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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Tanev started with the Jets after signing a pro contract near the end of a dismal season. Stemp did produce more than Ehlers last year but not by much. Not nearly enough to justify letting Ehlers go to Europe rather then be developed in-house.
  2. Copp was maybe a handshake deal to get him to turn pro. He was back on the Moose this year. Petan had his "try out" and was sent down. On the Moose this year until injury call up. Ehlers was too good to let go to Europe. Tanev played for the Moose. Thats why you have an AHL team, to develop young players who either earn a call up or get called up due to injury. There were also times Cormier was called up. And now Pavs. I dont think Maurice is embracing a youth movement as much as the overall strategy of the franchise is to draft and develop and Maurice is operating within that plan.
  3. Armia and Copp both started with the Moose. Only a bad coach would not be playing Ehlers. I dont think its a mark of genius to play your best players just because their young. He's still been committed to Stafford a bit too long (though I understand why). I dont subscribe to the idea he's too loyal to veterans. I think he punishes youth for their mistakes more but that is probably a coaching philosophy. Veteran players know when they screw up and what they have to do to be better so consequenceing them, especially in-game, is punitive. Younger players need more discipline.
  4. Yeah Im not sure its rocket science. What coach wouldnt play Laine, Ehlers, Morrissey? Connor, Petan, Roslovic are on the Moose. I dont see him playing any youth sooner than anyone else would.
  5. Rumor has it that Vince changed his mind recently and scrapped the WrestleMania plans he had for months. Supposedly they have better ideas now... at least its unpredictable.
  6. Flair was inducted the same year he had his retirement match at WM. I could see a similar angle for Angle. He's only 48. Goldberg is 50 and WWE is content to use him. If Angle can pass a physical, and he's been taking it easy the last year, I see no reason not to use him. He's been gone so long that there are tons of fresh matches and he's a huge star. Id love to see him win the Rumble as a surprise and challenge Styles for the World Championship in a "one last shot" story. If its me, he wins. But you never know with WWE. Styles vs Angle would be tremendous.
  7. So I would suspect that if he ever makes the year three raise it will be because he's earned it. If he's not the guy after two years, Bombers wont pay him the big raise. Its a pretty Winnipeg signing in that its a QB that is efficient but not spectacular. And low and behold, he's the best QB we've had since...Glenn? Maybe Khari?
  8. They fired Noel. They traded Ladd. Loyalty to Huddy and Flaherty? Especially when they changed the HC but kept the former assistants? Makes no sense to me. If Maurice gets an extension, they should fire his assistants. Unless he wants to keep them. In which case fire him for being nuts.
  9. I wouldnt go that far. I think he's good at telling the story that is accurate. He has sources. His sources told him coaching wasnt going to be changed but goaltending would..so thats the narrative he pushed against the grain of everyone else screaming for the coaches head. I dont think he cares if they fire the coach or not...but Gary doesnt waste time on stories for the fans when he can write stories that are true.
  10. I dont even know what the defence can be for keeping them. The team D has been dreadful for six years. Goaltending has been below average for six years. Huddy and Flaherty have both been here for six years. Get rid of them.
  11. Yeah good Rumble finally without an obvious winner. Ill go off the board and predict Angle! My on the board pick is Goldberg.
  12. Laine skated today so getting closer. Maurice gave no time line. But if I understand correctly this is part of the concussion protocol - every benchmark requires a symptom assessment. So he will skate and if he feels good he will practice, if he feels good he's probably good to go. Couple more games maybe.
  13. I agree. Isnt Chevy's deal up after next year? So he needs a new contract too. That will be interesting as to whether he gets another 5 years or something shorter. Playoffs is where owners get rich. its found money. If Jets made the playoffs consistently into the second round, it would be a massive windfall of cash for True North.
  14. I dont think anyone can say Helle isnt the answer. We dont have enough information to make that decision. Especially with how poorly the team plays in front of him. His last two pulls tanked his SV% or it would have been league average or higher...on a bad team that plays bad team D. Helle can still be the answer. Its not like the old days where you needed a spectacular goalie to win the Cup. You can ride a spectacular goalie but great teams can win with "good" goaltending. If not for the expansion draft, Hutch would likely be waived. I think they have given up on him and if they could, they'd either bring in a veteran now or at the very least a veteran on a 2 year deal in the summer to back up Helle. Pavs is gone (unless he suddenly plays above his career average and is willing to accept a short term contract in the summer). So I dont disagree. I hoped Hutch could hold up his end of the deal too but I was one of the few people saying the right plan was Helle/Pavs, not Helle/Hutch. I think we will see a veteran brought in this summer. Fleury would be a great addition but Im quite certain he wouldn't come here. But Toby to Pens for Fleury (if both waived their no-trades) and Fleury/Helle for a couple of years probably greatly improves us (but then we risk losing one to Vegas).
  15. I think a lot of fans and media (especially outside of Winnipeg) got caught up in the idea that Jets fans would have to be happy with a cheap, under performing team. Chipman even said early that they would not be a cap team but he was willing to spend more if the team was a legit contender. But I think the team has been a greater success than they believed originally and is profitable. As long as the team generates a profit every year, then player costs dont matter. They have room to spend more. The stupidest **** I see on social media is people saying the Jets 1.0 left because they sucked and lost fan support and that is a risk here. Its not a risk now. A guy doesnt spend hundred of millions on multiple developments around his NHL team as an anchor without being committed for the long haul. And long haul isnt 20 years. It's multiple generations. A time will come when lack of success impacts attendance (or enthusiasm of fans) and Chipman will know and want an improvement. I dont believe for a second that Chevy is constrained by budget. I think the Jets are very budget conscious in a macro way. Chipman explained last year that they have salary forecasts for years for each player. So they know what they want to spend years and years from now. Other teams gamble. Other teams think in the moment. The Jets think long term. And that can be frustrating to fans who want immediate consequences or immediate reinforcements. But ultimately its probably the right plan. Once the Jets actually become a playoff team consistently, they should be easier to maintain that status for a longer period than teams that try to win now every year.
  16. I must be missing those games where he lets in 20 goals. Every goalie has strengths and weaknesses so I dont disagree with you. But writing off Helle now is foolish and depressing because it means we have literally nothing in goal and all hopes hang on Comrie who is struggling in the A right now.
  17. Lawless doing yeomans work to deflect from the coaches. You know someone at the top wants the fans narrative changed.
  18. Jets are basically right where they were when Noel was fired.
  19. $5m is one good player. That's Ehlers, Laine's next contract. Thats a solid D man coming in. That's Trouba getting paid on a long term deal. Not like the Jets are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
  20. This part I disagree with. And is actually a myth when you look at some of the contracts given out. It might be a budget conscious team but its not a budget team per se.
  21. Yup. And Morrossey is on rookie deal and trouba is a bargain. Keep in mind though that Myers is paid less than his cap hit. He's the key to cash flexibility. Toby has one year left. If they don't trade him I see them signing a three year extension. But again he'd look great in Pitts. I believe Pens have some expiring contracts for next season so it might work.
  22. Pens have Letang out for an extended period. Their D is weak. They'd love Toby.
  23. It was a five game losing streak. But he was fired on a Sunday and Chevy admitted he called Maurice on the previous Tuesday. Does this sound familiar? "It's not just the last two games, it is the consistency factor," Cheveldayoff said, adding the team kept taking a step forward and then two steps back to stay around .500. The club is 19-23-5 and 10 points back of the final playoff spot in the Western Conference. by the way the jets are currently 20-23-4 compared to 19-23-5 when Noel was canned
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