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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. The problem is their record and effort and team d and goaltending are all far too similar as when Noel was fired. We all agree there is more talent here. Why they aren't better is the issue.
  2. I remember hearing he was good when he was drafted but forgot about him until Lawless' comment today. Obviously no one can say for sure of an 18 year old playing junior. But another good prospect goalie for the Jets. Good teams don't need the best goalie in the league. Just league average or better. We will be okay. Helle will still be the guy.
  3. Laine needs to have a full contact practice and pass tests after that. Maybe Monday but more likely next game. Team felt lifted but probably it's a combo of the players meeting, Pavs coming back and a sense of avoiding rock bottom. Still issues obviously. Need consistent effort. Id start Pavs next game just because they won two, why mess with it. Lawless says no matter how good Pavs is, jets will not offer him a deal. And the 18 year old goalie in the system could be the best of them all. Interesting.
  4. That's the problem though. If Pavs plays the rest of the season really well do the Jets offer him a deal? Would he even want one?
  5. To be fair this is what Pavs does. He has stretches where he looks like the best in the league. In 1.5 games this hear he's bad one below average game and is having a really good game today. So I'm being a bit facetious. But it seems Helle and Hutch looked better in the A, Comrie has mostly looked like he's going to be good and Pavs got better the longer he was there. So I'd give serious thought to looking at the Moose coach.
  6. Come to think of it, Pavs playing better and Helle and Hutch struggling might be the biggest indictment of Flaherty. Fire him and promote the Moose goalie coach.
  7. If Pavs is better now than before what could the difference be? What has changed? Oh yeah different goalie coach....
  8. Sorry guys. But he did do it. You know who knows? He does. And he told several people he hit her. I read the grand jury evidence today. He killed her. He was a violent abusive man, not just to her but also to his precious wife and others. He was a legend in wrestling and very nearly was giving the world championship right before hogan. But he got away with killing someone. Some compare it to OJ. In some ways that's warranted. They both got away with murder. I guess on the scale of murder what OJ did was worse because the obvious intent was to kill two people whereas with Jimmy he was just a wife beater and it finally killed the girl. But OJ actually was acquitted. Jimmy was on charges two weeks ago and would be on trial right now if his condition hadn't suddenly deteriorated. Both were found responsible in civil court and both tried to avoid paying. Snuka claimed to be destitute even with several good earning years ahead of him. If you read the evidence it really erases any doubt. And Jimmy himself insinuated Vince paid someone off to make it go away.
  9. Still tone deaf. OJ has fans. Benoit has fans. The company is supposed to be better than that. And I was actually surprised by the live reaction to the video they played on raw. That was a crowd that more than anyone would be most likely to cheer. And they weee a mixture of jeers and silence with only a bit of applause.
  10. HAHAHA did I? Do you have a spreadsheet of posters on this board cross referenced with their comments on every topic you are usually wrong about? lol Im generally a pretty even keel poster so if I was non-committal, then that seems about right. Im quite certain I suggested, more than once, the best solution was Helle/Pavs. But feel free to scour all my comments on the matter and let me know. ;-)
  11. Hey Flaherty, this is three goalies now that got worse under your guidance. Wade: "Yeah, these goalies just dont listen. get me a goalie who listens." Sorry, in sports, coaches get fired. Time for Wade to go. If he cant make Helle better, find someone who can. THere is evidence around the league of goalies who got better under different coaches. Im sure those coaches werent crazy mad scientists who noticed things no one else did. Every player has the book out on them. Wade cant seem to make his goalies better. Time to go. Even if thats not fair, we've tried three different goalies and only one goalie coach. Lets try a new coach.
  12. Hindsight is 20/20. Price got to struggle in the NHL. The problem with leaving Helle in the A is two-fold. First, Comry was coming up behind and needed playing time too. And secondly, it would mean they needed another goalie because Im not sure Jetsnation would have survived going into the season with Pavs as starter again. So in a way they were caught in a bit of a crunch because they'd have to try and find a veteran goalie who was willing to play on a short-term dealer. PLUS, they'd have to unload Pavs because they werent going to pay two veteran goalies several million dollars OR have Hutch sitting around. I dont disagree with their decision to go with Helle. They expected he'd have growing pains and they expected Hutch to be a better back up. Someone around here (oh yeah, me) said it should be Helle/Pavs to start the season. That would have likely had us flirting with the playoffs because Pavs always plays better when he's under competition and he'd surely be better than Hutch. Would have allowed Helle more rest. Again though, hindsight is 20/20.
  13. In a move that continues to defy belief, WWE has fully embraced Jimmy Snuka. Graphic. Memorial video. And now they've uploaded a Snuka collection to their Network and emailed their entire mailing list to invite fans to "celebrate the life" of Snuka. This might be the best example of TONE DEAF I've ever seen from them, and that says a lot. WWE literally doesnt give a **** what people think about anything. They just do what they do. I almost respect their balls.
  14. yeah, if this was youth struggling at times, I think we'd be fine. its the same story as three years ago. So its not growing pains. Unless you mean growing pains for a franchise looking for coaching and management.
  15. If Maurice had two years left, I'd say theyd likely remain status quo but because he only has one year left they have to actively endorse Maurice by giving him an extension or replacing him. So its not a matter of "well, lets see what happens". The Jets HAVE to make an active decision on their Head Coach. I like Maurice. If they dont at least fire Huddy and Flaherty though, I'll start denouncing Chevy.
  16. You thought I meant a literal mob of fans would storm Chevy's office and demand the decapitated head of Maurice? Literally?
  17. My boy? You seem to like making silly remarks for no reason. Not only is the connections and sources of Lawless not in doubt, my remarks were clearly sarcastic in nature and had nothing to do with whether Maurice WOULD be fired, only what people would want. Wise up.
  18. Perception is everything. Jets win 6-3 and Pavs is "near-perfect" and Chevy's master plan of "going on a run" is within their grasp. If they lost that game 3-2, Pavs would be assigned to my street hockey team and an angry mob would be assembling outside Chevy's office demanding the head of Maurice.
  19. I believe climate change is real. The climate isnt stagnate on this planet. It changes all the time. Always has, always will. Now...the issue is how much does the activity of humanity influence that change and to what degree can WE do to mitigate that if places like China dont? No matter what humans do, the climate on earth will change. It will warm. It will cool. The North & South poles will melt. The earth will freeze over. Unless we can grow powerful enough to control the sun and influence our weather over a geographical age. We should embrace a sense of being kind to our planet. We should develop less harmful technologies and fuel. Not just for the climate or planet but so as not to be reliant on one energy or to allow one industry to gain infinite power and influence. I remember a time when no one even knew what recycling meant. Ofcourse that was back when we were being tough in schools that an ice age was coming upon us. Times change. Bankrupting a nation for the climate racket is silly. Reasonable kindness to the planet is a great idea. Spend money on enriching your people, feeding the hungry etc.
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