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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Start with common sense. Work backwards from there. And yes, the negative treatment of women in other religions does not make the negative treatment of women in any religion acceptable, does it? Argue the point, dont say "yeah but..." and point to a different negative treatment.
  2. They badly dropped the ball with him as a heel on his return. But that was prior to Balor's injury if I recall. So that changed things. They always planned for Seth vs Hunter so the idea was to keep him a heel until they started the build up for the feud. Then Balor got hurt and they needed a new face. But it's really hurt Seth. Its not unreasonable to hang it on Hunter because the exact same thing happened when Orton turned face out of Evolution. They did it backwards with Orton turning face not because he turned on the heels but because the heels kicked him out. Its a weak motive. Im a good guy because Id rather be a bad guy but the bad guys think I suck. When The Four Horsemen turned on Sting they were all faces and they gave him an ultimatum to give up his title shot against Flair or else. He did the honorable thing by keeping the title shot and they all turned heel on him. He was the honorable one. In Evolution, Orton was the loser. For Seth, same thing. Loser who Hunter decided he didnt want to hang out with anymore. At the very least they should have had him reject Hunter's help and want to win the title on his own. Not only would it have made him honorable but it would have given Hunter motive for helping Owens. Remember when Steph was shocked that Hunter helped Owens because she was still on Seth's side? yeah, neither do WWE writers.
  3. Well sure there is a segment that wants to live on their ramshackle ranches with their stockpile of beans and guns waiting for the end times. But I think the bigots that are active in their spreading of their nonsense want a race war. Perhaps a minority, but a potentially awful one. One can argue that the people most happy with the Muslim ban are bigots and radical Islam because it serves the same desire for hatred and war.
  4. It's true. If we're discussing the actions of the President and the response is "yeah but Hilary", its a moot point. its silly. What Hilary might have done as President is irrelevant to what Trump is doing as President. And if we really want to discuss it there is nothing in the history of Hilary as a Public Servant or her husband to suggest anything as divisive as Trump's first week. Bill was impeached for lying about nailing his side chick. Seems quaint right away now.
  5. I definitely agree to a point. A co-worker walked in yesterday (and this Trump craziness was all the talk at work) and he said "its crazy. I mean, I agree with it, but its crazy". I think the majority dont think deeply. Ask those who support the ban and I bet most answers are something like "we need to protect ourselves" or "better to be safe than sorry". And that shows a lack of understanding. But that's the lowest common denominator that Trump appeals to. I mean, we have seen protests against this that turned violent with the Anti Trump people attacking the Trump supporters. Hard to rationalize violence when protesting this ban. But the psychology of mob mentality is another subject. I read through tweets from an American Christian who was taking flak for her unabashed support of Trump and the ban. Her defense was to point out all the charity work she has done in Africa and her opposition is to Islam. Again, a failure to understand this issue in my opinion. But I do think if somehow Trump was removed, there would be a shocking backlash from what you described as the angry silent Trump supporters. Which is really what the bigots, racists and white nationalists want - a fight.
  6. People in the states are telling me the moon landing never happened and there's an alien base under the Lincoln Memorial. I agree with you. This "yeah but Hilary would have been worse" is such deflective nonsense. Its the sad cries of sheepish passive Trump supporters. And "people in the US are telling me..." come on. Is that a poll? Its much more likely that a President Hilary would not be nearly as derisive as Trump has been. She might not have been at 80% approval, but she wouldnt be at 36% in Week ONE either. She did get nearly 3 million more votes than Trump.
  7. I thought he was going to burst out of those jeans! I would have put him in his gear (shorts) or trackpants and his own T-Shirt. But looks arent everything.
  8. I agree. However sources have indicated he had a draft EO prepared to repeal Obama's policies. Remember Bannon is definitely anti-LGBTQ. So the pressure aspect is that Trump allegedly scrapped the EO because of the push back on the Muslim Ban. My best friend is gay and during the election he made a remark about Trump hating gays and I did correct him by saying Trump's position seemed to be that it didnt bother him at all. But if you care about an issue, you dont surround yourself with people who are bigots, like Trump has done. This issue will come back when the heat is off...likely re-dressed as a First Amendment issue.
