not his fault but it happened against him). Top of my head, I'd wonder if they'd bring Balor back as Seth's proxy against Hunter.
  4. The feeling is the Jets wont carry three goalies all season. I guess they could but it makes management of bodies tougher because Hutch takes up a roster spot. Pavs has to be sent down prior to ten games played or 30 days to avoid waivers. I think they will hope he plays "okay" until the deadline and consider trades. The problem is, if Jets are in a playoff spot, will they risk trading their one veteran goalie? They clearly have given up on Hutch but have to keep him.
  5. I dont think Pavs is directly influencing better play. I think the combination of hitting rock bottom, players-only meeting, calling up Pavs (indicating a rock bottom mentality) has got the players playing better over-all. They played well in front of Helle last game too.
  6. And thats what the comments in the article say as well, that it was a deal at the time but the City does not want to renew under the same terms.
  7. I didnt make any comment about the stoppability of the goals allowed. its just an interesting comment on the rose-coloured glasses some people are wearing. Its possible to have a great game and let in 5 goals. Its possible to have a bad game and let in 2. But Pavs is Pavs. He isnt lighting it up or playing above his career averages. He's exactly what he always is. His stats arent good. But he's winning a few games. If this continued as is the rest of the way, there will be fans demanding he get re-signed by the Jets (he won't).
  8. Kind of a rough deal for Hitchcock. He's basically forced to accept a retirement at season's end and has the next coach working behind him. Goaltending sucks and they cant even let the guy wait til seasons end when he's already being forced out? Sports is a tough business.
  9. Is your argument that because bigotry exists across multiple religions, ethnic groups etc, that we should not fight any of it? Because you seem to be arguing against those who have an issue with the way women are treated in Islam but not presenting any thoughts on combating it. Banning the Niqab was a real solution. The fact there was so much pushback tells us that its a growing segment of a radical sub-section because there is virtually no support for the Niqab within traditional Muslim countries. Its used as a punishment and control method when "fundamentalists" rise to power. Any thought that we should have shrugged it off because there are pockets of oppression of women among other groups is failing to address a real issue that exists in Canada now. We're talking about immigrants coming here and then adopting a way of life that their vast majority of the people in their own country reject. It cant be allowed. And we know there are those wanting Sharia Law here. Cannot be allowed. And when you identify tangible ways that women are oppressed in other ares or groups in Canada, Ill support putting a stop to that too. We consistently fight against bigotry towards gays. We dont say, well there's other bigotry out there. We can fight bigotry on more than one front. Saying no to radical Islam and the oppression of women on the grounds of religious freedom is not bigotry. That's laughable.
  10. I figured they were going to hand the keys to the DC Kingdom over to Affleck altogether. But I imagine they have grown impatient with him. He's a thoughtful filmmaker who likes to take his time. They need an executive who can head up DC with all the power therein, who wont be moved out or reassigned and who has the power to select directors etc for each movie. Snyder wasnt the answer obviously, but I wonder if they'd go back to him. The whole in-universe story concerning Batman made no sense from my perspective. You're essentially beginning another new Batman story and you choose to go with an older Batman. Okay, maybe that makes for a nice story (though it really had no creative impact on Batman vs Superman) but if you hope to get an entire series of films...say 5 films over 7-10 years, you're relying on Affleck to stay in Batman shape. They should have thrown whatever it took at Bale and Nolan to stay on and add Superman etc to their Batman universe. Not add everyone else to Superman's universe which wasnt that good to begin with. And I really think they missed the ball. They are going in fast forward to catch up to Marvel and The Avengers but I think fans will grow to miss the earlier days of the MCU and DC should have started slowly and pieced it all together over time. Batman as the iron Man of the DCU makes sense.
