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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Maurice needs to start using his head and stop making decisions with the remnants of last nights pizza dinner affecting his gut. Agreed. Helle is your starter. Start him.
  2. You're smart enough to know exactly what you did in your reply. The entire first part, where you explained your reply was originally to Rich's comment was sufficient in explaining to me your position. And would have elicited a positive reply from me.
  3. Awful. It might not matter by then, but when this cools down, I hope those Agents are fired and face charges for violating a court order. The confusion creates a scenario where employees do what they feel they should do as opposed to what is their legal requirement. Any wonder this dropped on a friday night?
  4. Thats true. Or when it got to the point where you wished you had just hit "like" and stopped, you could have taken your own advice and not belittled the idea of it being a "white guy thing" since, as a white guy, its too easy for you to belittle. But hey, as long as get to Vegas unencumbered, that's the important part. Now for the limited part of your post that was relevant, I dont think phone based searches will lower tourism since they have that right now. And if it becomes widespread, people will just preemptively sanitize their phones or use burner phones (or buy a local phone). But we all know that cell phone searching as a policy isnt the end, its the beginning.
  5. Ill hand it to Conway, she's a great example of a smart woman succeeding in a man's world. Especially the Alt Right. She's brilliant. She drives me nuts too but only because of her incredible ability at pivoting talking points and walking back Trump's nonsense in a passable way. The idea of Bannon holding Trump's strings and sitting on the NSC is sickening though.
  6. Redmond looked like a solid bottom pairing guy until his serious injury. Perhaps he's a worthy reclamation project. But it would mean waiving Postma. So, probably not much point in it at this stage.
  7. Interesting article. While it seems clearly a partisan perspective it also gives words to what many of us have struggled to figure out about Trumps behaviour. He's mentally ill http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/shrinks-break-silence-president-trump-exhibits-traits-m-article-1.2957688
  8. You referenced "just going to Vegas". Are you a white guy from Canada? Because we're not likely going to raise a lot of eyebrows going to Vegas. But my less white friends might and they still dont deserve to be overly-screened because the President's advisers are racist. Trump's order wouldnt have stopped a single 9/11 Hijacker from entering the US.
  9. Its not about what you'd prefer in 5 years, its about whats more likely. Enzo could be a career WWE'er because of his talking abilities. His KFC commercial was great. He can act. His charisma is off the charts. I like Cass but Austin is absolutely correct. Cass works light. And his promos are brutal. Sounds like hes reading from a teleprompter in his mind. Put him with Carmella. But you know what, dont split them up. Nothing wrong with friends being friends. They will try to push Cass at some point and he will benefit from having Enzo with him. But it is WWE's way to have Cass turn on Enzo. Three months later, Enzo will still be wrestling and Cass will be back in developmental. Probably not. But hopefully they dont mistake Enzo's talent for Cass's.
  10. Armia didnt come back after his injury the same way. Wont write him off though, he might still be ailing. Plus the team sucks as a whole which probably hurts the individual in many cases. That Trouba/Buff observation is interesting. Because, in a perfect world, it probably allows for Trouba to eat more PP minutes than Buff. In fact, wouldn't Buff look better as a net presence on the PP, rather then the point guy?
  11. Ill clarify. Its not designed to be "for kids". The by-product of it sucking is that kids love it. But the NHL would sacrifice that to have every 18+ who spends money on sports to love it. No its not literally all about the kids. Its about the sponsors and business partners. The game is something the network pays for so they air it. The issue with top players bowing out is that they spend the weekend going to lunches and dinners and meetings and rubbing elbows with executives. Im not sure how many kids are at those functions. Kids love it, yes. But thats not the purpose of the All Star Game.
  12. Cass absolutely needs Enzo. if they split them up, I'd bet we're still watching Enzo in 5 years...Cass, not so much. They messed with the formula already but splitting Carmella from the group. they could turn Cass on Enzo but he needs someone with him (Carmella might fit the bill). It sucks for them since they are dating and on different shows.
  13. Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen, known as Marine Le Pen is a French politician who is the president of the National Front, a national-conservative political party in France and one of its main political forces.
  14. Also, add AJ vs Shane (rumoured) Show vs Shaq (confirmed) Owens vs Jericho (US title - rumoured)
  15. Gets worse. The rumoured WM matches are: Brock vs Goldberg, Roman vs Undertaker, Cena & Nikki vs Maryse & Miz (???), Bray vs Orton. I have a feeling they might finally do the Roman heel turn.
  16. Why does Trump act like such a clown. He's really unbecoming the position he holds. I've always said respect the position of not the person. But he makes it hard. How can someone take him serious when he blames airport delays on the "tears of Schumer?" It's sort of funny. But not a laughing matter
  17. Im too lazy to check but Forbes does a list every year indicating profits etc. If I recall the Jets had a small profit every year. Which is notable because it only takes into accounts the "Jets" and not other True North revenue. So if the Jets themselves are generating a profit, you can be sure True North is very very healthy when you consider the MTSC and everything else. I think when the Thrashers were purchased, True North was cautious in preparing fans for a "middle of the pack" team as far as spending. I know Chipman said that if he felt the team was ready for a run, he'd spend to the cap. I think the first few years have shown they can spend more. They are comfortable with their revenue. I dont think they plan to spend to the cap and its wise to try and avoid that. But I dont think they lose a key piece over not wanting to spend a few million dollars. Jets are here for the long haul and they want to be in the playoffs every year because thats where the real big money is. They will spend to make that happen. But they have a plan and are going to stick with it.
  18. Many of us couldnt believe how brazen he was. He had been sued before for unofficial ponzi schemes where he'd use investors money on wrestling. But it was never criminal court. Which goes to show you can rob and steal Joe Public, but dont screw with the Tax Man. Their defense to spending so much on wrestling was that they were trying to get a TV deal and felt they needed a recognizable crew. It couldnt just be 20 locals and three "big names". But ofcourse, it never came to fruition. They had some airings on The Fight Network for, I believe, free or close to it. And they had a local TV deal in Texas, of call places, which served no usual purpose since they didnt run in Texas.
  19. I cant give it an 8. The Rumble match makes or breaks the whole show. 6 at best and thats because the undercard was good and the Rumble, though uninspired, was well booked for what it was. The Rumble is special for two reasons - surprises & elevating someone. They did the opposite. The fact they are STILL trying to get Roman over is almost a running joke now. He must be turning heel because the visual of him being boo'ed out of the building at WM cant be what they want if the plan is for Undertaker to "endorse" Roman. The rumoured WM match was Orton vs Bray which is incredibly dull. So Cena ties Ric Flair's (fake) record and loses it next month? Whats the point. Orton vs Bray...pffft. I guess Owens loses to Goldberg at Fastlane (or loses to Brock but Goldberg probably makes more sense).
  20. Yeah where do people still think the Jets are last in spending or somehow trying to orchestrate it so they dont have to spend any money. Let's spend to the cap this year so we have to trade our stars in two years. Thats a better plan.
  21. So you dont mind invasive screenings because they wont apply to you.
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