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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Ive long said Night isnt a very good writer. He's like an interesting high school level writer. The Sixth Sense was good but it was his life's work that he was crafting for years and years and years. One trick pony. Some of his films have interesting ideas that would probably be good if a better writer re-wrote them.
  2. Being facetious. It was an argument made by many anti-Bush people during his Presidency that 9/11 and the war were the first steps in declaring Martial Law and essentially remaining in power. But as I read, there are two acts by which a President can declare martial law. One requires approval from the State in which the law is being enacted and the other requires consent from Congress. There is no law that allows the President to dissolve congress. Further, an order to the military from the President that violates the constitution would be not be considered a lawful order and they'd be required to disobey it. In fact, if the President tried to use the mi,military to cease power, its actually a legal requirement of the military to fight against the oppressors and conspirators. So Im not worried it would happen. But that doesnt preclude the possibility of Trump floating the idea. Although I get the impression he's already bored with being President.
  3. Oh I agree with that. That's the usual liberal response (lol - Im sure it works both ways). Like if we complain about Trudeau the response is "yeah but Harper...". if you complain about Trump its "Hilary is evil". Regardless of someone else's job performance or actions, we can judge and discuss other people.
  4. They've done a terrible job with her on RAW. In NXT she was tremendous. She's actually a very good worker. But her gimmick has to be cultivated and presented properly, not just 'oh here's a new chick wrestler'. WWE too often over thinks it combined with their weird insistence that they cool everyone off after they debut hot.
  5. Um ok, the issue is the President of the United States makes up demonstrably false "facts" and pretends they are true. A by-product of that issue is motivation & cause. ie. Is he motivated by an inability to tell the truth or is the cause his lack of intelligence?
  6. Is the unabashed love affair with JT over already?
  7. Hahaha no. A worked match that contained too many non-worked chair shots. Did it to set up the Rocky 2 finish (it was a last man standing match). I started feeling sick later that night and by the time I got home my head hurt, I was very nauseous, mind running away, etc. Next day I couldn't be outside without the sunlight hurting my eyes and head. I was exhausted but couldn't sleep. It was probably the worst I've ever felt.
  8. What are the odds 7.5 years from now trump comes up with a reason to suspend the election and remain President. He will then abolish the senate and form an American Empire.
  9. Maybe they have to go after Sammy like they went after Capone. For tax evasion. Can you imagine the circus that would be San Katz on criminal trial in Winnipeg? Lol
  10. Is Trump an idiot or is his strategy actually to flat out lie and to what end? I suppose if he makes everyone think everything is terrible then he can claim an improvement in a year. How can you take a guy seriously who just flat out makes things up
  11. A decent little wrestling promotion from Winnipeg is celebrating their 15 year Anniversary in 2017. Ill be posting pics, stories, videos etc all year (hopefully). If it's not inappropriate Ill share them here from time to time for those that might have seen some local wrestling over the last 15 years.
  12. Relating to the symptoms? I've been popped many times. The last time I foolishly took multiple chair shots to the skull, my symptoms were ferocious. I was very sick for a few days.
  13. Which makes you wonder why Phil was so blatant about it via emails etc. Im not sure the lawyer helps when he says the $100,000 payment from Phil to Sam is "just business" and then essentially admits it was mis-labeled as a loan but was done maybe for "tax purposes". he's basically saying these guys are shady unethical crooks...but not THAT bad.
  14. Yeah it seems random. Many of them simply say there is a copywrite claim but you can use it and the rights holder can add ads if they so wish. Others prevent it from working via mobile devices. others mute the audio. Supposedly filing a dispute under fair use if its a personal "music" video or whatever will have the restrictions lifted. We shall see. It DOES lift the restrictions during he dispute phase, so there's that.
  15. Apparently there is a way to get around it. if you're not monetized, you can dispute it based on the Fair Use provision of the Copy write act. ie. personal use. Im going to give that a shot. You can also adjust the pitch slightly to fool their silly computers.
  16. The All Star Game is important to the NHL for marketing and sponsorship purposes. All their sponsors and corporate partners get to rub elbows with the superstars. Thats why it embarrasses the NHL when stars back out. The issue with injury replacements is that guys not selected make plans for those few days. Many go on vacation or go home etc. So when a guy is hurt and the NHL selects a replacement, and that player had family plans, its not really fair to make him go. I'd make the injured player go still. He can do all the corporate stuff. As a player I can see why it would suck. maybe for the first couple of times would be fun, but repeatedly? Boring.
  17. I think they will be. Assuming Myers gets healthy, he's too good and his contract too good. Trouba is the issue. But IF his reasons for asking for a trade were true and it wasnt Winnipeg, then he has to see himself as gaining that #1 D spot. I tend to think his family wanted him out of Winnipeg. But as a hockey player, he might not care as much. I think they can sign him long term. If they cant, they still wont trade him and he will have to sign another bridge deal. Myers is a mystery. A couple of weeks ago he was skating and went on the road trip and looked ready to return. Now the word is, a "personal issue" is larger than the injury.
  18. People are very stupid. I worked in bars for years and had to deal with my share of morons acting like dicks towards us. So I inherently feel for cops. But that cop is ridiculous. "This stranger choked my son". "Well, why was he littering?" The mother was 100% justified in being angry. And notice the cop didnt react until the daughter stepped in to get her mother to walk away. Reason he reacted then was because he wanted to escalate the situation and he saw that the 15 year old was De-escalating the situation. So he had to pounce or miss his chance. Usually, I subscribe to educating the officer rather than dismissal. But if Im the Chief I fire him. The only conclusion you can draw is that he saw black and then saw red. And thus, fire him. The John Wayne style waving his tazer around too...totally irresponsible. The only positive is, in some cities, it would have been a gun rather then tazer and he would have fired.
  19. For you experts. I have a few videos that have been flagged as containing copywritten songs, such as Welcome to The Jungle. However... when I go to Youtube's Copywrite page, it has a search function where you can view the status of all songs. When I select Welcome to The Jungle, it reports "Viewable Worldwide". And yet a video containing the song is flagged as "not available on some devices". Im having the issue with another video that contains a snippet of Even Better Than The Real Thing by U2. When I look it up, it lists no restrictions but when I use it, its being filtered out of most mobile devices due to a copywrite claim from the music company. Little old me is clearly robbing U2 blind. Is there a reason Youtube would list a song as Viewable Worldwide but then filter it out anyway?
  20. These submission seem to indicate the RCMP are determined to get their man, or men. I can see Phil getting busted but I bet they all protect Sammy.
  21. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4159998/Attorneys-release-bodycam-footage-Fort-Worth-arrest.html#v-332747842990784984 Terrible cop.
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