  11. Sammy having more bad days http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/city-hall-kick-back-investigation-puts-shaw-park-lease-into-question-sources-412349933.html Might be behind firewall but essentially, Sammy has been in discussions with the city about renewing the lease on the Goldeyes ballpark. Lease expires in 2023 at conclusion of the original 25 year lease. Sammy's holding company Riverside Park Management, was paying $1 per year lease to the city. Anonymous city sources are saying they cannot ignore the reports coming out of the WPS HQ investigation. But probably the bigger issue here is the councilors feeling $1 per year is ridiculous and Sammy should have to pay fair market value.
  12. Speculated to be the Shenzou, another ship on the series captained by Michelle Yeoh's character. I like it too. Reminiscent of the NX Enterprise.
  13. Supposedly its changed slightly but I cant tell.
  14. New video released showing uniforms http://once.unicornmedia.com/now/master/playlist/c9cd5ffb-e591-4566-8141-d79c05703b80/86a81db8-12c7-4d82-b0c8-42f4cdef4d86/b37e8857-7b75-4351-ae45-b5f82c32a792/content.m3u8?visitguid=f1afc608-c22b-4e0f-8082-087382139d22&UMBEPARAMsiteid=164&UMBEPARAMcomponentid=761a0d34e90fbb9ba21cc1760b6aa063&UMBEPARAMv22=48F6AF1F-EBC0-2D9B-DFE8-F21C9475F37C&UMBEPARAMmedrls=aG594ge_hiUZ&UMBEPARAMevent=play&UMBEPARAMdistntwrk=can&UMBEPARAMmedlength=60&UMBEPARAMplayertime=0
  15. Rumours of Affleck dropping out altogether and Armie Hammer replacing him. Or doing an in-universe passing of the torch with Affleck's Batman passing it on to Hammer's Dick Grayson. Hammer would be a great Grayson.
  16. Yes, but style of dress is different from the forced shaming. Many of us have likely seen Hutterite's wearing more modern clothing (sure, long skirts etc). I have relatives from the country that you'd think were Hutterites but they just dressed like everyone else in their small community. I should clarify, the Harper effort was against the Niqab, the full face covering. Troudeau's support for it was weird since even in Muslim countries the support for the Niqab is almost nil. Where its worn its almost entirely as a result of forced fundamentalism which should have no place here. If a co-worker comes to work wearing a turtle neck and long pants because she wants to be modest, thats her choice. if she wears a ski mask because her husband will beat her if she doesnt, thats entirely different.
  17. It might not have been the most inspired campaign and was surely hampered by her illness. But she won the debates and had nearly 3 million more people vote for her. Even Trump's people were conceding prior to the FBI's big assist. I think some people voted for Trump to be apart of history assuming he'd lose. But not enough to make a huge difference. Hilary couldnt get the women the way Obama got the black vote. Women dont like women to a surprising degree. Women made the difference if I recall. But hold the election today and what happens? Likely a close-to-historic victory for Hilary.
  18. Yes and it must not be condoned. And "religious freedom" isnt an excuse. Celebrating cultural differences is wonderful. Allowing negative treatment in Canada on the grounds of said differences should not be permitted. What people do in their home is generally their business but the former government was correct in taking steps to disallow the forced subjugation of women which is all too prevalent in the more fundamental aspects of Islam,...though if you look back at the Middle East prior to certain revolutions that embraced the male-centric fundamentalism, women were not treated that way. This isnt about religion, its about subjugation. And should not be allowed. But none of that has anything to do with a right ring white nationalist walking into a Mosque and killing Muslims. Lest the argument be that if only the radicals were permitted to invoke Sharia law and fundamentalism that this wouldn't happen. Or that a white nationalism wouldnt have racist tendencies if we didnt argue against the Hijab. I appreciate the effort to somehow make this Stephen Harper's fault though. It provided a needed dose of levity to a very serious topic.
  19. A suitable response to your silly reply to me. Must we detail the history of the Hijab and the requirement that women must veil themselves to preserve their modesty? A Muslim equivalent of shaming a rape victim for the clothes she was wearing... Its beside the point of this topic but you brought it up. Are you in support of laws or rules that require women to forcibly be covered?
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