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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. What are you talking about? I didn't say we needed to go through theee goalie coaches either. You admittedly know nothing about coaching and yet seem to be pushing the idea that the goalies suck but their coach is great. Does not compute. We're kn our second head coach with the same goalie coach. At least Montreal didn't accept mediocrity and kept looking for the right mix. Ducky, just be happy we have an NHL team. Success isn't important.
  2. Keep in mind it has been said the bigger issue facing Myers is a "personal" thing not injury. Don't give up on his yet. A top four D with a great contract. Vegas takes him and laughs while doing so.
  3. Wouldn't firing the goalie coach be doing something about the goaltending? They're not going to do it mid season. But I read somewhere that Montreal went through three goalie coaches early on in Price's career looking for the right guy to bring out the best in him. Its not a science but every goalie that makes the jets seems to get worse over time. The eye test tells us that Helle's strengths in year one are suddenly evaporating. Did he forget how to play? Or is his coach a problem? we could try a 4th goalie just to make sure and when he declines then I guess maybe we have our answer. I'd rather not ruin another goalie. Let's switch coaches. Realairically many teams go through coaches looking for the right mix for their starter. In Winnipeg the starter isn't respected enough to earn that consideration - he must play for whatever coach is thrust upon him. Why?
  4. https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/nhl-reveals-top-100-players-of-all-time-with-some-surprises-041458227.html no Hawerchuk. Fools.
  5. You could make the argument that hydro marketing serves a purpose in educating people to lower their consumption. I guess even the LC. They do the same thing MPI does - advertise. You can argue their commercials about not drinking excessively are being responsible. But advertising?? Where else am I going to buy my booze? And since I can buy beer and wine at private dealers the government is advertising against the interests of private business. Government monopolies should not advertise. I bet they spend more than their losses on marketing.
  6. Some local wrestling fans might recognize the name Related story: http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/canada/manitoba/iteam/donald-trump-jr-jeff-dyck-tv-appearance-1.3953294
  7. Im shocked. It sort of tells me they are worried and trying to win a PR war if an opinion is requested from the Crown and they are sort of on the fence. Basically this lawyer is saying what they did was wrong, looked terrible and we can see why people are mad. But it was business a usual to them, everyone knew how they were and as wrong as it might have been, it wasnt illegal. Im reminded of the time Sammy first ran for Mayor and PROMISED to place the Goldeyes into a blind trust to avoid any appearance of conflict and when he won he said nope, Im not doing that because I know I am not in conflict. He's a liar and a scoundrel. And anyone who has done business with him (such as myself) knows that to be true.
  8. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/mpi-rates-report-1.3954531 Manitoba Public Insurance has reported a $3.6-million net loss for the first nine months of its fiscal year. MPI announced in December it will raise insurance rates by 3.7 per cent starting in March. It's the third time in the last decade that MPI has increased rates. So here is my question. MPI is a monopoly. How much do they spend on advertising and sponsorship??? Why are we paying MORE when they give cash gifts and call it "marketing" for a monopoly?
  9. http://www.630ched.com/syn/107/176403/sheegl-katz-horrified-over-rcmp-allegations WINNIPEG – The lawyer that represents both former CAO Phil Sheegl and former mayor Sam Katz is speaking out following new RCMP allegations surrounding the construction of the downtown police headquarters. Robert Tapper says his clients are “horrified” and describes the entire two year investigation as “sloppy.” Court documents obtained by Global News allege Sheegl was paid $200,000 by Caspian Construction, which is owned by Armik Babakhanians, for giving the company the contract to build the police headquarters within the former Canada Post Office on Graham Avenue. Mounties also allege Sheegl appeared to have shared that money with Katz. “It’s a nasty allegation and unfortunately for my clients, it is very public, very harmful, and 100 per cent inaccurate,” said Robert Tapper, attorney for both Sheegl and Katz. Tapper says the payment was part of a real estate deal on a piece of property in Arizona. “The $200,000 was simply a down payment towards a $327,000 acquisition by Babakhanians of an interest held by Phil Sheegl and Sam Katz on some land basically outside Phoenix,” Tapper said. Tapper admitted that while the optics of this deal look bad, he says everyone has known for years about Katz’s real estate deals in Arizona and his business agreements with Sheegl. Uh huh. So it wasnt a bribe to gain a city contract. Its just that Phil and Sammy owned property and the construction company owner bought into for $200,000 which was funneled through shell companies rather then the two principles and then half of which was given to Sammy and marked as a "loan", ostensibly to avoid paying taxes. And coincidentally, Babas' desire to buy into this deal occured right after he was awarded a city contract by Phil. Sure, sounds above board to me.
  10. Certainly based on talent now and upside Copp looks like a keeper. Dano might just be the type of player that would be sad to lose but maybe not quote good enough that Vegas takes him. They'd take Lowry over Dano. Probably Armia over Dano. I like Dano. But he's not irreplaceable. Copp is showing why they held him in such high regard. Props to Maurice for recognizing that he could slide into a top six role and look good. When we're healthy, who gets shuffled out? Copp down to 3rd line? Copp-Lowry-Armia? Good third line. Lawless also said Perreault probably being shopped. Thats tough. He's been a great addition but hasnt embraced the top six role like it seemed he might. New contract kicking in...do they protect him because he has value or let Vegas take him for nothing and be glad to save the contract money?