  9. "You are the architect of your own demise" "I will slay the King" Terrible lines. Anything with Steph and Hunter will get to push the envelope because its them. Working with the McMahons is a double edges sword because you are likely to be undercut but your angle will get plenty of screen time. Like the rumour of AJ vs Shane at WM. Im sure AJ would rather work a dozen other guys, but if he does work Shane, he's guaranteed a great spot, lots of time, a big push and a big paycheque.
  10. All the talk of Grisse (sp) and he's 30 years old. Late bloomer. it happens. I understand why they called Pavs up...because they wanted to give Helle a rest and have ZERO confidence in Hutch. But this "gotta feeling" coaching has back fired before. Maurice better hope Pavs plays great tonight.
  11. Its good to an extent. But so far the psychology is wrong. Which is not unusual with Steph & Hunter. Seth is only a babyface because the heels turned on him. He whined about it for months, really doing nothing. He invades NXT where Hunter is the most popular personality. He then confronts the man's wife, making a sexual joke, implying she wants him (reducing this powerful female executive to her base role as a sexual object) and threatens to go to her house and confront her young daughters. They both then trade horribly scripted lines. Steph, the heel, then gets the biggest pop of the segment by announcing Hunter was on his way in a "conquering hero" sort of manner. Hunter shows up and correctly explains Seth is a whiner and a loser and dares him to come down and get him face to face. He is then attacked by the NXT darling Joe making his long-awaited and exciting main roster debut. Im not sure they have done it better if they were trying to do a double turn.
  12. Yes. And the forced covering and shaming of women to comply with beliefs that make them property of men is still not in keeping with Canadian values. But we also have a Pm who visited mosques where the women were forced to the back. I'm not sure how that relates to this subject Unfortunately you also have this:
  13. Someone is feeling the pressure :
  14. I'll take back my criticism of Cass. He was better tonight. He seems to have a natural charisma but it's beneath many layers of scripted garbage. Finally Joe debuts. Not a great ring outfit for the debut lol. But he has "it". Makes sense Hunter would call upon his NXT "kids" for support But why not just fire Seth?
  15. This has disaster written all over it. Affleck will be producer and star and is looking for a director to collaborate with him. In other word, Bens the boss. Good luck.
  16. Shades of watergate http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/30/opinions/monday-night-massacre-wake-up-call-to-senate-democrats-zelizer/index.html and remember Sally Yates' name because she's a hero. How many more government officials will follow her lead?
  17. Fires AG. Has spicer say anyone who doesn't like it should leave. Apparently even Mad Dog was incensed. Someone mentioned the 25th amendment. And it's the best way to remove Trump. Because an impeachment takes too long and requires 2/3 of senate. But the 25th only requires the VP and majority of cabinet. So if it ever gets to the point that the writing is on the wall, enough cabinet might back Pence. Especially with insane Bannon pulling the strings. It's one thing to dislike the duly elected President but Bannon? Now imagine a scenario where the vP invokes the 25th and Trump refuses to go.... VP would need certain cabinet on board like the Sec of defence to ensure military support. It's crazy to even think about. But this is what happens when a nut like Bannon thinks he can do whatever he wants. And he has a mentally ill narssacist like Trump at his disposal. At some point the family will have to step in and save Trump from himself like they did during the election
  18. Paul Heyman is a God among men.
  19. If they get blown out it's another notch in the belt that might be used to hang Maurice in the off season over thinking is a sign of desperation. It's like when go for my third double up on Jacks or Better because of a "feeling". It's always wrong.
  20. Elimination chamber is the next SD PPV so odds are Bray would be in that match
  21. Rumour has it the next Trump EO will be to allow discrimination against gays etc. Which is interesting because during the election trump was asked about gay marriage and said he didn't care who married whom. Tells you who's really in charge. There is a growing movement calling for his impeachment on grounds he's violating the constitution due to his business dealings.
  22. The actual shooting suspect is 27-year-old Alexandre Bissonnette, a white French Canadian who is, by all appearances, a rabid anti-immigrant nationalist. A leader of a local immigration rights groups, François Deschamps, told a local paper he recognized his photo as an anti-immigrant far-right “troll” who has been hostile to the group online. And Bisonnette’s Facebook page – now taken down but still archived – lists among its “likes” the far right French nationalist Marine Le Pen, Islam critics Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens, the Israeli Defense Forces, and Donald J. Trump (he also “likes” the liberal Canadian Party NDP along with more neutral “likes” such as Tom Hanks, the Sopranos and Katy Perry).
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