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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Maxime Bernier will be the next Prime Minister of Canada.
  2. I really admire the people that are able to draw the line between the man and the position. What I mean is, Obama and his wife have routinely been critical of Trump but have seemed incredibly gracious and professional during the transition and today, doing their duty. Same with the Clintons. Same with the Bush's. I read a story about HW Bush, who had that awful defeat to Bill, left him a very gracious note on the Oval Office desk and if I recall, W. did for Obama as well.
  3. Laine skating at practice in a non-contact Jersey. We can speculate that his recovery is going as expected as he seems to be moving onto the next step day by day.
  4. Yikes. I'd be fine with him taking the rest of the season off and going home, under those circumstances.
  5. I would think there has to be a swearing in or else a person isnt President. Seems to be the way they work it. For example when JFK was shot and they did the hastily assembled swearing in. Perhaps the 25th Amendment would come into play and it would pass to Pence if he was already sworn in. I remember the nuts talking about Bush's plan to declare some sort of martial law and suspend elections. So maybe Obama, under extreme cases, could simply suspend the transition and remain President.
  6. What if he orders a Nuke strike via twitter by tweeting the codes with hashtag nukeIran? So Ive always wondered, what if there was a 9/11 type attack on Inauguration day? Would they just immediately swear in the new President? Would they postpone it and leave the former President in charge? And since the VP is sworn in first could there be an extension where Obama was President and Pence was VP? What if the attack happened yesterday? Could Obama just cancel the transition?
  7. Yeah that was stiff. I always got the impression from the limited interaction shown that they were friendly and just played up their roles on TV.
  8. And WWE posted a video to their front page of their website asking "Which WWE Superstar Wants Kenny Omega in the Royal Rumble?" and it was a video asking guys who they'd want as a surprise. Miz said Ryan Gosling. Seth said Omega. It has since been removed... lol
  9. Here's a summation (from someone else) of his interview on the Taz Podcast today: Kenny Omega appeared on The Taz Show with former WWE and ECW star Taz this morning on CBS Radio for an interview discussing his recent main event at the New Japan Wrestle Kingdom show, his future, his time in WWE developmental in the past and more. During the interview, when asked what he might be able to discuss about his future, Omega stated that he wasn't being "suspiciously silent" or trying to make people think one thing to "work" them. He said that a year ago,when AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson were all signed by WWE, it opened the eyes of New Japan that they needed to break away from the standard one year deals. He said talents were signed to unique deals and he was one of them. Omega said that he wouldn't be on the upcoming New Japan Fantasticamania tour, but wouldn't be on the tour anyway. He said that he effectively has time off to reflect and is using that to decide what is the best for him going forward. Omega, 33, has becomes one of the most talked about performers in wrestling since the Tokyo Dome event on 1/4. WWE's John Cena posting photos alluding to the idea of Omega potentially coming to WWE, similar to one Cena posted a year ago about AJ Styles, has only ramped up that speculation. In terms of what would direct his decision-making, Omega said that he's not looking for monetary goals but is looking to change "the business as much as I can in my own way and do something with impact." He said he's come so far in Japan that he almost feels as if he's had a "complete career" there and is now mulling over what the next potential move for him could be. He said that by almost winning the IWGP title and not getting there, he would hate to feel like he's walked away from there without that. Omega said that he wasn't sending out feelers but was open to receiving them, commenting that after the Dome and the buzz that he's gotten, it appears that WWE is more "receiving" of seeing Omega in a way that would allow him to "contribute" to that company. He said that he doesn't want to just take a payday for money but wants to contribute in a way that makes current fans happy and bring former fans back to the business. He admitted that seeing how former NJPW talents have been used there has opened his eyes to the potential. Omega noted "no negotiations have ended" and it's not a case of one company outbidding another in the end. "It's not a money situation." Omega's current deal with New Japan expires on 1/31.
  10. That's the big speculation as to whether his contract expired this Jan or next. And I did speak to him about that last year at this time when Styles &Nak jumped and Im sure he told me he had a two year deal at that time or a company option on a second year. But a mutual friend says he thought Kenny said he had a one year deal. And Kenny joked that all the wrestling media types were trying to find out. The way he portrayed it to me this month was he had a choice. So Im not sure if that means his contract expires on Jan 31st or if there is an option built in to roll it over or expire it. Most people say its up to WWE how bad they want him (ie. how much are they willing to pay/promise) but I'd say its more up to New Japan how much they want to keep him.
  11. I dont think Pavs was better than either Helle or Hutch's best game over the last month. And since it was one game you have to compare apples and apples - Pavs best game (last night) vs Helle & Hutch's best games which were far better than Pavs. Last night Pavs sv% was lower than Helle's and yet he's hailed as a hero. He made some good saves in the 2nd period. He let in two soft goals. He made one "incredible" save when his paddle happened to be where the Coyotes shot the puck and was required because Pavs was out of the net. Look, I always liked Pavs and defended far beyond many people. I love a comeback story. I disagree with this decision to bring him up because I think it's like using water buckets on the Titanic. And either he's not the answer and the Jets are really screwed or he is and they are also screwed. That ridiculous headline "Pavs Near-Perfect" is utterly embarrassing and being roasted by everyone, including other media. Its amazing the parallels between now and when Noel was fired. Noel was fired on almost the exact same date and exact same games played with the exact same record (+- 1). Then, Jets lost 5 in a row. Now, lost 4 in a row until last night. Maurice was ripe for the pickings if they had lost last night and you have to wonder if Chevy is doing the same due diligence now as he did then (ie. exploring options for a replacement).
  12. Anyone else interested in The Founder, opening this weekend. Story of McDonalds. Looks really good.
  13. When I spoke to him about two weeks ago, I'd say 60-40 against. Word on the street is its more like 90-10 against. I think it will depend on whether New Japan is smart...or dumb. lol
  14. James Frain has been cast as "Sarek" and the premiere has been pushed back once again with no date set now. This is the second push back....
  15. Pavs wasn't good. Well he is Pavs. Let's in ones he should have and saves ones he shouldn't. Jets still didn't look that good for large parts of this game.
  16. If Pavs was positionally sound he would be a great goalie because he has tremendous reflexes and is very athletic. That "great" save was because he was way out of the net. but he never gives up.
  17. Im Watching on delay. Less then theee minutes in and all I can say is hahahhaha i hope it gets better. My laughter might turn to tears.
  18. That sounds written in stone. Show is in his best shape since WCW days.
  19. From TSN story analyzing what every team needs WINNIPEG Top priority: Expansion draft protection Scoop: The Jets will be well positioned on forward and defence once returns. What GM Kevin Cheveldayoff could do is find a new home for and get a return (however small) now for a player they’d likely lose in June’s expansion draft for nothing. That would likely steer Las Vegas into selecting either or , and take Perreault’s new four-year deal off the table before it even begins.
  20. It was supposed to be Cena vs Undertaker. I think Undertaker staying another year and them doing WM in New Orleans next year (where the streak was broken) might have led Vince to hold off on the "dream match" for a year and maybe spend more time over the year building to it. There were rumours of Taker vs Styles at WM too.
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