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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Why didn't Chevy just pick everyone? Fail on his part.
  2. Pavs is the worst in back to back games. Starting him tomorrow is conceding two points. By the way:
  3. Perrreault is a solid player. And playing great lately. Is the Pavs experiment over?
  4. I wonder if, assuming that is true, if they'd reconsider now that Carrie has died. Then again, even dead, surely "Luke" would appear in IX anyway.
  5. be funny if this presser was to reiterate what he already said. But if it's to walk back his comments is this the quickest turn around in the history of American politics? He hasn't been president for barely three days yet!
  6. I sort of agree. Im somewhere between Cons and Libs. Voted Liberal years ago and got more and more Conservative...more accurate to say the Liberals chased me away. As I got older and got more concerned with things like taxes and our place in the world, I was attracted to the Cons. But Im socially Liberal. Im liking Bernier. But also, I cant disagree with a lot of O'Leary's positions though he, as a person, Im not sure about. The Liberals under Trudeau have made me more likely to vote Cons. Sometimes, the party you didnt vote for gets into office and does a good job and can win you over. Thats why I expected Trump to knock it off. There is a sense Trumps demeanor and nonsense was a strategy to win. But its looking more like winning was simply an accidental by-product of his hyperbole and bombastic nature. I hate to go *there* in regards to Nazism but his rhetoric is a bit scary. Thankfully, the American system doesnt allow for a President to cease power....right? I used the same example of the political cycle being good. But as a voter, I wont vote for change just because. I didnt see any reason for Trudeau's "change" after years of Harper. Give me another ten years of Harper please.
  7. Another Dragon weighs in: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/01/20/brett-wilson-kevin-o-leary_n_14284808.html Speaking to CBC News, Wilson said the "rudeness" that came out of Dickinson's criticism of O'Leary was "misguided." He said the television persona O'Leary exhibited over the years does not reflect his true character, adding what viewers say was edited and "exaggerated." In another story I read, Wilson mentioned he bought O'Leary Financial last year and found it to be the best run company he had ever bought. He said it was common knowledge in Calgary that Arlene was considering a run for the Liberals.
  8. "Jedi" can also be plural though this title would seem more appropriate as the singular. The red font would indicate "dark side" also, perhaps hinting at a darker tone. The director has said this was a "Luke story" and this would hint at that too. Plus, LucasFilms referred to it as the "Skywalker Saga" so they are making that point (and perhaps hinting at Rey's paternity). Looking forward to a full on Luke Skywalker film. I want to see bad ass Luke who has spent 30 years honing his Force powers.
  9. That was my immediate thought. The twist could be, just as Kylo/Snoke are not Sith, that Rey never becomes a Jedi..perhaps Luke realizes that as long as Jedi exist, Sith will come back. No Jedi, no Sith. Or something. Or, its just because the plot of the film is all about trying to kill Luke and eliminate "the last Jedi". Ends with Snoke declaring the last jedi is now gone. Rey replies, "no she isnt..." and IX is the rise of the new jedi.
  10. http://www.metronews.ca/news/winnipeg/2017/01/20/transcona-pro-wrestler-kenny-omega-greatest-match.html
  11. What a way to undermine your Press Secretary on Day One. He's now something akin to that Iraqi information minister who kept releasing statements saying how well the war was going for Iraq...
  12. Will be interesting to see petan with Scheif and Ehlers.
  13. Amazing what Connor Sheary is doing in Pittsburgh. 24 years old. Undrafted. 5'8. Scored his 17th goal today. Helps to play with Crosby. But let's hope Petan can be a small player who scores big in the same way
  14. I always sort of hold out hope that Trump's ego will be better served in trying to be a good President for all. But then he just gets hung up on the silliest things and embarrassss himself. Sending his Press Secretary out to lie and attack media. Then his designated fixer Kellyann has to try and spin it. Which she's very very good at. But she basically admits that media reports that are negative to trump even when they are accurate will be met with lies from the other side to try and control the message. Embarrassing. When will Trump set up his own media? In 7 years maybe the capital mysteriously burns down and he remains in power. Nah
  15. It really is. What's crazy is I think he tried to get away with the murders. He told the office his wife was sick and he missed his flight to a Saturday house show but would make the Sunday PPV. The office told him not to bother and stay with his wife. I think his plan was to show up at work as if nothing happened and then have an "alibi" when they were found.
  16. That's true. It's odd that their email last inviting fans to celebrate Snuka was after raw. But wwe has never been known as a company that did what fans wanted lol keep in mind this is a company that continues their Benoit memorial live raw even when it was strongly suspected he killed his wife and son.
  17. Whats the consensus on this kid? Is he going to be a player? When?
  18. If people don't care that's cool. I'm not lobbying for people who don't care to suddenly care. I'm not asking non fans to be angry. I'm not angry. I'm merely making the point that WWE is doing something rather surprising for a public company. I'd suggest anyone taking the "we don't know what happened anyway" position to read the grand jury evidence. Snuka was a woman beater. Who admitted striking Nancy leading to her death. At best he admitted to manslaughter. He changed his story numerous times to cover that fact.
  19. They're a public company. So they are obligated to their shareholders. They're an entertainment company that relies on viewers so they are obligated to this viewers. I've never said WWE as an entity and the Mcmahons don't have the right to do and say whatever they want. But it's still tone deaf. The fact wrestling flies under the radar of the mainstream doesn't make it right. They are embracing and celebrating a wife beater and murderer. It's not a good look.
  20. It's actually striking and almost shocking how much Hutch has regressed under Flaherty.
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