  11. He has the "it" factor. That can be subjective I guess. Going back a few years he was unique in that he worked that stiff athletic style but was also gigantic. He gained weight in TNA and slowed down, had a chip on his shoulder etc. But going to WWE revitalized him. To me, he's a solid worker. Has a unique look. While he's fat, he looks like a bad ass. That guy walks into the bar and picks a fight with you, you're probably capitulating pretty quickly. He has star appeal. And I think he's the only guy in WWE aside from Brock that has an aura of realism to him in the sense he's a bad ass. Like Brock comes out and everyone perks up and thinks wow this guys kicking someone's ass. Even thought we all know its a work. I think Joe has that too. Regarding the Rumble, there is some speculation he will appear to interject in another match, but not the Rumble. But I would suspect Mike is right. It would be tough call to say Vince would let him win. But Joe coming in and just tossing guys left and right and beating people up and winning? Sounds good to me. Plus he has the best music in the business.
  12. Joe was a first rate ******* to me but I think he's doing his best work in years lately and I'd be thrilled if he won. There is generally a saying though, you can only have one fat guy on top at a time. I'd worry Vince looks at Joe, looks at Owens and says naaahhhh
  13. It would serve no useful purpose to lie to Meltzer. It would be like any sports athlete lying to a respected & connected journalist in their field. But in wrestling it's magnified because there are so few and Meltzer is the king. I mean, he could lie and its not going to cost him bookings or anything. But writers control the message they write. Screwing them for no reason is never a good idea. Not that Dave is vengeful, it would just be disrespectful and unprofessional. And it's not Kenny's way.
  14. It gets better... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/caspian-fire-canada-post-1.3951774?cmp=rss Winnipeg police responding to a suspicious fire in a Transcona industrial building made an unusual discovery — boxes of scorched documents that the RCMP later scooped up as part of their fraud investigation into Canada Post's Winnipeg mail-processing plant. The structure is owned by a numbered company controlled by Armik Babakhanians, the president of Caspian Construction, the company at the centre of RCMP investigations into construction of the $100-million-plus Canada Post facility near Richardson International Airport and the $214-million Winnipeg police headquarters. Caspian was the contractor hired for both jobs. Arriving at the scene in Transcona just before noon, firefighters found signs of a break-in and asked the Winnipeg Police Service to investigate what appeared to be a suspicious fire. About three hours later, Winnipeg police arson investigator Det. Sgt. Kathy Antymis called up one of the RCMP officers assigned to the Mounties' investigation of the construction of the police headquarters and the Canada Post mail-sorting facility. The RCMP received permission from a judge to hold on to mail-processing-plant construction records such as this invoice, marked "inflated." (RCMP) "On the 2nd floor I observed what appeared to be a room filled with cardboard boxes. Some were on shelves, others were on the floor and appeared to be partly burned," Chanel said in a sworn affidavit provided to a judge in order to obtain a search warrant for the building. "I observed two rubber maid bins and a cardboard bankers box which contained numerous manila file folders which appeared to be filled with documents." Binders marked 'true' and 'inflated' The folders were marked "Winnipeg Mail Processing Plant," wrote Chanel, who had reviewed mail-sorting facility files seized by RCMP during a raid on Caspian Construction's McGillivray Boulevard headquarters in December 2014. The files found during that raid, which was part of the police headquarters investigation, included two binders containing mail-sorting-plant invoices marked "true" and "inflated," Chanel alleged in her affidavit. Chanel said she had met with Canada Post in February 2016 to review their construction contract with Caspian and look over change orders related to the project. "The contracts indicated that concerning change orders, Caspian was entitled to claim true cost, plus 10% overhead and 10% profit. The review showed on some change orders, Canada Post is believed to have paid Caspian costs at an inflated rate, based on invoices which are believed to have been altered," Chanel wrote in an affidavit attached to an August 2016 court order that allowed RCMP to hold on to seized material.
  15. Loonies under the couch would be because of Pavelec since he cant save anything, including money.
  16. He literally says nothing. And sounds foolish even saying that much.
  17. He wouldn't do that. Big big no no. Plus it exactly jives with what he told me two weeks ago. Keep in mind at last report he didn't have a US visa. And not even wwe can get one in three days. Plus they would not let him work Chili on Saturday if they needed him for the rumble on Sunday. Id believe him on this one
  18. Kenny staying in New Japan for one year
  19. I disagree. It's why the 2nd amendment was important 200 years ago. But if that's why the 2nd amendment is important then it's proof it's irrelevant now there is a standing military that is empowered to uphold the constitution. The people are not required to. And in fact unable to. The fact the military would not follow an unconstitutional order makes the idea of a well armed militia of average Joe's totally irrelevant.
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